Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 54 Confiscate your shield

But something happened that Captain America didn't expect. The dozens of violent red flame pillars passed by him. After easily penetrating the glass, they accurately hit every agent behind him.

Screams came one after another, and even the agents with amazing perseverance could not bear the pain of the flames.

Captain America looked back and saw that many agents fell to the ground unconscious under the heavy blows of the demon, with fire still burning in their chests. Director Nick struggled to get up. His chest was scorched black, blood was flowing, and white bones were exposed among the bloody flesh.

If the energy of the Dragon Talisman hadn't been dispersed into dozens of parts, thus reducing the attack power, the devil's casual blow could have taken away their lives.

After reacting, Captain America fired several shots at the demon so fast that the sound of the bullets coming out of the barrel became one long sound. But no matter how fast he was or how accurate his aim was, the bullet could not hit Luo Xia.

The Rabbit Charm not only increases Rorsha's speed, but also enhances his reflexes. Rorschach's top speed is 680 meters per second, and the speed of pistol bullets is only about 400 meters per second, so he can easily dodge it.

Suddenly the target disappeared from Captain America's eyes, and the bullets were embedded in the bulletproof glass of the counter with a loud bang.

"Captain Rogers, pointing a gun at someone is not a good habit."

Only then did Captain America see that the devil had sat on a public seat nearby.

The devil crossed his hands and placed them on the armrests of the seat. A paper bag filled with US dollars was placed on the empty seat on the other side. His smile was calm and elegant.

"Captain, if you can't surprise me today, then I don't mind letting you continue to sleep." Luo Xia said, "Of course, this time you will sleep forever."

The highly nervous Captain America continued to shoot, but the bullet missed as expected, and the demon disappeared again... Suddenly, Captain America quickly turned around and put his hands on his shield against his chest.

This time, Captain America saw the entire process of lighting up the dragon-shaped totem up close...

After the dragon talisman is fully charged, it emits heart-stopping energy, and countless amounts of light and heat burst out in an instant.


Captain America was blown away again. He smashed the chair where Luo Xia had just been sitting. The flying shield smashed into the ceiling with a clang, and bounced back a few times before falling to the ground.

Captain America struggled to get up, turned over and picked up the shield again, confronting the devil again.

"Ninety-year-old superheroes should retire, and demons also know how to respect the old and love the young." Luo Xia smiled coldly, "Captain, are your legs and feet still flexible? Attack me, don't just hide there Behind the pot lid!"

"I can spend the whole day with you!" Captain America spat out a mouthful of blood and held the shield in front of him.

Before he was injected with the serum and became a super soldier, he was so thin that he was blocked in an alley and beaten violently by a gangster. He also said these words to the gangster's fist.

From the current situation, the devil is as invincible as the gangster that day, but he will not give in.

Luo Xia also looked slightly sideways, of course not because Captain America said that classic line again.

The villain system has reminded him that he has gained villain points from Captain America, and the negative emotions collected include tension, anger, and guilt...but there is still no one emotion, that is fear!

Even though the gap in strength is so huge, facing such a violent and terrifying enemy as the Devil, Captain America has not yet felt any fear!

This is something Rorsha has never encountered before. He transforms into a demon and can easily make other superheroes or villains feel fear, regardless of whether they also have powerful powers, such as Spider-Gwen, Iron Man, Green Goblin, and Lizard Man. …

"I can't even burn you to ashes for a whole day." Luo Xia mocked contemptuously, and he slowly walked towards Captain America, "You really should retire. The superheroes during World War II could not keep up with the times, like It’s Iron Man who has his wits and his suit, and Spider-Woman who has his reflexes and webbing, but you only have that shield!”

The Dragon Talisman was activated again, and Captain America was blown away, hitting the bulletproof glass of the counter before coming to a stop. His head hit the solid bulletproof glass, and there was blood on his head.

Captain America got up again, but this time it was even more difficult. He did not give up at all. With a pair of determined eyes on his face full of blood, he stared at the devil!

Director Nick's words make sense. After all, Captain America has just woken up from seventy years of ice, and his body has not yet returned to its full strength... Although even at his strongest state, Captain America cannot defeat the devil.

Captain America could only watch as his shield floated out of thin air and flew towards the demon... Does the demon still have the ability to control objects?

Luo Xia grabbed the edge of the shield with one hand and fiddled with it for a while before inserting his left glove.

Luo Xia bent his fingers and knocked hard on the front of the shield. Except for a small sound, he could not feel any rebound, and the power was indeed absorbed.

"The vibranium shield, not bad." Luo Xia was very satisfied. He looked at Captain America and said: "I can't call you Captain America anymore, only Captain Rogers... because I confiscated the shield!"

Captain America, who had just gotten up, had not yet regained his balance. After hearing these words, he staggered and spat out a mouthful of blood...

Luo Xia put the shield in front of his chest, his face full of solemnity and solemnity.

"I am...Captain America!"

But the seriousness on his face did not fade for a second. Luo Xia was curiously studying the shield the next moment, as if he had obtained an interesting toy.

"Shield Spin!"

Luo Xia threw the shield, and the shield hit the wall and bounced off the bulletproof glass, but in the end it did not return to Luo Xia's hands, but fell to the ground.

The survivors hiding in the corner in the lobby were secretly watching, and even the female teller behind the counter stuck out her head to peek...

"Ahem...Second roundabout!"

Rorsha held out his hand, and he used the power of the Chicken Charm to bring the shield back into his hand.

"Shield attack!"

Luo Xia slammed the shield against the floor with force, and the marble floor shattered instantly. The shield bounced toward the corner, and then fell to the side after several bounces.

"Captain America...Captain Rogers, do you have any tips for using this shield?" Luo Xia asked seriously and shamelessly after taking back the shield, "For example, the angle and strength of flying out."

After hearing this, Captain America spit out a mouthful of blood again... He took a deep breath, clenched his fists and rushed towards Luo Xia.

Luo Xia raised his shield and nodded. He said seriously: "I want to learn your courage, but I must also be wary of your stupidity... Just lie down and you won't need to be beaten?"

Captain America ignored his taunts and pumped his fist bravely.

Luo Xia deliberately moved away, "On your left! (On your left)"

America's fist was easily deflected by Luo Xia with his shield. Luo Xia dodged behind him and kicked America in the buttocks. The unstable America fell straight to the ground.

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