Dracula, the second generation vampire ancestor.

The first generation vampire ancestor was the Atlantis wizard Varner, who used the magic in the Dark Book to transform himself into a vampire.

Here we have to talk about the Dark Book, which belongs to the god of black magic, Sithos. The magic of the Scarlet Witch comes from Sithos.

The Dark Book contains the magic of Sithos. Everyone who gets it sees different things in the book, and the great wizard Varner just saw the magic of transforming vampires.

After being transformed into a vampire, Varner gained powerful power and a long life. He lived too long, experienced too much, and even witnessed the sinking of Atlantis with his own eyes.

Then, Varner saw through the world and chose to commit suicide.

Before dying, Varner passed all his power to Dracula, and since then Dracula began to rule the vampire clan.

Dracula is a second-generation vampire who has obtained the power of Varna. In addition to his super physique, he can also perform illusion, hypnosis, transfiguration, and a small amount of black magic.

But this is not the point. The point is that he has a special ability, that is, resurrection, perfect resurrection!

No matter how he dies, he can be perfectly resurrected, without any weakening of strength or lack of memory. All he needs is to wait for a while.

Dracula's perfect resurrection is like a rule in the Marvel Universe. No one can break it, not even the goddess of death!

"Dracula, it's a bit difficult!" Eric touched his chin and frowned in thought.

Self-healing, recovery, resurrection, this type of ability is the most disgusting among superpowers. Think about Xiao Jianjian, why can he become more and more mean? Isn't it because he can heal himself no matter how many injuries he has, and no one can do anything to him?

Now he encounters the more disgusting infinite resurrection, which really stumps Eric.

First of all, you can't kill people directly. It's useless to kill them and resurrect them.

Secondly, he cannot be sealed. If you seal him, he will kill himself and become a brave man again after a while...

However, this Dracula cannot be left alone. If he is left alone, he will infect a large number of vampires in a few days.

"Master Gu Yi, do you have any way to solve the problem of Dracula?" Since he can't solve it himself, he can just hug his thigh! If he doesn't hug his thigh, he will lose money?

But Gu Yi shook his head, "I'm sorry, Eric, I can't kill Dracula either!"

"Then use the mirror dimension to trap him forever?" Eric didn't plan to give up.

"He can choose to commit suicide." Gu Yi shook his head again.

"How about using a portal to make him fall all the time?"

"He can turn into a bat, he can fly." Gu Yi's expression became a little weird.

"Then use the time gem to make him fall into a time loop?"

Gu Yi didn't answer again, looking at Eric with a smile.

Eric saw this expression and subconsciously shrank his neck, "Master, why are you looking at me like that?"

"You seem to know my magic very well!"

"Uh, generally, generally, hehe." Eric laughed awkwardly twice and didn't dare to say anything more. What can he say? Could he tell Ancient One that when he was in the Emperor Thanos universe, he studied Doctor Strange as an imaginary enemy for a whole year in order to grab the Ultimate Eraser...

Speaking of the Ultimate Eraser, I wonder if this thing can erase Dracula...

Ancient One shook his fan and stopped delving into the matter, "Eric, maybe you should ask your old friend."

"Old friend?"


Xavier School of Geniuses.

After many years, across two universes, Eric stood in front of the two familiar doors again.

The exquisite door seemed to lack maintenance and was a little rusty. Several plants had vines wrapped around the door, and it looked like it hadn't been opened for a long time.

"Boss! Boss! You're really here! Great!" Eric was still sighing outside the gate, when a roar of joy suddenly came from inside the gate, followed by a roar like an explosion.

Red Tank ran all the way, and the ground shook violently as he ran.

"Marco, stop!" Eric hurriedly stopped Red Tank. If he was allowed to rush over like this, the gate of Xavier School of Geniuses would have to be replaced with a new one.

After not seeing each other for a year, Red Tank seemed to be stronger than before. It seemed that Charles did not treat his half-brother badly.

"Is Charles here?" To be honest, he just lost face and came to ask for help from him immediately. He was really a little embarrassed...

"Charles? I don't know, who cares! Let's go find Sammy. If Sammy knew you were here, he would be very happy!"

Eric rolled his eyes when he heard it. In Sammy's eyes, he was probably at the same level as the devil in hell. He was still happy. It was good enough that he didn't cry!


"Mr. Eric, I never thought that you would be the one who saved these children! Thank you for your kindness. I apologize again for my rude behavior just now!" Professor X did not use his superpowers this time, and thanked Eric very sincerely.

"Professor Charles, there is no need to do this. I think no matter who sees the plight of these children, they will not stand idly by." Eric took the coffee handed over by Hank and smiled friendly.

"Why did Mr. Eric come to Xavier Academy for Geniuses this time?" After Hank delivered the coffee, he walked naturally behind Professor X. He seemed humble, but in fact he was always ready to protect Professor X.

Hearing Hank's question, Eric rubbed his nose in embarrassment, "I came to Xavier Academy for the Gifted this time. Firstly, I wanted to see Marco and the children. Secondly, I wanted to ask Professor Charles for help." Two small favors.”

"Oh? Do you need my help? What is it?"

"Find one person and arrest another person."

After hearing this, Professor

"It doesn't matter if it's broken, I'll just fix it for you!" Eric's words made Professor X and Hank's eyes widen. What do you think the brainwave intensifier is? Can anyone cultivate it? You thought that was changing a light bulb?

"Do you know how to build a brainwave enhancement device?" Professor

"Professor Charles, you have seen my abilities!" Eric smiled easily, "Furthermore, I have my own technology company, and I developed the world's first room-temperature superconducting material. I believe I have enough technology to repair it. it!"

Hank wanted to reject Eric's proposal directly, but Professor ** stopped him. He frowned and thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed, "Okay, then there's Mr. Eric."

Please give me some collections, recommendations and comments before going to bed...

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