Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 2 Villain value +10, +10, +10...

The crowd gathered around, men and women laughing and watching the school bullying happening at the central table.

"Eat the rest of your meal, Gordon, come on!" Fleischer jeered loudly. "It's not good to waste food, let alone free mashed potatoes and pork knuckles!"

Luo Xia squeezed into the circle with her arms folded, and saw this scene:

The tall Fleischer was lifting the thin Gordon up and holding him upside down. Fleischer was ready to stuff Gordon's face into the dinner plate!

Suddenly the mechanical system sounded: [Villain value +1, +1, +1...]

Luo Xia's expression changed. He felt the fear of Gordon who was being bullied, and there was also a hint of hidden anger... It turned out that villain points can be collected as long as the people around him have negative emotions, even if it is not caused by him.

"NO, Fleischer, put him down!" Suddenly someone in the crowd shouted.

He was wearing a gray jacket and jeans, with a camera hanging on his chest.

Peter Parker, if the plot goes as planned he will become Spider-Man soon.

There was no reaction when he saw Petrosha. After all, they were in the same graduating class and had met many times today.

The system prompts that meeting a key figure in the plot may unlock the power of a talisman. Luo Xia believes that Spider-Man, as one of the absolute protagonists of the Marvel Universe, will definitely be able to unlock one of his talismans.

But there was no response from Peter's system. Rorschach guessed that it was because he hadn't become Spider-Man yet. After all, Peter Parker was not the superhero from Queens yet, he was just a student.

Luo Xia is not in a hurry if his fun is preempted by others. He will always be a patient person.

"Hey Parker!" The joke on Fleischer's face continued, and it seemed that he didn't take the people who came to seek justice at all. "Come here and take a picture of me and dear Gordon!"

"No, I won't take such a photo, put him down!" Peter said with a serious face, "Don't eat that thing! Gordon."

"Take a picture!" Fleischer refused, Gordon crumbling in his hands.

"Put him down! Eugene!" cried Peter.

Fleischer's face changed. His full name is: Fleischer Eugene Thompson.

Fleischer threw the trembling Gordon down. Gordon hit the dining table and rolled onto the concrete slab full of small cracks. He screamed in pain.

"Gordon!" Peter was stopped by Fleischer just as he was about to step forward, and Fleischer punched Peter hard in the stomach.

Peter instantly fell to the ground, his face turned pale, and the camera rolled away. He felt a cramp in his stomach, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't even speak... Fleisher was a member of the school basketball team, and Peter had no chance in front of him in a one-on-one match. The power to fight back.

"Oh..." The crowd of onlookers was excited, and the students were laughing and joking at Peter who was knocked to the ground.

"Stand up Peter!" Fleischer yelled. "Stand up like a man!"

Peter managed to get up, but was kicked to the ground by Fleischer.

"Stand up Peter! Are you a sheep?" Fleischer yelled, "Where did your courage go just now?"

[Villain value +1, +1, +1...]

These negative emotions were collected from Peter. Like Gordon before, there is nothing special. It seems that Peter has not been recognized as a superhero by the system yet.

Luo Xia shook his head slightly. Peter, who had not been bitten by the mutant spider, was too weak. Finally after Fleischer kicked Peter again he was ready to have some fun.

"Stop." A smiling voice came from the crowd.

Fleisher was stunned, his face full of disbelief. Someone actually came to ruin his game again and again this noon! Are there so many nosy people nowadays?

"That's right, I'm talking about you, that guy who looks like a hippopotamus." Luo Xia put his hand on his forehead with a ghostly expression on his face, "I read that right, you actually bullied a poor little kid on campus. Spider'! Your behavior is worse than your appearance!"

"Haha, did I hear you right? Fleisher? He said you look like a hippopotamus!" Someone was cheering.

"Losha!" Hannah, who followed, tried to stop him from doing "stupid things". After all, magic cannot be used for fighting.

[Villain value +10, +10, +10...]

Fleisher's anger was written on his face, and Rosha could see it without the system prompting him.

"You are like an inflated puffer fish now. I want to use your face to brush the shoes." Luo Xia raised his hand and shook it slightly, making a brushing motion.

That mean move made Fleisher's anger boil over.

"You have courage, but you are even more stupid!"

Fleisher charged towards Luo Xia, as if he was hugging a football and rushing into the opponent's defense zone! He has already figured out how to knock this foul-mouthed transfer student down with one punch!

Luo Xia's smile continued unabated. If anyone paid attention to his eyes, they could see the outline of a bull.

Luo Xia kicked Fleischer, who weighed more than 80 kilograms, away. Fleischer hit the seat of the dining table like a kite with a broken string.

"Hmm!" The crowd exclaimed in unison, and everyone's jaw dropped in shock.

Fleisher, who fell to the ground, huddled together, as if trying to hold back the pain.

[Villain value +10, +10, +10...]

The villain value collected from Fleischer has greatly increased! While Luo Xia was happy, he also analyzed that Fleisher's negative emotions should be the cause.

"Are you okay, Mr. Hippo!" Luo Xia walked forward slowly, "Why did you accidentally fall? Let me help you up!"

Luo Xia grabbed Fleisher's collar with one hand and slowly lifted him up.

The onlookers could no longer laugh. The transfer student actually raised the tall Fleischer with one hand! Fleischer struggled feebly in his hands like a sheep.

"Well, everyone saw it. He accidentally fell down, and I kindly helped him up!" Luo Xia smiled, "That's right, Fleischer!"

Fleisher's neck was choked so hard that he couldn't speak, and it was even difficult to breathe. He struggled hard, like a sheep in a tiger's mouth. Slowly, he saw Luo Xia's smile and felt inexplicably afraid.

Rosha put him down, but that wasn't the end yet.

"Eat this food Fleischer and set a good example to classmate Gordon!"

Rocha pushed Fleischer's face into the dinner plate. Fleischer struggled violently, but everything was in vain in the face of the cow's power.

[Villain value +50, +50, +50...]

There was dead silence around the central table, no one made a sound. School bully Fleischer had his head pressed into a dinner plate...

"Hey, that's wrong of you, brother!" Someone spoke, and it was Peter who had just gotten up from the ground. "Thank you very much for helping me, but can you let him go? He is already in a terrible state..."

Rorshasa's smile never faded. He was worthy of being a superhero in the future. Now the sense of justice in Peter's heart already existed, as if Gordon, who had just been bullied, was now watching the show in the crowd.

"No, no, no, you seem to have mistaken classmate Peter!" Luo Xia said, while holding Fleischer's head tightly, "I'm not trying to help you or seek funny justice, I just want to find someone Just for fun, maybe the person whose head I will push into mashed potatoes tomorrow will be Gordon just now... Of course, it could also be you, or every student here!"

The onlookers looked at the smile on Luo Xia's face, and slowly they stopped laughing... Peter was also speechless.

New book, seeking investment and reading

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