Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 139 First meeting

Wanda used chaos magic to move a truck blocking the mall gate, and the civilians trapped in the mall were finally saved.

Several Chitauri soldiers flew in on the side street. Wanda controlled their aircraft and crashed into a nearby building. The pilot in front of the aircraft died in the impact, but the two soldiers in the rear crawled after falling to the ground. They stood up and pointed their guns at Wanda.

Just when Wanda was about to continue attacking, a pink figure flashed across her eyes. Spider-Gwen kicked two soldiers with her webbing, and she somersaulted to the ground.

"Psychic attack? Telekinesis? Magic?" Gwen walked towards Wanda, "This is so cool. My boyfriend also has similar abilities. Maybe you two can talk about it!"

Wanda looked at the person in the pink steel suit in front of her with some curiosity. Just now Wanda saw the spider pattern on her back clearly. Even though Wanda was not from New York, she also knew Spider-Woman, who was very famous in New York.

"Thank you." Wanda said and turned around and left.

Spider-Woman is very popular with women. It may be because there are not many female superheroes, or it may be because she has a good style and she is also very doting on her fans... A female fan once posted a picture of Spider-Woman helping her walk her dog, etc. Her experience of taking a photo with her iPad when she got home.

But for some reason, Wanda doesn't like Spider-Woman, probably because the Iron Spider suit she wears is clearly made by Stark.

"No need to thank you!" Gwen followed, "You just saved a lot of people. I saw it with my own eyes. At this time, we should help each other more."

"I just did some small things that I could do." Wanda said lightly.

"Then you are so powerful! Unlike me, I tend to mess up important things, and in the end I have to wait for my boyfriend to solve those troubles..."

"You are such a good boyfriend." Wanda said casually, "You are Spider-Woman. I have heard of you. No need to be so modest. And aren't you busy now? Many people may be waiting for you to save them."

"You're not busy. I just came from that street. The people have basically been evacuated. Now we just need to stop these aliens in this neighborhood and eliminate them all!" Gwen said excitedly, "Me too. I think he is very good. He is also saving people in this neighborhood, so we might meet him later... By the way, are you a superhero too?"

"No, I'm not a superhero." Wanda looked back at Gwen and said calmly, "I am the devil's girlfriend."

"Hahaha... you are a fan of the devil!" Gwen smiled, "I also met someone before who said she was the devil's wife."

Wanda paused, looking at Gwen and smiling for the first time. Gwen was stunned when she saw this smile...

Gwen suddenly remembered what she heard that night in the Anti-Demon Alliance conference room. There was an Eastern European girl in red next to the demon. She held the Cosmic Cube, and Captain America also mentioned that her abilities were similar to Rorshasa. Can act on objects...

"It can't be such a coincidence..." Gwen said silently in her heart.

"It's quite a coincidence." Wanda seemed to hear what Gwen said in her heart.

"It's okay, I just saw you save a lot of people!" Gwen smiled awkwardly, "It was normal to have different positions before, but now everyone is working together..."

"I gave the Cosmic Cube to Loki so that he could open the door to space." Wanda said with a smile.


Gwen's little head was shut down. She couldn't understand for a while why after Wanda opened the door to space to attract the Chitauri, she came to destroy these Chitauri soldiers to save the people... However, this repeated jump made people wonder. His opaque style is very similar to that of a devil.

Suddenly, a huge Leviathan beast passed over their heads after completing its task of dropping soldiers. They both turned around and landed countless Chitauri soldiers on the half-mile street behind them. Some were ejected onto the walls of buildings on both sides, and some fell straight onto the street.

A nearby Chitauri soldier brandished a long sword arm and rushed towards the two of them. Wanda casually waved her hand and shot out a crimson energy projectile, blasting him to pieces.

Wanda walked along the yellow line in the center of the road, more and more chaos magic was accumulating.

"I know!" Gwen said behind her, "You must have been controlled by the devil just now..."

"I have repeated it many times, I am extremely sober." Wanda said impatiently.

"That's not the key. It seems we should retreat first. There are many of them!" Gwen pulled Wanda's arm, but was bounced away by the sensitive and violent magic energy in Wanda's body.

"I'm only one person, but..."

As she spoke, three black circular marks appeared on Wanda's arm again. Gwen watched in surprise as various monsters emerged from those dark places. However, her spider sense did not alarm, indicating that these monsters were not hostile to her. .

The three kinds of ghost soldiers regrouped, and there was no limit on the rooftop area. Wanda also raised the number of summons to the maximum of three kinds of ghost soldiers, one hundred bayonet ghosts, one hundred night bat ghosts, one hundred The ghost hunter, plus three powerful ghost generals!

The three ghost battle groups were assembled in a moment. They silently swarmed towards the Chitauri soldiers. The Chitauri soldiers also trembled under the mighty power. Some were able to shoot, and some were defeated directly...

"Don't be afraid, they are not human." Wanda reminded "kindly".

"That's so cool!" Gwen exclaimed, "I want to have this ability too..."

"My boyfriend gave it to me." Wanda said quietly.

Before Gwen could speak, the violent chaos magic carried Wanda and flew out. Every time she took action, she could completely destroy the Chitauri soldiers. Gwen was stunned for a few seconds and then joined the battlefield...

The devil in the distance is chasing Thor, who has flown out of New York, and the two top combat forces are chasing each other across the Atlantic Ocean.

A huge electric arc enveloped Thor's body, strengthening his defense and flight speed. At first, he would occasionally turn around and fight back, but then he realized that his attacks had no effect on the demon and were just a waste of energy. Then he ran away with all his strength. Already...

The demon would occasionally shoot out energy pillar attacks, which would hit the sea surface and cause shocking waves after being avoided by Thor. Suddenly, the demon hit Thor again. Thor, who was flying at high speed, instantly lost his balance and fell.

The demon was about to attack again when suddenly a red light fell from the sky.

"Are you the demon that Fury mentioned?" The red light dissipated, and a woman asked curiously.

The visitor was very strange. She had long blond hair and was wearing a red and blue uniform. Her figure was somewhat curvy, but she had the face of an aunt.

The demon didn't say anything, and just fired another energy pillar attack.

The woman stretched out her hand to receive the energy attack. She only retreated slightly, but the rest was not affected.

"Very powerful!" the woman said, feeling the terrifying energy accumulated in her hands.

She stretched out her hand and instantly shot out a beam of light. The beam carried huge energy and exploded after impacting the demon's chest, knocking him back several kilometers.

At this time, Thor rushed out of the water and happened to see this scene. He was a little shocked and asked: "Who are you?"

Thor is well aware of how powerful the devil is. He is crushed by both speed and attack. The most important thing is that the devil's power is increasing rapidly. This time he has shown strong strength and body. strength.

But the woman in front of him could easily repel the demon, which made him unable to see the situation clearly.

"Carol Danvers, you can call me Captain Marvel," the woman said. "Where is Fury?"

"Fury is dead, killed by a demon." Thor said subconsciously.

Captain Marvel frowned slightly, but before she could continue to understand the situation, the demon flew over again at high speed, and she could only temporarily respond to the enemy.

Captain Marvel sped up instantly and she punched the demon.

The fists of the two collided together, and a powerful shock wave spread out in all directions. The sea surface instantly sunk downwards to form a hemisphere with a diameter of several kilometers. Thor, who bore the brunt, was also repelled, and blood burst out from his mouth and nose... …

The Devil and Captain Marvel were both knocked back after a fist fight. The Devil possessed the Bull Talisman Lv11, which allowed him to exert 150 million tons of super power in an instant.

Captain Marvel's power is no less powerful. She possesses cosmic-level power and can even move planets easily. It's just that Captain Marvel didn't use all his power considering the endurance of the earth.

The repulsed demon accelerated back again, and his eyes shot out lasers that could penetrate everything, but Captain Marvel felt the energy very deeply. She could sense that she could not absorb the laser, and then chose to dodge it.

Captain Marvel has super reflexes, and her speed can easily reach the speed of light, so she can naturally dodge the demon's laser attack at will.

Captain Marvel's hands continued to shoot energy rays to bombard the demon. She found that some of the energy had no effect on the demon, so she immediately changed her attack method, but even though her attack was extremely powerful and could hurt the demon, she could not kill it. The devil, and more importantly, the devil can heal that horrific injury in an instant.

The battle lasted for a few seconds, and Captain Marvel no longer dared to underestimate the devil. No wonder Fury would use the pager he left for him, but he was not able to deal with an enemy of this level.

Captain Marvel looked at the hundreds of meters of waves rolling up around her, which were caused by the aftermath of her battle with the demon. She knew that if she wanted to deal with the demon, she would have to burst out with greater power, but that power would also destroy the earth.

After thinking about everything, Captain Marvel made a decision. She decided to take the demon away from the earth first, and then let go of her hands and feet to attack and kill this dangerous man completely.

The demon was still attacking, and instantly Captain Marvel's body erupted with powerful energy, and her eyes glowed yellow.

Double star form!

Captain Marvel used a powerful energy magnetic field to imprison the demon. She flew upward with the demon, flying out of low-Earth orbit and the atmosphere in a short time, heading towards the depths of the universe.

The devil's eyes glowed red. If he shoots a laser that can penetrate everything, he can break through Captain Marvel's shackles, but the strange thing is that his bright eyes dimmed again...

On the other side of the ocean, in the distant New York City, Rosha was standing behind a hidden window of the building. He was observing Gwen and Wanda fighting the Chitauri on the street. Suddenly, he looked into the distance and slowly smiled... …

Recently, in order to be recommended, I have to rush to order together, so the updates in the next few days will be one chapter per day, and the number of words will remain the same, just two in one.

Update time will be from 10pm to 11pm.

Forgive me guys, there is really nothing I can do. Asking for subscriptions in the past few days has no effect, and the subscriptions are still a little bit far away. This is the only way. It is difficult to recommend from fans, otherwise none of the recommendations will be lost... Luo Di kneels down to thank you for your understanding.

If the order is not received in a few days, I will accept my fate...

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