Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 142 Mr. Luo

On the east side of Manhattan, New York, are the United Nations Headquarters Building and the World Security Council.

"This is the end of the press release about the New York War. Next is the reporter's question session, one by one!"

As the spokesman, Tony controlled the entire audience with a smile. In the past, Stark Industries often held various press conferences, and he was familiar with these processes.

"Mr. Stark, a new superhero appeared during the Battle of New York. Many citizens were saved by him. They even took photos together... The most important thing is that in the video you posted, it was he who launched the military The nuclear bomb was sent into the portal, eliminating the nuclear explosion crisis in New York."

Unsurprisingly, the first reporter focused on the sudden appearance of Luo Xia.

"And from the videos shot by citizens, we can see that this superhero is very powerful, even as powerful as Dr. Bruce Banner. In the end, his identity was determined to be an ordinary graduate of Midtown Institute of Technology, which caused He has attracted the attention of many people, can the Anti-Demon Alliance reveal some information about him? What is his name? How did he become a superhero?"

"Well... I've actually made preparations for this issue, but I'm sorry that we don't know much about him." Tony paused and said, "Yesterday, I invited him to attend today's press conference. Now it seems that he is not interested in this kind of occasion..."

The reporters and staff in the audience burst into laughter, and Tony continued to talk about the prepared draft.

"Not only is he powerful, he is also very special. He does not wear a uniform or mask, and he does not have nicknames like Iron Man or Spider-Woman. We all call him Mr. Luo, which is an honorific title." Tony continued, " As for Mr. Luo’s special experience, we don’t know, and his resume appears to be ordinary.”

"Now Mr. Luo is a powerful and elegant mage. As shown in those photos and videos, he can easily defeat enemies in battle, so what he thinks most about is how to avoid soiling himself. clothes, or using those cool-looking moves..."

Tony stretched out his hand and pressed it softly, and the laughter in the venue slowly stopped.

"Although we know very little about Mr. Luo, one thing is certain, he is on the side of justice!"

"Mr. Luo originally enjoyed a peaceful life, but when he saw the Chitauri invading the earth, he did not hesitate to contribute his own strength. He was the main force in this war, and in the end it was Mr. Luo who found the way to close the door to space. Method, and then take the risk to transport nuclear bombs..."

Someone clapped first, and then thunderous applause swept through the venue, and Tony could only wait for the applause to subside.

"So I suggest you not to disturb Mr. Luo's quiet life!" Tony changed the topic, "This is not a suggestion, but a warning. Although Mr. Luo firmly believes in justice, he has a bad temper... If he is dating his girlfriend, But if you secretly hide in the green belt to film their passionate kiss, someone will be in trouble!"

When the venue became quiet again, Tony selected the next reporter.

"Ask the lady...I remember you at the press conference where I announced that I was Iron Man!"

"Because I wore the same clothes as that day, Mr. Stark!" the female reporter took the phone and said, "Has Mr. Luo joined the Anti-Demon Alliance?"

"Unfortunately, not yet." Tony said, "But we are working hard to achieve this goal, and we are very confident because the Anti-Demon Alliance already has some advantages..."

"I would also like to take this opportunity to announce that after the war, Dr. Banner and Spider-Woman decided to join the Anti-Demon Alliance..."

In the lounge, Captain America and Agent Coulson were sitting across from each other. Tony on the screen was chatting. He could answer every question perfectly.

"Are those details really suitable for telling the media?" Coulson said with some doubt.

"I thought it was allowed by SHIELD..." Captain America shook his head and said, "But this is also in line with Tony's character. He has always been maverick."

"No, no, no, Captain, you guys are quite classy!" Colson said with a smile: "I have learned my lesson and did not prepare a speech for Mr. Stark this time, because that would just be a waste of my time. "

"I'm sorry about what happened last time, Agent Phil..."

"No need to apologize, captain. For the sake of your signature on my card album, if you serve as the official spokesperson next time, I will continue to write speeches for you." Colson said with a smile.

"Maybe we won't have that opportunity..." Captain America said with a smile.

"Captain, have you decided?" Colson was a little surprised, "That was just a mistake..."

"There's no need to persuade me anymore, Agent Phil." Captain America interrupted. He lowered his head and his mood suddenly became a little depressed. Those indelible images reappeared, and Captain America rubbed his temples vigorously with both hands.

Colson was a little overwhelmed. He slowly got up and left the lounge. Maybe it would be better to leave Captain America alone at this time.

Ten minutes later, the door to the lounge was pushed open again.

"The press conference has ended successfully. Now I finally have time to go eat at that barbecue restaurant!" Tony walked in. He looked at Captain America's back and said, "And that kid actually let me go!"

Captain America stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window. He looked down at the sculptures and statues presented by various countries in the garden. His eyes fell on the famous sculpture "Forging Swords into Plowshares".

"Mr. Luo has not promised to attend this press conference."

"So let me deal with those reporters alone!" Tony complained, and he also walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and stood side by side with Cap.

"Thor is returning to Asgard, Barton is an agent, Spider-Woman's identity is kept secret, and Dr. Banner is destined to stay away from the crowd. From now on, this kind of job can only be done by you, Tony."

"What about you?" Tony felt something was wrong, "Captain America, you announced the establishment of the Anti-Devil Alliance."

"They call me Captain Demon..." Captain America smiled and shook his head, "I am not suitable to appear in the public eye anymore, and now every action of the Anti-Demon Alliance will attract the attention of the media and the public, so I decided , I will withdraw from the Anti-Demon Alliance."

"Because of that defeat?" Tony was a little unbelievable, "You single-handedly created this alliance to fight against demons and protect the earth!"

"Seventeen innocent people, I have never truly faced the mistakes I committed..."

"That's the devil controlling you!" Tony said loudly.

"I killed them with my own hands, and now I have clear memories." Captain America said with his eyes closed. "There was no fear on the faces of those police officers before they died, only surprise. The civilians were still shouting my name after they fell to the ground. …”

Tony was silent. He had not had this experience, but he could feel the despair and regret.

"I have decided to quit the Anti-Devil League and become a Spider-Woman, eliminating evil on the streets and helping civilians. Maybe that will become the meaning of my existence. After finding Natasha, my first stop I want to go to Berlin." Captain America turned to look at Tony and said, "Of course this is not a retreat. Steve Rogers will not become a deserter. If there is another war like an alien invasion, or the alliance is in crisis, I will Coming back."

"Are you kidding? You are the leader of the Anti-Demon Alliance!" Tony said with a wonderful expression, "I am very busy. In addition to managing Stark Industries, I also need to conduct scientific research, upgrade steel armor, and manufacture spaceships and interstellar weapons. , don’t even think about leaving the alliance matters to me!”

"I believe you will become an excellent leader. Regardless of your character shortcomings, you are still very good. Moreover, the Anti-Demon Alliance does not have much business. Most of the current work is related to Mr. Luo and the search for Natasha. "Captain America patted Tony on the shoulder, "There are no more demons on the earth. Maybe this alliance should change its name. Avengers is very good."

"Who knows, what if the devil comes back one day?" Tony muttered.

"Then I will come back too!" Captain America raised his fist, "Let's settle old and new scores together."

After speaking, Captain America turned and left, leaving Tony standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, deep in thought.

“Don’t forget the barbecue party!”

At night, the dinner table of Stacey's family was extremely quiet. No one spoke, and the sound of the silver knife cutting on the porcelain plate could be heard clearly.

Mrs. Stacey deliberately turned off the TV, and her brothers Howard and Angus had no objection. They stared at their sister Gwen's eyes shining. George was eating his dinner seriously, but it was not difficult to see from his deep eyes that he was thinking about something.

Gwen was so focused on chopping broccoli that she almost buried her head in her dinner plate. But what is coming will always come. No parent can remain calm after knowing that their daughter is dating a superhero... Gwen is already thinking about what will happen when Spider-Woman's identity is exposed.

"Gwen, shouldn't you explain to us?" Mrs. Stacy said first, "about 'Mr. Low'."

"So everything said on the Internet is true?" Howard said excitedly, "Your boyfriend is the superhero Mr. Luo?"

"He can do magic, right?" Angus also said, "Like Harry Potter!"

"He can fly and control objects. I've seen the video!" Howard shouted, "Mr. Luo is more powerful than Captain America and Iron Man..."

"Quiet Howard." Mrs. Stacey looked at Gwen again.

"Actually, I didn't know it at first. When I met Luo Xia, he seemed like an ordinary person, and we got along with each other in an ordinary way... Until one day, I discovered his superpower. Not long after, Before." Gwen explained.

"Yesterday we were shopping, and suddenly the Chitauri began to invade the earth. Those aliens were vicious and cruel, causing destruction and massacres along the way. We saw many citizens killed as a result, so Rorsha decided to use his own power to protect those ordinary citizens……"

"This sounds very much like your style." George chewed the steak and couldn't help but interjected, "Luo Xia chooses to hide her power, so she won't use it easily."

"Well, it's indeed my style. I've been persuading him to do this so that he can protect everyone and stop hiding his power..." Gwen covered her face with her hands, "Sure enough, it caused a lot of trouble."

Mrs. Stacey also looked at Gwen with some concern: "Gwen..."

"In this era, people with superpowers are very lucky, but often the people around them encounter misfortune." George put down his knife and fork and said pointedly, and he looked at Gwen.

Gwen certainly understands what her father George means. These issues were originally her worries. She was afraid that after Spider-Woman's identity was exposed, the criminals would take revenge on her family.

But now this risk is much smaller. When those with bad intentions know the identity of Spider-Woman, they will also know that Mr. Luo, who fought off the alien army, is Spider-Woman's boyfriend, so their concerns will be greater. a lot of.

Except of course for those lunatics and desperadoes.

Gwen has always suspected that Luo Xia exposed her superpowers just to protect her...other than that Luo Xia had no reason.

This couldn't help but make Gwen cry. Although Luo Xia said that he did not support her to become a real superhero, when Gwen joined the Anti-Demon Alliance, Luo Xia did his best to provide her with shelter...

"Don't worry, Mom, Rorsha will protect me." Gwen held Mrs. Stacey's hand and said, "He is strong enough. Didn't you see what the media said, Dr. Banner is not as strong as him."

"He is very strong, but you are very fragile. Luo Xia cannot be with you 24 hours a day." Mrs. Stacey shook her head and said.

Gwen thought in her heart that she was not an ordinary little girl, she was a real superhero...and the kind that would offend many evil forces and criminals. She should be the one who brought trouble and danger to Luo Xia.

"Well... it's not necessarily impossible. It's just that couples also need private space, and I plan to move out after going to college..." Gwen observed the expressions of her parents and said, "Luo Xia doesn't have that much sense of justice. He He's not interested in fighting criminals and seeking justice, that's not his job, so he won't make enemies and the risk is minimal."

"Use your superpowers carefully. This is the correct value. It is much better than Spider-Woman!" George nodded and said. "But even if you don't participate in the struggle, having superpowers will attract hatred."

Gwen could only respond in silence. Although she was unhappy with George's comments about Spider-Woman, she couldn't refute it now.

"Gwen, it's been a long time since Rosha came to have dinner at home." Mrs. Stacey said.

"How long? A week?" Fortunately, Gwen had already thought of an excuse. "He is busy with studying for higher education, so he may not have time in the past few days..."

"It's like he's avoiding us..." Mrs. Stacey said, "Superheroes also need to go to college? I thought he would wait until he graduated from high school to join the Anti-Demon Alliance to maintain world peace and save the earth."

"The earth is safe now, Mom! He has no intention of joining that organization for the time being."

"Which college will Rosha apply to?"

"Empire State University, the same school as me."

"Empire State University? This school is difficult to apply for. I remember his grades were like..."

"Mr. Tony Stark will write him a letter of recommendation..."

Gwen and her mother were chatting, and suddenly George asked: "Gwen, do you remember the two genetically mutated people who appeared in your school? One rhinoceros and one wolf. I remember you and Luo Xia were in school that day. "

"That incident had nothing to do with Rorsha. We were watching a baseball game at the time." Gwen explained: "The New York War was the first time he used his superpowers in public. He had always been cautious before..."

Gwen naturally knew what her father, Chief George, wanted to ask. The deaths of Rhinoceros and Jackal were still unsolved, and the police had not yet found the real murderer.

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