Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 177 Wanda: What I want is the devil

A blue light flashed in the secret manor that could not be discovered from the outside. Rorsha appeared by the swimming pool. The ability of the devil mask was activated, and his clothes full of holes turned into a brand new casual suit.

But Wanda still saw this scene clearly, and her attention was focused on Luo Xia from the moment the blue light flashed.

"Are you injured?" Wanda got up from the sofa and walked towards Luo Xia.

But her tone was just asking, not very concerned. Because in Wanda's subconscious mind, the devil cannot be hurt, and no one on earth can hurt the devil.

Luo Xia shook her head as expected. Under the light, Luo Xia stretched out and lay down on the beach chair, eliminating the mental fatigue after the war.

Wanda came to Luo Xia's side. Seeing that Luo Xia had no intention of opening her arms, she sat sideways on the edge of the beach chair.

"Who is he? Who fights with you and has the ability to destroy your clothes?" Wanda looked sideways at Luo Xia and said softly.

"It's not a person, but a country." Luo Xia said with eyes closed, "Wakanda, a country in eastern Africa, have you heard of it?"

Wanda nodded slightly: "It is a poor and backward agricultural country, but Baron Strucker attaches great importance to them and said that it is a mysterious country with the most advanced science and technology in the world."

"I forgot that there is a villain organization called Hydra on Earth..." Luo Xia said calmly.

"All villains look dim against the backdrop of demons." Wanda said seriously.

Luo Xia smiled faintly, not knowing whether he was feeling proud or mocking the other villains for not being worthy of being compared with him.

Wanda waved slightly, and the fruit plate on the table in the open living room flew over. She inserted a piece of mango and fed it to Luo Xia's mouth.

"Wakanda," Wanda continued, "what kind of country is that?"

"Wakanda has the strongest army on Earth. As Hydra knows, their technology is very advanced." Rorsha said after chewing, "The core is a metal called vibranium. Steve Jeff Rogers' shield is made of vibranium, and they have many other metals like this."

"So they are very powerful? If they use vibranium to create a large number of weapons, can they conquer the world?" Wanda asked curiously.

"Perhaps, only what you have done will give you the answer, but they are a group of primitive people without ambitions." Luo Xia said disdainfully, "As for whether they are strong or not, it is relative. They can easily destroy the US Pacific aircraft carrier. Formation, but they are vulnerable to me..."

Wanda said without thinking: "Because you are the strongest..."

"No, there is still you, my Scarlet Witch." Luo Xia said as he put his arm around Wanda's waist. He pulled Wanda into his arms. "When you grow up, the whole Wakanda will also grow up in front of you." They are vulnerable and you can destroy them with just a wave of your hand.”

"But I felt it. You used the power of the Ghost Corps..." Wanda said suddenly.

The world of shadows is interconnected, with no limitations of space or distance.

"Just to make the battle less boring," Luo Xia said indifferently, "I can kill them with one punch and take away all the vibranium, but I like to solve it in a peaceful way."

"That might expose your identity," Wanda raised her head and looked at Luo Xia and said, her calm eyes hiding a certain emotion: "During the Battle of New York, they saw me using the Ghost Corps. Each is different, but they will all know it is the same creature..."

"I was having so much fun at the time that I didn't think so much... But it doesn't matter. Even if they and even the whole world knew that I was a devil, so what? I'm just a group of weaklings." Luo Xia said nonchalantly, " Moreover, Wakanda is a country that is closed to external information. They will not make this matter public. If the whole world knows that Wakanda has something that can attract Mr. Lowe, then no one will sympathize with them, but will be like a group of hungry people. Surrounding them like wolves..."

Suddenly Luo Xia stretched out her hand and grabbed Wanda's neck, pressing her down.

"Identity exposed? What identity?" Luo Xia looked into Wanda's eyes and said, "Do you know my identity?"

Luo Xia's hand was slightly stronger, Wanda's face was slightly red, but there was no trace of fear of the devil or fear of death in her eyes.

"You are the devil, you are Mr. Luo..." Wanda said without any struggle, "Mr. Luo is the devil."

Luo Xia smiled slightly, and he took Wanda into his arms again.

"So smart, my dear, you are the first person to determine my identity... Oh no, there is also an old mage, but she cheats." Luo Xia leaned into Wanda's ear and said, "This kind of How does it feel? The people who save the earth above New York are actually the ones who bring disaster to the earth... Do you feel a little weird when you confirm this idea? "

Wanda hugged Luo Xia and buried her face in his chest.

"It does feel a little crazy at first, but crazy is the way of the devil..." Wanda said, "So I'm not surprised, no matter what kind of you it is."

Luo Xia shook his head and said, "I'm not satisfied with this answer..."

Wanda was silent. She leaned forward and kissed Luo Xia's neck, but Luo Xia pushed her away.

Luo Xia looked at Wanda's charming face and smiled and shook his head. He stood up and hugged Wanda. Wanda's height of 1.7 meters seemed a bit petite in his arms.

Luo Xia carried Wanda across the living room, came to the sofa, put her down, and jumped on her.

The news is playing on the TV. The Anti-Demon Alliance has launched a press conference on a terrorist attack that occurred in Ohio. At this moment, a promotional video recorded by Spider-Woman is playing...

Luo Xia, who was lying on Wanda, waved back and the plug of the TV was unplugged. The picture of Spider-Woman disappeared instantly and the screen went black.

Wanda's hand holding Luo Xia also started to dance, with crimson chaos magic flowing. The plug was plugged in again, and Gwen's processed voice sounded in the living room again:

"We hereby appeal to all people..."

Suddenly Gwen's voice stopped abruptly, and a heart-wrenching sound sounded.

The TV in the living room was instantly crushed into a mass the size of a football. The remaining wires on the TV wall indirectly shot out bunches of fireworks.

"You're a little naughty..." Luo Xia put his hands on the sofa and looked at Wanda condescendingly.

"Sorry..." Wanda said with her eyes closed.

Luo Xia's other hand touched Wanda's face, then slid down her neck, which was as white and delicate as a white swan, and landed on the collar.

Luo Xia untied Wanda's clothes. As he thought, the demon mask disappeared from his face, revealing his original appearance.

Luo Xia leaned down and Wanda held his head. Suddenly Wanda, who had strong mental strength, felt something abnormal...

She reached out and touched Luo Xia's face, but she didn't find anything unusual, because the touch of the demon mask was the same as human skin.

But that feeling was too strong... Suddenly Wanda opened her eyes. She glanced at Luo Xia's face calmly, then closed them again. Wanda covered her eyes with her hands.

"You put on the mask..." Wanda's voice trembled a little, "What I want is a demon...a demon that belongs to me."

"That's all me, whether it's the devil or Mr. Luo." Luo Xia grabbed Wanda's wrist and said.

Wanda slowly took her hand away, and she slowly opened her eyes.

Luo Xia hugged her and walked upstairs along the spiral staircase...

Far away in eastern Africa, the capital of Wakanda, Burnin Zana, was in chaos. The armies of the five major tribes had just arrived on the outskirts and were ordered by King T'Chaka to return to their tribes' garrison.

The entire capital seemed to be undergoing demolition, and the removable vibranium from many buildings had been removed just to collect the half of the vibranium.

Wakanda has close to 10,000 tons of vibranium, so they have to hand over 5,000 tons. But over the thousands of years since Wakanda was founded, most of the vibranium has been used in buildings, weapons or scientific research equipment. The reserves of vibranium are far less than half...

The king surrendered to Mr. Luo. When the news reached the ears of the leaders of the five major tribes, it immediately aroused their dissatisfaction. As they expected, King T'Chaka notified each tribe to transport a corresponding share of vibranium to the capital within a specified time.

Wakanda's leadership rarely had dissent. Many people believed that Mr. Lowe's request should not be agreed to. Half of the vibranium was enough to break Wakanda's muscles and bones.

Those tribal troops who had not seen Mr. Luo's strength denounced the weakness of the king's guard, but no matter how many objections they had, they could only act according to the order.

Because in Wakanda, T'Challa is the national leader integrating military, political, and religious aspects. He is also the contemporary Black Panther. All citizens and tribes must obey his orders.

If you want to defy the king legally, you can only go through the Elders Tribal Council, but most of the Elders Tribal Council have experienced the battle in the square in front of the palace...

There was silence in the palace. T'Chaka stood in front of the huge 3D screen, looking a little stooped.

A few meters behind him, Prince T'Challa, who had finished treating his injuries, was also standing quietly. T'Challa looked at his father's back and remained silent.

"How is Okoye?" T'Chaka asked calmly.

"She has been rescued, but she will no longer be able to participate in the battlefield..." T'Challa said sadly.

"It's a pity that she is the most suitable person to be your guard captain." T'Chaka suddenly changed the subject, "How do you feel after experiencing today's war personally?"

"Shame!" T'Challa still couldn't help but be angry, "I will definitely return it to him..."

"No, you will never be able to defeat Mr. Lowe." T'Chaka said extremely calmly, "There is a high probability that Wakanda will never be able to defeat Mr. Lowe, or he will be dead by the time we have that kind of power. "


"The world has quietly changed, but Wakanda has not kept up with the changes in the world..." T'Chaka suddenly said, "Some tribal leaders suggested making this matter public, or finding an 'anti-demon alliance' and using the outside world to The Ministry of National Defense has analyzed today’s combat data, but they cannot estimate Mr. Luo’s true combat power.”

"He can do whatever he wants on earth?" T'Challa said angrily, "He is simply the second devil!"

"There is no point in anger. As the future king of Wakanda, you need to remain calm at all times." T'Chaka said.

"Father? You are the king..."

"You need to become a real Black Panther, in order to have power and to protect Wakanda." T'Chaka turned around and said, "The Black Panther is the king of Wakanda, and only the king is qualified to eat the heart-shaped grass."

As the ruler of Wakanda, he needs to eat a heart-shaped herb to establish a spiritual connection with the Black Panther God Buster. After becoming a real Black Panther, you will be protected by the Black Panther God and gain extremely keen five senses, superhuman strength, speed, endurance, reflexes, and resistance to magic.

Similar to how Steve Rogers became Captain America after being injected with the "Super Soldier Serum", but a purely natural item like heart-shaped grass is much more powerful and more stable and safer than the serum.

"Father, you are the king." T'Challa shook his head and said, "Even if I become a real Black Panther, I can't defeat Mr. Luo..."

"I never want you to defeat anyone, but Wakanda needs its own superheroes, and this beautiful place needs to be protected." T'Chaka said loudly, "I am old, and the power of the heart-shaped grass has almost been lost. The effect, this power varies from person to person, maybe you will get more blessings from the Black Panther God."

"I have decided that I will abdicate after I have taken care of the last thing..."

T'Challa was shocked by this sudden news: "Father..."

"You are not the king yet!" T'Chaka interrupted, "You still need to defeat the challengers from the other tribes before you are eligible to eat the heart-shaped grass and become a real black panther!"

"Go down, you are responsible for delivering the vibranium to Mr. Luo." T'Chaka waved his hand and said, "Learn to control your emotions, and what happened in Wakanda today must not be spread."

"Yes." T'Challa bowed helplessly, turned around and exited the palace.

In the transparent observation elevator, T'Challa looked down at the capital. His gaze passed through the central axis of the city and fell on the busy figures in the square.

Countless amounts of vibranium were piled up in the square, shining dazzlingly under the sunlight. Those vibranium are the foundation of Wakanda's strength, but now Wakanda can only destroy the foundation and hand over half of the vibranium in order to protect itself...

Mr. Lowe invaded Wakanda today, and all citizens will remember this heavy day.

Seeing Prince T'Challa appear in the square, many soldiers saluted respectfully, but some were in a daze in front of the mountains of vibranium and did not sense T'Challa's arrival... Even the Wakandans, faced with numbers, were stunned. It would also surprise you to see so much vibranium.

The price of vibranium is about US$10,000 per gram. Half of Wakanda's reserves are 5,000 tons. Its market value is US$50 trillion, which is already half of the world's GDP...

T'Challa looked at his bracelet. It had been the five hours specified by Mr. Luo, but he was still missing.

"Where is Mr. Luo causing any damage now?" T'Challa couldn't help but think.

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