Marvel: Those Years I Was Undercover in S.H.I.E.L.D

Chapter 110 Injustice, they really aren't our HYDRA people

That night.

There was no wind, and the dense clouds covered the only traces of moonlight in the sky.

Below an abandoned residential building, seventeen fully armed guys are standing there on alert.

"Are you sure it's here?"

Crossbones Rumlow looked up and glanced at the abandoned residential building.

Turning his head and looking at the desolate scenery around him, a bad premonition came to mind!

"It's here, Captain, according to the positioning of the brothers in the intelligence team, the group of guys who attacked the block around the Trident Building last time and slapped us in the face are living here now! 55

Listening to Rumlow's question, one of the team members held a weapon and said in a gloomy tone: "These damned guys, Captain, we must let them know what the consequences will be if we provoke us!

Listening to the team member's words, Rumlow frowned.

Where would normal people choose to hide here?

"Six Five Seven"

What a joke, it's not so much an abandoned residential building, it's a hiding place.

Rather, it's more of a suburb that no one cares about!

The ruined and desolate place is full of broken walls and ruins, as if it were a place abandoned by the world!

This group of people chose to hide here, either a group of lunatics, or they deliberately led them here!

Even if normal people want to avoid tracking and evasion from Aegis.. Snake Shield, shouldn't they choose to hide in a crowded place?

The more a large group of people stays in an unoccupied place, the easier it is to be discovered by Aegis' satellites!

Rumlow doesn't believe that a group of people who can cause such a catastrophe around SHIELD will not even know such an easy-to-understand truth!

"You guys wait here, I'm going to talk to Sitwell!

Saying that, Rumlow made a hidden gesture and then quietly came to the other side!

I took out the phone and dialed, and soon, Sitwell's phone was connected!

"Sir, we have followed the clues provided by the brothers in the intelligence team and found the hiding place of those people!

"It's just that I think it's obviously a trap, that group of people won't be stupid enough to hide here and wait for us to find out! 99


Before Rumlow could finish speaking, Sitwell's voice came directly from the other end of the phone: "Rumlow, are you afraid? 99

"I'm not afraid, but..."

"Our gentleman is angry!"

Before Rumlow could finish speaking, Sitwell said directly: "You know, since Nick Fury guessed in front of Mr. Pierce that these lunatics who attacked around the Trident Building two days ago were actually HYDRA, the old man. I almost got mad at this group of people!"

"All along, we HYDRA people are doing things that benefit us in the name of Aegis, or in the name of others!

"But now, someone dares to use the name of our HYDRA to do crazy damage, or even slap the face of Aegis?"

"God, don't they know how carefully our HYDRA brethren hide in the Aegis?"

"Once Nick Fury finds out about us, our long-term insight project will probably be interrupted, and even the rest of us will end together! 95

Having said that, Sitwell adjusted his tie and said helplessly: "So, whether Nick Fury guessed that this group of people is our HYDRA people.

"Or this group of people slapped the face of Aegis in the name of HYDRA for other meanings. Anyway, Mr. Pierce has a request."

"These people are all caught, and after they understand their purpose, they will all be dealt with, and none of them can be kept in the Aegis! So Rumlow, you should know how to do it!""

Hearing Sitwell's words, Rumlow was silent for a moment, and then he could only nod his head: "Understood, I will take people to get rid of all these damned guys!""

"now it's right!"

After nodding, Sitwell hesitation, but still said: "But if it is really a trap, then evacuate immediately!"

"Yes, sir!

After hanging up, Rumlow took a deep breath and looked up at the moon obscured by clouds.

Immediately sigh!

Pierce wants to get angry, and his group is going to go to hell!

No way, who made these guys think Nick Fury was HYDRA?

Damn, how could Nick Fury think that?

When did we HYDRA people dare to slap Aegis in the face so blatantly?

Inside the building!

"Boss Carl, why are they still coming in?"

Lying on the top floor with a weapon, the sniper scope is always aimed at Rumlow on the phone.

While observing the movements of everyone downstairs, he said to Carl in the earphone: "Boss Carl, they are not afraid to come in!"

"They will definitely come in!"

Listening to his subordinate's inquiry, Gal pressed one hand on the bazooka, and said in a cold voice at this moment: "The brothers in the technical team deliberately showed our position to them.

"So how could they give up this opportunity? Besides, this group of people is ready to be caught, and they want to know who we are!"

"If you don't take this opportunity to keep these guys here, then the plan that Boss Su ordered to use these sharpening stones to sharpen the brothers will be a failure?"

There's one thing Carl didn't say to the others.

That's the people below, all those damn HYDRA people!

Carl was also taken aback when he first heard Boss Su say this.

HYDRA is hidden in the Aegis, no matter how you think about it, it feels like a fantasy!

However, given his absolute trust in Su Che, Carl would naturally not have any doubts.

I just feel a little chilled all over.

Those so-called seniors in the past were actually HYDRA people!

As soon as this idea came out, Carl felt a little shudder!

Fortunately, Boss Su knew about this matter, and then transferred all the brothers who could be trusted.

Otherwise, if these people are in the headquarters, and they go out to execute orders in the future, I am afraid they will die without knowing how they died!

It's not that they are afraid of death, after all, if the people in the action team were afraid of death, they would have already transferred to civilian jobs!

Just dying in the hands of the "senior" I trusted before, I always feel a little panic!

Well, according to Boss Su, the only people who know about this 0.8 now are Boss Su, Mr. Nick Fury, Ms. Hill, and himself and Susan!

It's not that I don't tell other brothers, but I can't yet!

This is also the reason why Carl judged that these people will definitely come in to catch them, instead of just killing them with a single missile!

After all, after hitting the Trident Building headquarters, Mr. Nick Fury gave them a good eye drop in front of HYDRA!

What could be more interesting than to suspect that these people are HYDRA people in front of HYDRABOSS?

If the people of HYDRA don't take this opportunity to capture them alive and interrogate them for their purpose, then they are not HYDRA!

Definitely, it's an adventure too!

However, Carl has already made other preparations. Once the HYDRA people are really ready to wipe out their entire army and use missiles, then the brothers in the technical team will not eat for nothing!

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