Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 41 Death of the Green Devil

Looking at Gwen blocking the road, Luo Xia stopped. He was not in the habit of taking detours.

"Good evening, Mr. Devil, long time no see. It seems that you haven't encountered any kidnapping cases or unqualified drivers recently..."

Gwen said this because the devil has disappeared from the Internet for a few days recently, and no citizens have tweeted about encountering the devil on the street again, causing heated discussions... But the real situation is that Gwen has been dragging Luo Xia to practice dancing these days. , Luo Xia returned home very late and reduced the frequency of going out.

Gwen had nothing to say, as if she was stalling for time, but it seemed like she was wasting time. No one could stop the devil, neither Iron Man nor the police outside.

"Actually, what I want to say is, thank you for the suit... But why did you give me the suit? Mr. Demon, this steel suit is too precious, I can't accept it..."

As Gwen took off the steel suit, although she felt insecure without the protection of the suit and facing the devil, she felt much more comfortable looking at the white and black tights she was wearing.

When Iron Man said just now that the suit was a gift from the devil, Gwen was a little confused. She and the devil had never been friends, and even had a hostile relationship. Would enemies give weapons and ammunition to each other?

Could it be that the devil wanted to use this as a temptation to persuade him to join his camp? But the devil always keeps to himself.

Or is it a free gift? Could the devil be so kind?

Although if the devil wants to persecute her, there is no need to choose the troublesome method of tampering with the suit. Gwen knows that she is no match for the devil, not to mention that the devil also knows her true identity under the Spider-Woman mask.

"I thought you came forward because you wanted to dance with me." Luo Xia said lightly, "If you don't like this suit, you can throw it in the trash can next to the eleventh tree on the left of the door. ...This is not moral kidnapping, it's simply because this suit is tailor-made for you. What others wear is just a turtle shell that restricts movement... provided that he can wear it. With my ability, I can't An increase in external objects is required.”

"emm... I'm sorry, I have a dance partner tonight, but it's not you." Gwen didn't know what to say for a moment, "You know this school very well? Did you also graduate from Zhongcheng Institute of Technology?"

"I saw it when I just came in." Luo Xia raised his right hand, the dragon totem was about to move, "Then please get out of the way now, I want to purify this ugly spider."

Gwen's head suddenly got big, just as she imagined!

"No, Mr. Devil, you can't do this!"

Gwen was still standing firmly in the middle, her body trembling with the hands she raised towards the demon. She knew how terrifying the demon's attack was...

Although she now took off her powerful defensive Iron Spider suit, she still did not flinch.

There are many reasons. Peter Parker has always been Gwen's classmate, and she cannot see the devil killing her classmate.

Even though Peter is now a monster, he has attacked Gwen twice and even wanted to kill her...

But Gwen will always think of Peter who has a sense of justice. Although Peter does not have the formidable force of Rorschach and can easily defeat the school bully, he will also be brave enough to help others.

Gwen didn't know what happened to Peter to make him corrupt and hostile to her, but Gwen believed that Peter should be given a chance to correct himself.

At least Peter did not commit an unforgivable crime after becoming a monster. He did not attack innocent citizens or cause destruction or large-scale killings. The crime he committed was not punishable by death!

For these reasons Gwen can't just watch the demon kill Peter! Just like how she would help an innocent passer-by, if that really happened, it would make her feel guilty for a long time.

"Miss Spider, you seem to be a little confident?" The devil stood on the spot, "You seem to be very confident that I won't kill you?"

"No, I didn't mean to arouse your anger!" Gwen's face turned a little pale, "Peter is not a vicious criminal, and he has not committed any major crimes. Perhaps it would be better to hand him over to the police. choose……"

"Uh...should we calm down now?" Tony cleared his throat and said, "Mr. Devil and Miss Spider! Everyone, calm down. This song is so elegant, deep and aloof, and it looks like Tchaikov "The Death of the Swan" written by Skye... I can't help but want to dance, don't you?"

Tony monologued awkwardly, he couldn't see the situation clearly!

Shouldn't the Devil be on the same side as Spider-Woman? He even threatened to make a spider suit and give it to Spider-Woman! Why are the two of them fighting again now?

Luo Xia glanced at him lightly, and Tony immediately made a zipper and shut up gesture.

"Your kindness will only create a bigger villain. When he turns into a crazy criminal, you can only regret it. You have no ability to kill him." Luo Xia said calmly, "Of course all this has nothing to do with me. , even if he destroyed the entire New York, I was just stating a fact, whether it is justice or evil, I am not in the mood to correct anything, as long as he doesn't let me see that ugly face..."

"No, he will find his way back. There is justice in his heart." Gwen said firmly, "And we must maintain the dignity of the law, even though it sounds a little funny!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

It was Tony who laughed out loud.

Luo Xia turned back to look at him, and happened to see the very miserable Green Devil.

"Don't you mean..." Tony's laughter froze, "No, Mr. Devil, you can't kill him either! His true identity is Norman Osborne, the chairman of the Osborne Group, Super rich, big taxpayers in New York.

"Of course I am not trying to defend him by saying this. Rich people should pay the price if they violate the law. What I mean is that if he died here, the whole world would be shocked. I think it would be more reasonable to hand him over to the court for trial... "

Tony said seriously: "We must uphold the dignity of the law! Now I think Miss Spider is right!"

Luo Xia raised his hand towards the green devil, the dragon totem was lit, and the power of the spell was fully activated!


A huge flame pillar with a diameter of more than one meter was shot out, the dragon talisman was overloaded, and all the violent energy was tilted out. The overflowing energy caused a ripple in the air, and the approaching Iron Man was knocked over. Harry covered his face and let out a painful scream.

The Green Devil who was at the center of the Dragon Talisman's attack has disappeared, and not even a corpse is left in the charred ruins... At this point, the first generation of Green Devil was declared dead!

"Shut up!"

Luo Xia's face was grim, and he aimed at Iron Man.

Iron Man, who barely managed to maintain his balance after staggering a few times, instantly raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

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