Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 98 Anti-Demon Alliance

On the east side of Manhattan, the United Nations Headquarters Building and the World Security Council.

"Just read the speech." Coulson handed a note to Captain America, "Although you may not need it... Superheroes all have a unique side."

Captain America took the note, shook his head and said, "I'm not Tony Stark."

"It seems that you also know what happened that time. Mr. Stark has a lot of personality." Colson smiled, looked at his watch and said, "Captain, you still have one and a half minutes to prepare."

There was a knock on the open door of the room, and a middle-aged man in a suit and tie stood at the door.

"Director George, hello!" Coulson quickly stepped forward to shake hands with him. "My name is Phil Coulson. Today, I represent S.H.I.E.L.D. and the New York Police to talk about the Spider-Woman issue... Please come with me. .”

George glanced at Captain America in the room and followed Coulson. He said with some suspicion: "Mr. Coulson, have we met?"

"We met in the corridors of Columbia and Cornell Presbyterian hospitals in New York. We asked Harry Osborn about the details of the Midtown Technology Ball tragedy." Colson said with a smile, "George Sir, you have an amazing memory.”

Only then did George realize that it might be because of Harry's unusual behavior that day that he remembered the experience in the hospital that day so deeply...

In the room, the US team is still familiar with the manuscript. Today, the Security Council held a press conference on the "Devil Project". Reporters from all over the world set up their guns and short guns under the stage, and the US team wants to speak on behalf of the Security Council.

Captain America needs to answer the media's questions about the "Devil Plan". SHIELD is a secret organization, and Captain America was well known to the public during World War II, and his image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Captain America also participated in the entire mission to stop the "Devil Plan" and played a key role, so no one is more suitable to be this spokesperson than him.

"You should be familiar with this kind of occasion. You have a record of long-term performances on your resume, and the Secretary of State has awarded you medals." Hill's voice came from behind.

"I don't know if it's familiar or unfamiliar. After all, I haven't done any publicity work in seventy years." Captain America raised his head and said, "I heard that you succeeded as the director of SHIELD. Congratulations!"

"It's not worthy of congratulations. Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is never a good job..." Hill shook his head and said, "You should say 'good luck' and hope I won't die in some big event next. "

In the past, Hill was appreciated by leaders of several countries because of his extremely high work efficiency and strong principles, and was appointed as the executive director of SHIELD. Now Nick Fury died in the "Devil Project" incident. She took over as director without any hindrance.

After hearing what Hill said, Captain America was silent for a while. Before he could say anything, Hill reminded: "It's your turn to speak on stage, Captain!"

The Security Council member who was presiding over the press conference said: "Now I would like to ask Steve Rogers to answer questions from the media and the public. The questions have been drawn and we will not accept questions on the spot. Thank you."

Captain America strode onto the stage. Standing on the podium, he took a deep breath and glanced at every reporter.

S.H.I.E.L.D. specially let Captain America wear his legendary uniform, the classic red, blue and white color matching, echoing the color of the shield, the whole uniform looks very capable and mottled. This uniform has also been collected by the museum and will always be available for people to visit and admire.

The spotlight at the scene continued to shine. Although the video of Captain America fighting Kung Fu Panda had already gone viral on the Internet a long time ago, and many people believed in the fact that Captain America had awakened, this was the first time that Captain America had appeared in front of the public since his awakening. Appearance...

"It is undeniable that Spider-Woman played a key role in stopping the 'Evil Plan'. She saved many people in the world, including me... I am also on that list." Director George said, "But her previous crimes The record is also true. The police can withdraw the wanted warrant against her, but when she obstructs police work, causes damage and threatens the safety of citizens next time, we will still want her again!"

"Thank you for your support, sir!" Colson was already very satisfied. "Although Spider-Woman has some shortcomings in her actions, she has a sense of justice and responsibility that exceeds ordinary people. We will work hard to lead her on the right path. !”

"you mean?"

"That's right, when you see Spider-Woman next time, maybe she is already a government worker." Coulson smiled, "Of course, there is no clue about this work now. If the police have any information about Spider-Woman, please Share with us, for example, how to contact her.”

"Sorry, nothing can be done," George said.

Coulson didn't care either. He turned his attention to the TV in the room. Captain America was still reading his speech, which was really good news.

"Everyone is familiar with the process of the 'Devil Project'. The Devil shot a short film and sent it to the world with great I will only talk about the origin now." Captain America said while looking at the manuscript.

"All this is a conspiracy of an organization called 'Hydra'. They once wanted to rule the world during World War II, but were defeated by us, but after decades of development, he infiltrated many world security organizations to As for having the strength to complete such a large-scale terrorist incident, now our internal Hydra members have been eliminated, but the Hydra organization has not been eliminated..."

"What should we do next time Hydra launches a terrorist attack?" A reporter asked loudly below.

Captain America looked up at him and continued his speech.

"During the entire mission, we received support from many superheroes. With their help, we can crush the conspiracy of Hydra and the devil."

"For example, Spider-Woman and Iron Man went deep into two Helicarriers controlled by Hydra and replaced the mothership's chips. Only then can we stop the 'Devil Plan' and destroy the Helicarrier."

"At that time, there were many superheroes in the city who helped the police maintain law and order and protect ordinary citizens. I would like to thank everyone for their efforts..."

"Captain! An organization has calculated that the death toll of this 'Devil Plan' is 12,000, and the number of injured is countless. Is this data true?" Suddenly a female reporter sitting in the front row interrupted with a loud question. Captain America’s speech.

Captain America was silent for a few seconds. Seeing Captain America's reaction, some reporters quickly asked questions loudly.

"The mastermind behind the 'Devil Plan' is the devil. Has the devil been tried? Or is he still at large? What measures will the official take against the devil?"

"In the online live broadcast, we saw the demon easily destroying a helicarrier. He has such a powerful ability. Can the official fight against the demon?"

Captain America continued to remain silent, and the expression on his face became darker and darker... In the other room, Coulson looked at Captain America's expression and felt something was wrong.

"Oops..." Colson remembered Tony's performance at the press conference last time.

"If the devil launches a terrorist attack similar to the 'Devil Plan' next time, will people all over the world have to wait to die?" the reporter was still asking loudly.

The press conference was in chaos, and some reporters even rushed forward to ask questions about the US team. The Security Council had to interrupt the press conference, and security personnel entered to prepare to escort the directors away to maintain order at the scene.


Captain America suddenly spoke, and the scene fell silent instantly. Even the directors who were about to leave also stopped and waited for the American team to speak next.

"I will never allow the same thing to happen again!"

Everyone stared at Captain America with bated breath, their faces full of shock...

"People should not live in fear, and demons should not be left unpunished!" Captain America's tone was determined, as if he was reciting an oath: "We will establish an 'anti-demon alliance'!"

The audience was in an uproar, and doubts were overwhelming.

"Captain, do you think anyone can defeat the demon?"

"Will the demon take this as a declaration of war? What will happen when the demon is enraged?"

"Captain, does the Anti-Demon Alliance have a preliminary list?"

Captain America turned a deaf ear to all the voices. He picked up the microphone and continued to speak loudly: "The purpose of the Anti-Demon Alliance is: to resist the devil, defeat the devil, and judge the devil! In order to achieve this goal, I will do my best!"


"This is crazy!"

Inside SHIELD's temporary headquarters, Tony said in disbelief.

"Captain, why do you think you can lead an alliance to fight against demons?" Tony seemed to have heard some big joke: "By the way, you just came out of the ice and don't understand this world at all..."

Captain America frowned: "Stark, I never said that I would be the leader of the Anti-Demon Alliance..."

"You don't deserve it either!" Tony almost mocked, "You would be soft-hearted towards a killer. If Spider-Woman hadn't helped you hold him down, half of New York would have been destroyed, and you're still playing fighting games with your old friends. !”

Captain America took a deep breath to keep himself calm. He never wanted to quarrel with anyone, especially if the other person was Tony Stark.

Tony is not only Iron Man, but also the best scientist, weapons research and development expert, and energy expert. The shrunken arc reactor and steel suit are enough to prove his intelligence and unlimited creativity.

If he can join the Anti-Demon Alliance, the Anti-Demon Alliance will have enough scientific and technological support. As long as Tony chooses to join, the Anti-Demon Alliance will usher in a qualitative leap.

"Also, any organization needs a leader, a leader who can lead the way and have authority. Otherwise, it will collapse from within, let alone try to fight against the devil."

"Then it is destined that I am not suitable for this alliance. I have never been restricted by others. I participate in team actions and reluctantly do some tasks..." Tony spread his hands and said, "Obviously this is not my style!"

"You have to have standards in everything you do, right?" Captain America said calmly.

"Who is sitting in the conference room wearing a tights uniform at this moment?" Tony smiled slightly, "A few hours ago, an antique wore his antique uniform and brazenly said to the world that he would defeat the devil..."

Captain America glanced at Tony unhappily, and Natasha silently looked away. After the "Devil Project" ended, Stark Industries fired this S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

Hawkeye sat sideways and looked out the window, as if he had never paid attention to what was happening on the conference table.

"Stark, the leader can be you, or someone with leadership skills that everyone thinks is suitable." Captain America said seriously, "Who will be the leader is not the point. The point is that we all have a common goal. I My enemies are all demons!”

"No, I have a lot of character flaws. The fact that Stark Industries has not collapsed for so many years is all thanks to Miss Potts. If you ask me to be your leader, the Anti-Demon Alliance will not be far away from being disbanded." Tony lay on the chair and watched. Looking at everyone, he said, "And captain, please don't impose your ideas on others. I have never regarded the devil as an enemy... We are friends, the devil himself admitted it! I think we will always be friends, as long as he doesn't look for A panda came and beat me up and took away my armor."

"Tony Stark is also on the death list, as well as Pepper Potts." Captain America's head was full of black lines.

"That's a list made by Hydra. With the devil's patience, he will also specifically review whether his friend Tony Stark's name is on the list?" Tony smiled nonchalantly.

"Anti-Demon Alliance? Now the whole world knows it, and the devil knows it too! I'm wondering whether to issue a statement after I go back, saying that Tony Stark will not join any official organization, or bluntly say that Iron Man and the Anti-Demon Alliance Doesn’t the Demon Alliance have anything to do with it?”

"You are very courageous, Captain! You are the embodiment of justice, and your mission is to defeat the devil." Tony stood up and took the suit jacket on the chair, "But I'm sorry that I can only support you silently from behind. I hope you If you can survive safely, no one will join your alliance..."

"I join!" The door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open from the outside, "I join the Anti-Demon Alliance!"

Tony looked at the man wearing a vest and overalls at the door with some confusion. He had medium-length blond hair, was tall, muscular and rugged, and exuded a handsome look.

"Breaking point?" Tony said with some uncertainty.

The main reason is that the appearance of Thor, the God of Thunder, has changed so much. That day he descended from the dark clouds and lightning, holding Mjolnir in his hand, with his cape and hair flying, majestic... But at this moment, Thor looks more like a construction worker .

"What?" Thor was stunned. With Asgard's culture, he certainly couldn't understand what a "breaking point" was.

"'Point Break' is a movie that was released in 1991." Natasha explained, "You and Patrick Swayze in the movie both have the same long blond hair."

Thor looked at Tony with some displeasure. He could feel that this nickname was a joke on his appearance.

"Okay, be more shocking..."

"My name is Thor Odinson!" Thor emphasized.

But Tony ignored him, "You were just beaten up by a demon. I can totally understand why you want to join the Anti-Demon Alliance... By the way, you crashed a SHIELD fighter plane when you escaped, so you should stay and work." Pay off the debt!”

There will be another one in the evening, around eleven o'clock.

Thanks to the book friend "Maybe I'm lazy" for the 1,000 starting points.

Thanks to the book friend "Alone by the Moon on the West River" for the 500-point starting coin.

Thanks to the book friend "Xiaose Neiwai" for the 100-point starting coin.

Thanks to the book friend "Flavourful Eggplant Zhenjun" for the 100-point starting coin.

Thanks to the book friend "book friend 20200410014220040" for the 100 starting points reward.

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