Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 124 Central Park

On the top floor of a building in downtown New York.

Blue light flashed in the empty room, and Luo Xia and Wanda, holding the Cosmic Cube together, appeared on the sofa in the center.

Wanda squinted her eyes slightly against the warm sunshine. She raised a hand to block the sunlight before looking around the entire space.

The walls and top floor are made of glass, allowing direct sunlight to shine through and the light blue sky to be seen.

The space uses a stepped layout with zoning to divide functions. A huge floor-to-ceiling window in the front overlooks Central Park, a curved corridor and steps to the back, and finally a huge wall with doors on both sides.

"The base of the Demon Group, isn't it bad? Behind it is their accommodation area. You can come here often if you like, but remember to go home every night." Luo Xia stood up and took a few steps.

A semicircular platform extends forward from the central area where they are located, with a circle of curved sofas.

Luo Xia purchased this base in the system mall for 300,000 villain points. The premium was entirely due to the commercial value of being located in a prosperous area. In addition, it did not have the same "undiscoverable from the outside" properties as the manor where Wanda lived. Rule power.

"This is downtown New York, right?"

Wanda also stood up and came to Luo Xia's side. She supported the railing of the semicircular platform and looked through the floor-to-ceiling windows below, landing on the Bethesda Fountain in Central Park.

"Of course," Luo Xia knew what Wanda meant. He pointed to the front left, "That's Fifth Avenue over there, between West 33rd Street and West 34th Street. Behind that building is Stark Tower."

"Stark..." Wanda repeated the name, and after a moment she said: "Is it unsafe here?"

"I am here, they are the ones who feel unsafe." Luo Xia said calmly.

Luo Xia has never been afraid that his demon group's base will be exposed. Only vampires are afraid of the sun and walk in shadows and darkness. Demons are unscrupulous, even if some forces or individuals may have the courage to launch attacks and raids... Anyway, he doesn't Would stay here again.

But Rorschach will make those people regret it afterwards. There will be too many scenes of killing chickens to scare monkeys, and everyone will slowly adapt to the existence of a demonic base in the center of New York, whether it is the government, the people, or the superheroes...

"A little crazy, but very stylish..." Wanda exclaimed.

"You think so?" Luo Xia smiled, "I am a crazy person."

"I will protect this place..." Wanda said suddenly.

"No, you don't need to protect anything here. If the base is gone, I can re-establish it. This is easy for me." Luo Xia was slightly startled and said, "You only need to protect yourself."

Wanda raised her head and looked at Luo Xia, her eyes seemed to be shining with affection.

"We have guests coming," Luo Xia said.

The door on the left side of the rear was opened, and the two original members of the demon group, Snake Girl and Fallen Angel, appeared. Snake Girl danced her snake tail down the steps, and Fallen Angel spread her wings and jumped to the central platform.

"Boss!" The two members of the demon group bowed slightly.

After the base was established, Rorsha conveyed this message through her spiritual connection with them.

"I remember there was a green rhinoceros." Wanda looked at the two people and said.

"He doesn't live here. He thrives in the gangland area of ​​Brooklyn." Snake said.

Luo Xia took a deep look at Wanda and said, "I'm not interested in keeping a rhinoceros next to me. I feel like he can break a lot of things at any time."

"Boss, who is this?" Snake Girl gestured to Wanda and said.

Both she and the fallen angel recognized Wanda as the person who was taken away by the devil in the underground base that day. Before that, she and the devil experienced a big battle.

But now the devil and Wanda look happy, even like a couple in love... They can't understand what's going on now.

"Scarlet Witch." Luo Xia said calmly, "When I'm not here, she will be your boss..."

The fallen angel behind him bowed slightly to show respect, but the snake girl didn't take it seriously.

"The seventh optimization of the algorithm is completed!" Tony quickly operated on the panel.

"Just now, the spectrum analyzer in Manhattan, New York, detected dense gamma rays. There is a high probability that someone used the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to get there." Dr. Banner observed carefully, "It's probably you who snatched away the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. The demon of power, what is the demon doing in Manhattan with the Cosmic Cube? Is there anything there that attracts him?"

"Well... I don't think the devil has any purpose in going to Manhattan. He originally lived in New York. The whole of New York is like his back garden. He comes and goes freely." Tony said, "Maybe the devil is committing some crime? The devil doesn't Because we are all looking for him, we will hide secretly..."

"Sounds bad..." Banner nodded.

Tony passed the new input into the model for calculation, and soon he said: "Dr. Banner, we can accurately locate the target area to Manhattan, New York City..."

"According to this progress, there will be an answer soon. I am looking forward to seeing the famous demon with my own eyes!" Banner said.

Captain America and Thor on the side could only keep quiet and watch the two technicians working non-stop. For example, Natasha and Sam can also do some simple tasks such as data analysis and processing.

But one of them has been out of touch with society for seventy years, and the other is an Asgardian. He is not even familiar with the use of electronic products, let alone operating these instruments with complex principles and high difficulty in operation.

The door of the office was opened silently, and Commander Hill walked in. She looked at the scene and said, "It seems that victory is in sight...or is it that the real war is about to begin?"

"My hands are itchy..." Thor said, looking at Thor's hammer placed on the table.

"The war is inevitable," Captain America frowned, "but is it too risky to be in New York City? The devil has a very powerful destructive power. Once a war breaks out, many people will die."

"Then is there any other way, Captain!" Tony in front of the screen said without looking back, "Who can take the devil out of the city and fight him again? Or even if we find the devil this time, because of this The reason is that we should let him hold the dangerous Cosmic Cube until one day in the future, we finally find the devil in the suburbs before we can start taking action?"

Captain America was silent, and Banner had already made a discovery.

"Through the latest wave of gamma ray dispersion analysis, I have pinpointed the range to the vicinity of Central Park!" Banner looked at everyone and said, "I think everyone can get ready."

The US team immediately looked at Hill and said: "Evacuate all the people in that area immediately and order the police to block the intersection."

"Are you sure this won't alert the snake?" Dr. Banner said doubtfully, "The devil will also receive the evacuation notice you issued. If he slips away, everything will be in vain... Of course, I don't mean that the safety of the people is not important. We must also take this into consideration.”

"No, the devil will not leave. He will stand there and wait for us with a smile." At this time, Tony said, "The devil never escapes."

Natasha echoed: "Indeed, this is the devil's style..."

"You all know what he looks like, like the ultimate boss in the movie. Now I am also looking forward to seeing the devil." Banner said, "But I obviously can't participate in the battle..."

Sorry, I'm a little confused. There were four thousand in the evening, and the total was six thousand...

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