Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 44 Transcript

Columbia and Cornell Presbyterian Hospital, New York.

In a high-end ward, Harry, who had woken up after the operation, was lying on the hospital bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. His head was covered with bandages, and a few traces of blood seeped out of the white bandages, leaving only his two eyes and nostrils outside.

There was nothing on the two cabinets at the bedside, and the ECG and blood pressure monitor on the side was working normally, continuously monitoring the patient's physical condition.

It was quiet in the ward, except for the ticking, ticking sound of the drip above my head.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly the door of the ward was pushed open from the outside, and a middle-aged man in a suit stood at the door.

"Harry?" Director George said softly as he walked into the ward.

Harry, who heard the sound, slowly turned around and stared at him, but otherwise made no reaction.

Director George sighed, but he still made a formal self-introduction: "I am the Commissioner of the New York City Police Department, George Stacey. Is it convenient for you now? The police need to know something about what happened last night. What should I do? A simple note... I know you are in a bad state right now, but I'm sorry to bother you, after all, you are the only survivor in the venue."

An old man with gray hair appeared behind Director George. He said to Director George in a cold voice: "Director George, you only have five minutes. Our young master is still recovering from the surgery and he needs to rest."

This is the old butler of the Osborne family.

After the old housekeeper finished speaking, he closed the door, and several police officers who followed Director George here were also blocked out.

Under normal circumstances, they would also go in with Director George to make records and other work, and observe the reactions of witnesses during the whole process... But Harry's identity was too special, and the old butler repeatedly insisted that the police could not force the work. .

"Harry?" Director George pulled up a chair and sat in front of the hospital bed.

Harry didn't make a sound, just stared at him coldly... The alert Director George naturally felt the coldness, but he didn't find it strange, and he could even understand the hostility revealed by Harry.

As a victim, Harry became a little more cynical after his ordeal. It was completely understandable. The doctor said that although Harry's life was safe, the burns on his face were so severe that even plastic surgery could not restore him to his original appearance. Already...

Anyone who hears this news will definitely become devastated. Regardless of men, women, or children, no one can remain calm after being disfigured.

Looking at Harry, George will blame himself. The police did not play any role last night, did not protect the citizens, and did not crack down on criminals... They really just became the cleaners cleaning up the scene and dealing with the mess caused by the heroes and villains. .

Director George calmly turned on the recording device in his sleeve.

"Harry, I hope you can cooperate with me. The scene was severely damaged. The police need to learn from you what happened that night." Director George said solemnly.

Harry still didn't respond, and George said helplessly: "Okay, now let's get straight to the point."

"What happened in the venue last night?" Director George asked, "Where is the Green Goblin who launched the terrorist attack? And Iron Man, was he involved? What role did Spider-Woman play in the whole thing? ?”

The alert Director George noticed that Harry's eyes suddenly brightened when he heard "Green Goblin".

Could it be that Harry had a deep impression of the Green Goblin? Or maybe the injuries on his face were caused by the Green Goblin? Director George couldn't help but have a lot of guesses.

"No, not the Green Goblin..." Harry suddenly said.

"What did you say?" Director George was stunned after hearing Harry's voice.

Harry's voice was hoarse and sharp, like the roar of someone who had swallowed charcoal, or the harsh sound of two pieces of iron being rubbed together.

"The Green Goblin did not participate in last night's attack. Someone pretended to be him to cause destruction and massacre..." Harry knew every word clearly, "That person is...the devil!"

"Devil?" Director George repeated the name in disbelief, "Have you seen it with your own eyes?"

"I saw it with my own eyes. During the battle, he took off his disguise and revealed the demon mask." Harry said confidently, "I saw it clearly."

Director George thought with a serious expression. There were many witnesses when the terrorist attack occurred last night. The records of those students showed that it was the Green Devil who stepped on the aircraft and threw bombs at them.

But now Harry said that it was played by the devil... This made Director George fall into confusion.

In fact, before coming here, the police had just ruled out the possibility of the devil being involved in the case because they did not find any sign of the devil in the venue.

Director George has also handled many cases in which demons were involved. Whether it was the kidnapping case at the Platinum Hotel or the murder case in the Osborne Building, the arrogant demon would always deliberately leave the "M" with an upper part and a lower "V" smiling face, once on the wall and once on the desk. If he was responsible for last night's tragedy, he should also have left demonic marks in the most conspicuous place.

In the field of criminal investigation, criminal marking behavior refers to a special behavior performed by the criminal to satisfy certain psychological or emotional needs. It is a special and obvious habit of the criminal to commit crimes.

This shows that the devil is never afraid of the police, and even likes to provoke the police. His intention to leave the mark of the devil is also obvious, announcing to the world that he caused this terror, but no one can punish him, and he has established himself as a powerful person while spreading terror. image of.

And subjectively, Director George didn't quite believe Harry's statement that the devil would dress up as the Green Goblin to launch an attack. Only a low-life thief would do this kind of behavior, and he had a certain understanding of the devil, and the devil was happy to do so. Add sin to yourself.

But Director George did not refute him. After all, as a survivor at the venue, Harry might have witnessed something and knew something inside.

There was a brief silence in the ward. Director George looked at his watch and continued to ask:

"What was the devil's purpose in carrying out this attack? Did he want to murder a student attending the dance? Or was he simply committing a crime in search of pleasure?"

"No, I don't know..." Harry shook his head hard and said, "I don't know the devil at all. Last night was the first time I saw him."

"Where's Iron Man? We had officers who saw him fly out of the window. What role did he play in last night's attack? And Spider-Woman." Director George asked, looking into Harry's eyes.

"Accomplices! They are all accomplices of the devil! They killed their father, the devil, Iron Man, and Spider-Woman...she is actually your daughter, Gwen Stacy!" Harry thought in his heart. roared.

But obviously there are loopholes in this argument...

Thank you all for your monthly votes. I will click on every monthly vote that every book friend votes for. Thank you very much. If it weren't for the new book issue, I would definitely repay everyone with an update...

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