Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 39 Under the Mask

"Your armor sucks!"

Iron Man said as he blasted the Green Goblin away with a palm cannon again. If he wasn't fighting indoors, he would have used a highly lethal weapon to end the fight.

The Green Devil's armor is also very defensive. He flew out of the dust and rushed towards Iron Man again...

Harry stood on the spiral staircase and leaned against the wall. The lighting in the venue was very poor, and he could barely see the scene of four people with superhuman strength fighting.

"Iron Man is here too?" Harry murmured to himself, "It's hard to believe that Gwen is actually Spider-Woman..."

The Green Goblin and Iron Man were very powerful, and they might throw a bomb in this direction at any time. Harry, who had been watching for a long time, was also ready to escape from here.

Harry just turned around and took steps, when he suddenly froze on the spot.

At the end of the spiral staircase, a white figure was standing in the center of the attic... The emergency lighting above the stairs fell, and Harry could see the face clearly... a terrifying demon mask!

Harry subconsciously took a step back, his figure swayed, and in a daze, he missed the step. If it weren't for the fact that his back was against the wall, he would have fallen down the stairs...

It turned out to be a demon. The Midtown Institute of Technology actually gathered a fifth person with superhuman strength... Harry was in a dilemma at that moment. There was a demon blocking the way in front of him, but behind him was the battlefield between the Green Goblin and Iron Man.

Harry could only continue to watch.

The devil in a white formal suit in the attic stood behind the fence, his body upright, his black hair seemed to be shining. The devil mask fit his face perfectly, and the lace scarf in his collar was inlaid with rhinestones. His face was full of coldness, and he said It's not clear whether he is angry or indifferent.

Suddenly the demon moved, and he turned around and walked to the side of the damaged speaker... Harry remembered the speaker. The speaker was originally downstairs. Spider-Woman used it to hit the Green Goblin in the air, and the Green Goblin dodged. The stereo flew up to the attic.

Luo Xia reached out and knocked on the speaker, and a faint light lit up. Under the repair power of the horse charm, the damaged speaker slowly became intact as before.

Harry stared dumbfounded at this scene that violated scientific principles. Fortunately, the existence of demons was already contrary to science, and everything that happened in front of him was not so unbelievable.

The devil was tinkering with the sound system. The sound system first played a powerful DJ dance music. The devil frowned and changed the song. The next song was soothing pop music. The devil continued to cut songs. He did not stop until he reached the song "porunacabeza".

Harry also secretly admired the devil's taste. Maybe the devil had also watched "Scent of a Woman" or "Schindler's List".

After the demon cut the music, he went downstairs. Harry said that it was unlucky that the demon took the spiral staircase on his side.

Luo Xia looked at the battlefield downstairs as he walked, his face expressionless.

Suddenly, he moved half a step towards the inside of the stairs, facing Harry, and Luo Xia kicked him out. His face was still expressionless, as calm as ever.

Harry screamed in pain. He lost his center of gravity and rolled down the stairs. His head hit the guardrail, and his head was instantly bruised and bloody.

At this moment, the Green Goblin was blown away by the bomb, and he rolled and fell next to Harry.

Harry's eyes were filled with stars. As soon as he struggled to open his eyes, he saw the green demon's terrifying mask in front of him.

Harry held his head and rolled to the side with difficulty until he stopped under the wall. At this moment, he remembered the scene where the Green Goblin threw bombs at the crowd. Wouldn't he also die at the hands of this madman, the Green Goblin?

Fortunately, the Green Goblin did not attack him, even though Harry could clearly see the shocking anger in the Green Goblin's eyes...

The Green Goblin got up, jumped on the bat-winged craft, and rushed towards the goblin on the stairs!

Luo Xia pinched his wrist, spread out his right hand, and a dragon-shaped totem was lit.

Three red flame pillars flew out one after another, leaving arc trajectories in the air, and hit the green demon's chest one after another.


In the past few days, Luo Xia upgraded the dragon talisman to Lv7. The upgraded dragon talisman not only became more powerful, but also had diversified attack methods. After several days of research, Luo Xia gradually became proficient in it. use.

The Green Demon endured the bombardment of the dragon spell and almost lost the ability to move. The armor on his chest was shattered, revealing his bloody chest.

Harry saw the demon approaching and struggled to get up and lean against the wall, but this time the demon ignored him.

"Good evening, Mr. Devil!" Tony said appreciatively: "Your clothes tonight are very tasteful, and there is this song. I remember there seems to be a dance here. Are you here to attend the dance too? Remember to bring your clothes to the dance. Female partner, of course you can also choose to dance solo.”

"I deliberately chose an elegant song, but unfortunately, it still hasn't changed your talkative nature." Luo Xia said lightly.

There was a piercing siren outside the window, and Tony stretched and said, "It's time to end this."

He raised his arm and pointed it at the spider-orc who was still fighting beside him, and a miniature missile rose from his arm.

"Jarvis, activate the dynamic tracking and targeting system."

Tony yelled, "Hey! Get out of the way, Miss Spider!"

Gwen's spider sense also alerted the police. She quickly shot out spider silk and pulled her body to avoid it. A micro missile passed by her and shot straight at the spider orc.

"Boom!" The entire building was shaking, and the crystal chandelier above the spider-orc's head broke and fell after a violent tremor.

"Whoops!" At the critical moment, Gwen shot out spider silk and pulled him out of the ruins. At this time, the seriously injured spider orc was already unconscious, and eight weird spider legs crawled back into his back, covered in blood.

"Let me see who you are!" Gwen was still confused about the identity of the spider-orc.

"By the way, I almost forgot to take off your mask!" Iron Man walked towards the Green Devil who was lying in a pool of blood. "Wearing a knock-off uniform, even the name is a knock-off..."

"Peter Parker!?" Gwen on the side approached the spider-orc covered in blood and said in surprise.

Gwen remembered that afternoon, when she and Luo Xia ran into Peter who was taking revenge on Fleischer in the corridor. At that moment, she felt the breath of the beast in Peter.

But it was still hard for her to imagine all this. In her impression, although Peter was weak, he had a sense of justice. For example, he would help Gordon, who was also bullied.

But now Peter turned into a spider-orc and attacked her... It was hard for her to believe it.

"Norman Osborn!?" Tony, who took off the Green Devil's mask on the other side, was also dumbfounded.

As wealthy people of the same level in New York, Tony and Norman are also very familiar with each other. They often meet at various banquets and events. Although they don't have much friendship, they are still familiar.

It was also difficult for Tony to connect the old and frail old man with the Green Goblin who was throwing bombs and causing havoc on the streets of New York...

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