Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 48 Internship Demon

"Are you surprised to see me? Mr. Stark."

The devil walked in slowly, looking left and right, taking a leisurely stroll.

"No, it's just because you didn't knock on the door and I was concentrating on my work."

After Tony finished talking, he took a sip of the green liquid on the table. The bitter taste stimulated his taste buds, but his face was expressionless.

Rorschach naturally knew what Tony was thinking, and it was his deliberate decision to bypass the radar scan near Stark Industries Building today.

The method is very simple. When approaching the Stark Industries Building, Rorschach used the power of the monkey charm to transform himself into a bird. The bird is smaller in size and the cross-sectional area of ​​the electromagnetic waves reflected back is smaller, so it will naturally Jarvis ignored it as error data.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Luo Xia waved his hand, and the chair on one side flew over and landed firmly behind him.

"Uh... let me recall what you asked... Natasha?" Tony patted his head, "She is my new assistant."

A line of text appeared on the screen in front of Tony: "Sir, Miss Potts has not officially replied yet."

"Do you need to talk more?" Tony muttered softly, and he turned off the screen.

"She looks very good, beautiful and capable." Rosha smiled, "Mr. Stark, given your frightened performance when you saw me today, I think you need an employee to be directly responsible for contacting me. This is Natasha. The young lady is very good and qualified for this job of sending and receiving emails and answering phone calls. What are your intentions?"

Rorschach is naturally no stranger to Natasha. This beautiful and deadly female agent is known as the Black Widow. Being the only female member of the Avengers is enough to prove her ability.

Natasha was a former Soviet agent who joined S.H.I.E.L.D. after betraying the "Red Room".

Her body has been modified to greatly slow down her aging rate and enhance her immune system and ability to resist attacks. Coupled with her years of various physical and mental training, she has become like a deadly poisonous spider "Black Widow". Her agility surpasses that of an Olympic gold medalist, and she can also coordinate her balance and flexibility.

Of course, Natasha's abilities don't stop there. She can quickly process multiple information streams like Captain America, such as threat assessment, and can quickly respond to changing tactical situations. She is also a very effective strategist, tactician, and commander, and she even led S.H.I.E.L.D. at one point.

Now Tony has not announced his identity as Iron Man in front of the media, but he has attracted SHIELD to send Natasha to approach him. It seems that SHIELD has obtained information about Iron Man from other places...

And Rorsha's purpose of letting Natasha be responsible for contacting him is also very simple. Through her contact with SHIELD, it doesn't matter whether it leads to good or bad endings.

As the main positive organization, SHIELD is more or less involved with every superhero, and it also fights against various villains.

And Rorschach needs to earn villain points from those superheroes and villains... If Rorschach extends his power into S.H.I.E.L.D., he will definitely gain unexpected gains.

But how to intervene in SHIELD is a problem. Even though the top management of SHIELD have been infiltrated by Hydra, it is also the result of Hydra's decades of layout and development.

At this time, Black Widow Natasha is a good intervention point. Natasha defected from the "Red Room" and joined SHIELD. She has not been joining SHIELD for a long time and has not obtained the qualification of SHIELD. complete trust.

Compared to other superheroes, Natasha does not have such a strong sense of belief and personal strength. If there is anyone in the Avengers who is most likely to be incited to rebel, it is her...

"Did I hear wrongly? Demons are also interested in sexy human women?" Tony was a little surprised, "But how about letting a woman talk to the demon? She won't be frightened and faint when she sees you, right?"

Luo Xia just looked at him indifferently, and Tony changed his face to a serious expression after confirming that the devil was not joking. He seemed to have no ability to refuse when facing the devil...

"Jarvis, issue a personnel transfer order for me. Natasha Romanoff from the Legal Department will be transferred to Assistant to the Chairman, responsible for my direct contact with Mr. Devil."

Tony walked out of the center console, and the mechanical arm on the side brought two wine glasses.

"Which, do you want to drink?" Tony raised his glass to Luo Xia, "I also prepared liquor and soju in the R\u0026D room. Which liquor suits your taste?"

Because the devil always shows off his black hair, Tony would think that he is most likely Asian.

After all, people with black hair in the United States account for 5.4% of the entire population, of which Asians account for 4.4%, and Indians and Alaska Natives account for 1.0%.

"No, I can't drink, Mr. Stark." Rorsha refused.

"Why? You don't like human alcoholic drinks?" Tony was curious about everything about demons, "Can't demons be allergic to alcohol?"

"No, because I haven't reached the legal drinking age yet..." Luo Xia shrugged and said, "You know, I have always abided by the law."

Tony's jaw dropped in shock, and the wine glass in his hand almost slipped... Of course this wasn't because of the devil's cold joke about being law-abiding!

"Mr. Demon, you are not yet 21 years old?" Tony looked shocked. "It must be that demons and humans count their ages differently, right? Or maybe it's like you demons have a lifespan of 10,000 years, and now you have only lived a thousand years." Years, in proportion to just a human teenager?”

"No, no, no, I am eighteen years old this year and have just come of age." Luo Xia said with a smile.

In his eyes, this is normal, after all, Spider-Woman Gwen is only 17 years old.

"Mr. Devil, you mean..." Tony paused and asked: "You mean you are also a human? An American citizen? At your age, you should still be in high school..."

"Of course, being a demon is just one of my jobs. High school students need to participate in social practice." Luo Xia nodded.

Tony was speechless, God damn social practice! The intern demon is so terrifying. He roams around New York every day doing evil and killing without mercy. What if he officially works? The whole world will tremble in his shadow, right?

"This world is so crazy..." Tony lost his voice, "I would like to ask, your childhood must have been unfortunate, right? I once read in a book that to create a villain, you only need to give him a miserable childhood..."

"That really disappoints you. I have been very lucky since I was a child!" Luo Xia spread her hands and said, "Of course, if you want to be blown to ashes like the Green Devil that night, we can continue this topic."

"No, I don't want to!" Tony took a sip of whiskey to suppress the shock in his heart, "We can start the formal conversation."

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