Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 122 Leader

Eastern Europe, Sokovia, Hydra Research Base.

This is a hidden valley. Even if a reconnaissance plane flies over, it cannot find the Hydra Corps stationed in it.

Hidden in the outer woods are many security checkpoints and fortifications set up by Hydra. Along the road, castle-like buildings are built around the top of the mountain.

In the tallest building, Quicksilver looked up at the person on the high platform with his back turned to him... Baron Strucker, now the supreme leader within Hydra.

The indoor layout is a bit strange. The walls are covered with silver-gray humanoid battle armors. It looks like they are imitation war weapons produced by Iron Man, but I don’t know if they can be put into use...

As soon as he saw these mechas, Quicksilver couldn't help but think of the name "Stark" in his mind. That was the beginning of a tragic memory for him...

"Is there still no news about Wanda?" After a while, Kuaiyin finally couldn't help but said.

"Since that day she and the devil disappeared in New York, there has been no news. Yesterday, your sister and the devil appeared together in a small town outside New York." Baron Strucker waved his hand and a video was played on the screen beside him. .

"This is a surveillance video from the scene. She was very close to the devil. The two were shopping arm in arm. I have seen the bill. They bought daily necessities, like a newly married couple..." Baron Strucker turned around. Lai smiled at Kuaiyin, "They also taught the criminals who robbed the department store a lesson together. It seems that your sister has changed sides."

"No, this can't be true!" Quicksilver looked at the surveillance video with disbelief on his face, "Wanda must be controlled by the devil!"

"Controlling other people's thoughts is her unique ability. Who else can control her?" Baron Strucker laughed, "And I only saw happiness on her face. I have never seen that kind of smile on her face." I've seen it on her face. I believe that even as her brother, you haven't seen this kind of smile that feels happy from the bottom of your heart for a long time, right?"

"You traveled all over New York to find her, but your sister fell in love with the devil..."

"Shut up!" Quicksilver yelled at Baron Strucker, which was a heavy blow to him. "This can't be true! They only knew each other for a few days, and it was the devil who kidnapped her... "

Baron Strucker just smiled faintly. After a moment, Quicksilver turned around to leave, but was stopped by Baron Strucker.

"Our undercover agent in SHIELD sent information that SHIELD's secret base for studying the Cosmic Cube was destroyed last night. Now SHIELD has lost the Cosmic Cube, and the Cosmic Cube has fallen into the hands of the devil... I have a feeling that a war is about to happen."

"What does that have to do with me?" Quicksilver turned around and said.

"Aren't you going to New York too? I'm just reminding you..."

"You want me to snatch the Cosmic Cube from the devil? This is impossible. In the area of ​​speed where I am best at, the devil has surpassed me. I have no power to fight back in front of him." Kuaiyin interrupted, Although he hates demons, he will not deny their power.

"No, the devil has never been Hydra's enemy!" Baron Strucker said seriously, "If it weren't for the stupid Pierce who ordered the helicarrier to attack the devil, the 'Insight Project' would have been successful, and now Hydra would have conquered The whole world!”

"But he turned around and destroyed your plan, and Pierce died in his hands..."

"The devil is not a good partner, but a powerful partner! Besides, he now owns the Cosmic Cube." Baron Strucker raised his mechanical right claw, "Hydra rarely cooperates with others. I never suffer a loss...I am telling you this just to tell you not to provoke the devil, as all your efforts will be in vain, and Hydra will not help you in this matter."

Quicksilver stared at Baron Strucker, "Wanda is still in his hands... She is my sister. How many things have we done for you over the years? How many dangerous missions have we carried out? Now Wanda is in crisis, you have to Abandoned her?"

"That is to realize your value. Hydra has never lacked heroic agents!" Baron Strucker looked down at Quicksilver, his eyes full of indifference, "And now she is very safe and in love with the devil. If a scarlet The witch can buy the devil's help, and no one will refuse this good deal."

"Buy or sell? Are all the people in Hydra a commodity that you can throw away?" Quicksilver said angrily.

"Of course!" Baron Strucker raised his head high, "if that can fulfill my plan."

Because Quicksilver's chest was rising and falling violently while taking a deep breath, he knew that whatever he said was in vain, and he immediately turned around and left.

"I've warned you...Pietro!" Baron Strucker shouted at his back.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is located in a secret base in eastern New York.

"So are you ready to join the Anti-Demon Alliance now?" Falcon said excitedly, "Mr. Stark, the science and technology you master will become the main force in destroying demons!"

"Retired soldier, your learning ability is very good. You have learned to deceive people after following Captain America for a few months." Tony said sarcastically as he continued to operate in front of the screen.

This is the office specially prepared for Tony by SHIELD. It is filled with various instruments and supercomputers, and holographic screens are hung all over the walls, which is enough to help Tony complete his daily work and research.

"So what's the answer?" Falcon asked.

"Underground, I opened fire on the devil. I used all weapons except missiles. I remember you were at the scene." Tony raised his hands and made a gesture of firing palm cannons at the Falcon. "Honestly, if It’s not like there’s no choice. Who would be willing to join this utterly stupid organization of yours? Except for you lunatics…”

"Great, Mr. Stark! From now on, we will be teammates fighting against the demons together. The captain will definitely be very happy to know this news!" Falcon said excitedly: "So, can you help me upgrade my jetpack? I I always feel that the rebuilt Steel Wings don’t fit very well..."

Tony turned around speechlessly and tapped on the virtual keyboard with his head down, "Jarvis, have the shoulder bullets been replaced with tranquilizer bullets?"

"The replacement has been completed, sir!"

"Okay, remind me to shoot Legolas in the butt next time I see him!" Tony said with resentment.

Suddenly, the office door was pushed open, and Hill and Captain America stood outside.

"Sir and girls, could you knock on the door first next time?" Tony said dissatisfied, "Companies that don't pay attention to employee privacy will cause all kinds of conflicts."

"Sorry Mr. Stark, I will pay attention next time." Hill folded his hands and said, "Can you put down the work in your hands temporarily? A new friend will come to you later, and we will greet him together? By the way, there will be a full members meeting.”

"No problem, Ms. Commander." Tony took off his glasses and put them on the table. "I just have a new friend coming."

"Sam!" Captain America called to Falcon to follow him.

The four of them walked in the passage and headed all the way to the elevator. For confidentiality and safety reasons, this secret base was built a hundred meters underground.

"Are you used to staying here? Mr. Stark." Hill asked casually.

"It's not bad. The network is very good. I can also repair my armor. The lounge and activity room are very spacious, but it's a bit stuffy."

"That's good. You'll be staying here for a long time. I hope you can adapt."

"No, it won't be long. You may never find the Cube, but I will never stay in this basement forever." Tony refused.

"Both your residence and Stark Tower are very dangerous, and the devil will come to your door at any time." Captain America interjected.

"Then let him come!" Tony's attitude was very firm. "I can't move everything I care about underground. Devils can always threaten me, and this may not be an absolutely safe place..."

"That's your freedom, Mr. Stark. Even if you go out, you can contact us for help at any time." Hill said.

"Thank you!" Tony said, shaking his head.

Falcon saw the opportunity and interjected: "Captain, Commander Hill, what conclusion did you and the big shots come to in the secret meeting just now? Do we still have reinforcements?"

The US team turned its attention to Hill, and Hill said: "The meeting just now has nothing to do with the war caused by the Cube..."

"Then what were you talking about?" Tony also had a ghostly look on his face, "The devil may use the Cosmic Cube to destroy the earth. Is there anything more important than this now?"

"Have you heard about what happened at Osborne Towers on Christmas Eve?"

"You mean the 'Holy Light' incident?" Tony looked at Captain America.

"'Holy Light'?" Captain America was a little confused.

"There are many such titles, such as God's gift and so on... they all say the same thing." Hill nodded and said.

"Well, it's the 'Holy Light' incident. The Holy Light saved many people on Christmas Eve. Those politicians all regretted why they didn't put their residences on the south side of 54th Street, within one kilometer of the Osborne Building. "

"So they can also bathe in the 'Holy Light'? This will eliminate all illnesses." The smart Tony understood everything instantly.

"Dignitaries from various countries have unanimously asked us to find the boy who stood next to Spider-Woman that night." Hill said helplessly.

"Don't tell me SHIELD doesn't know who that boy is!" Tony said sharply.

"Of course we know." Hill handed the work tablet in his hand to Tony, "But we also know that his ability can save many people, and it may also indirectly cause conflicts or even wars, causing more people to die..."

"No, just take it." Tony refused.

Falcon on the side felt a little strange, "I'll do it."

Tony's face changed slightly after taking a look at the photo...

"Mr. Stark?" Falcon glanced at the photo on the work tablet, "This photo is also quite handsome."

"Stark, do you know him?" Captain America and Hill both stopped and looked at Tony. They both caught Tony's abnormal reaction.

"To be precise, I don't know this handsome young man. I just saw his information when I was investigating Spider-Woman." Tony said calmly, "Ricardo M. Luo... I remember he is Spider-Woman's boyfriend. Friend, right? I didn't expect that he is also a superpower and can activate the amazing ability of 'holy light'."

"Yes, Spider-Woman's boyfriend's identity can be confirmed with a high probability. He is also very strong in combat, including magic attacks..." Captain America introduced in detail.

But now Tony is not listening to what Captain America says. His memory goes back and he suddenly thinks of a certain night...

The devil told Tony, who was poisoned by drinking chlorophyll suppressed palladium, that he could cure Tony... The scene flashed, and the devil also said that night that he had not reached the legal drinking age.

Tony didn't know what the necessary connection was between these things, but it could support his guess.

Tony's fingers slid across the work tablet and reached the last page, where Rorsha's superpower description and speculation were introduced:

Holy Light: Powerful recovery ability, able to heal people who are dying or suffering from diseases.

Telekinesis or some kind of magical energy: it can act on the target to attack, easily eliminated Captain America and Black Widow, and violently dismantled a Glock pistol...

"Maybe you can add a lot more to the 'ability' aspect," Tony said with a deep breath, "Maybe he can also shoot lasers or something..."

"What?" Captain America looked at Tony.

"Uh... I'm just talking casually. It's all based on speculation." Tony smiled.

The group of people walked all the way to the elevator. After the elevator started, it rose slowly. Feeling the overweight feeling of the elevator as it accelerated, Tony suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Captain, if you collect information about this boy, could it be..."

"You are really smart Mr. Stark!" Falcon interjected, "Captain has held a special meeting for this before. Everyone feels that the Anti-Devil Alliance needs Rorsha. Even the arrogant Thor supports the captain 100%. Proposal, but it seems that this is not a simple matter, people with stronger abilities seem to have character flaws... I'm sorry I didn't say you, Mr. Stark, I meant that Rorsha has no concept of justice."

Captain America nodded to confirm Falcon's statement, "Do you have any different opinions? Mr. Stark."

Tony shook his head, and he smiled for a moment, but it seemed that the smile was a little forced.

"Great!" Tony patted Captain America on the shoulder and said, "I believe everyone will agree with this approach? I am no exception. This will be the most correct thing you have done as the leader of the Anti-Demon Alliance! "

"Stark, I am not the leader. The Anti-Demon Alliance is absolutely democratic, and I think you will do a better job than me..."

"I have a character flaw. I've said it many times and everyone knows it." Tony was a little excited. "Then let the new members take on the responsibilities of the leader?"

"Spider-Woman?" Captain America seemed to be really considering this question. "She is very suitable. She is smart and resourceful, and has a sense of justice and responsibility. She has the basic qualities of a leader, but she still needs to learn how to manage a team or formulate a combat plan." What……"

"No, no, no, I'm talking about Luo, Luo Xia!" Tony interrupted Captain America, "I will definitely vote for him!"

The elevator door opened and Tony walked out. He turned back and said, "By the way, can I still withdraw from the Anti-Demon Alliance now?"

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