Although the Ancient One is a Supreme Mage, she is still a human at heart, and she should have died a long time ago, but she has exceeded the limit of human lifespan, and this is because she has a connection with Dormammu, and has been living for hundreds of years, perhaps longer, using Dormammu's power.

But as Dormammu dissipated, the Ancient One immediately vanished.

"In the end, the only master died indirectly in my hands," Gao Yanli let out a long sigh.

She did it because of Gu Yi's conscious smile, Gu Yi must have seen the picture of his death a long time ago, and he had been prepared for a long time.

But she didn't run away from her fate, and even put the Time Stone in front of Gao Yuanli in advance.

I saw Gao Yuanli suddenly stretch out her hand to a star in the sky, and I don't know what means she used to find the time gem from the sky.

It was hidden there by the Ancient One with magic, and only her disciples knew how to crack it, and Gao Yuanli was her current and future best disciple.

At this point, all six Infinity Stones were collected by Gao Yuanli.

At this moment, she could have taken out the Infinity Stones and used the power of all the Infinity Stones to selectively wipe out Thanos' army, which was much faster than she could lock them one by one.

But Gao Yuanli just put the time gem into his personal space, and then raised his hand to grab the suit on his body, and tore it to both sides.

Inside the suit, it turns out that she has been wearing a Superman combat suit, a blue tight top, a red skirt and boots, and that red cape.

Obviously, there is no air in outer space, let alone wind, but the cloak is windless, and there is a beautiful long golden hair that is tall and detached.

Bowing his head, Gao gradually turned to the earth, and said: "This is really my last battle, earth, after this I will leave completely, no longer have to worry about me threatening the safety of the earth, or in other words, no matter who threatens the safety of the earth in the future, I will not appear again." "

Gao Yuanli's voice spread to every corner of the entire earth, and everyone looked up to the sky, watching Gao Yuanli, who began to gradually emerge with a golden glow on his body, and finally turned into a golden superman.

"Thanos, take your life," Gao gradually shouted, leaving Gao Mingyue, who had no time to react, rushed headlong into the earth and went straight to Thanos on the roof of Stark's building.

"Who told you to sit on the roof of my house?" said a coquettish cry, and Gao Yuanli instantly arrived in front of Thanos at a speed faster than the speed of light.

Thanos couldn't react at all, but his years of combat experience made him subconsciously raise his broadsword and put it on the oncoming route of Gao Yuanli.

If Gao doesn't change direction, he will run headlong into Thanos' weapon.

But... So what?

Gao Yuanli didn't even dodge at all, but hit it headlong.

"Click. "

Thanos' broadsword shattered in an instant, as if it was worse than the most ordinary glass.

And after Thanos's weapon was smashed by Gao Yuanli, Gao Yuanli brandished a war hammer and smashed it.

"Boom. "

The Stark building roared and collapsed.

Tony was dumbfounded: "My good girl, people are just sitting down, you are tearing down our house." "

In the ruins, Gao gradually flew out with Thanos, and with a flick of his left hand, Thanos flew a distance and fell high to the ground, and then looked at Thanos, he had become a headless corpse.

A single hammer can hammer Thanos to death, or even die without a place to bury.

But Gao Yuanli didn't use all her strength, otherwise even the earth, or the entire solar system, and even the Milky Way, including the entire multiverse, would be smashed by her with a hammer.

After killing Thanos with a hammer, Gao gradually raised his head and pouted disdainfully after looking around the surrounding New York City battlefield: "Without me, you really can't do anything." "

Tony apologized repeatedly on the radio: "Sorry sorry, guys, the kid is not sensible. "

is the only one who still treats Gao Yuanli as a child, you look at the unruly and arrogant posture, a proper queen style, who will see her as a child.

That is, their own people, if this is the enemy, the earth pill.

"Get out of the way," Gao Yuanli shouted from the battlefield, and then she turned into a golden light and walked through the entire battlefield in an instant.

Carol also leaves behind a small tail of light when flying at high speeds, but the trail of light she remains will soon disappear.

At this time, Gao Yuanli had no time to disappear behind him, and in an instant, Gao Yuanli had returned to his original position.

Looking at the battlefield throughout New York City, the vanguard army and the remaining Zetari army all froze until someone touched it, or a light breeze blew, and suddenly, all the enemies were reduced to a canopy of blood and burst open.

Gao gradually left the war hammer in her hand, she liked this snatched weapon more and more, it had nothing to do with how many abilities were attached to it, but the weight of the real swing, which made people feel happy.

New York City is a huge port city, with a population of tens of millions, and the Avengers and other Earth coalition forces are on this home turf, and Thanos himself is also sitting here, so you can imagine how many enemies there are, accounting for ninety percent of Thanos' subordinates.

But it's useless, why does Gao Yuanli have such a huge popularity? Because her strength is too strong, and the army of hundreds of thousands is like paper paste in her eyes.

"I'll go and see somewhere else," Gao Yanli took the initiative to act, since it was already the last battle, it must be a happy fight.

Turning into a golden light, Gao gradually left the level of the golden superman at this time, and instantly moved away from the New York City battlefield to the Hong Kong battlefield.

It was also a moment's effort, Gao gradually solved all the enemies on the Hong Kong battlefield, and rushed to London non-stop.

After the London battlefield was also solved immediately, he also launched super vision to search all corners of the earth, and killed all the lone and hidden soldiers one by one.

At this point, with the return of Gao Yuanli's entrance, the enemy collapsed in an instant.

It's that simple to have her there.

When the war ended, people couldn't help but cheer, everyone thought that the war might cause huge losses and injuries around the world, but fortunately, Gao gradually left in time, but before she returned, the losses and injuries caused by Thanos' army were not small, so people quickly fell down again.

Gao gradually flew back to New York City, watching the city completely reduced to ruins no longer prosperous as before, and couldn't help but feel a little distressed, as well as countless soldiers who died in this epic battle, as well as civilians who were affected.

"Tony, how many generations have my suit been upgraded?" Gao asked Tony suddenly.

Tony didn't know what he was going to do, but he still said: "Because I've been analyzing the alien technology you brought back recently, I haven't had time to upgrade, and it's still the same Mark 85th generation suit as me and Pepper." "

That is, the highest technology brought back from the four worlds of the Avengers.

Gao Yanli put away the war hammer and put it into his personal space, took out six Infinity Stones in front of him by the way, and stretched out his hand to pick up his finger at the Stark Building that was in ruins not far away, and a small box immediately flew out, which seemed to fit perfectly with the S logo pattern on Gao Yuanli's chest clothes.

Tony has a heart, and there is an S on top of the small box.

That's the steel suit, because it uses nanotechnology, so it doesn't take up much space.

No one knows what Gao is going to do, only to see her suddenly turn into a female Iron Man.

Tony's steel suit is red and gold, Pepper's suit is blue and white, and Gao Yuanli's suit is blue and gold.

After putting on the suit, Gao gradually lifted her right hand, and the six Infinity Stones automatically came to the back of her hand, and the Power Gem landed on the back of her hand, becoming a source of power to support the other gems, and the remaining five gems were placed at each finger knuckle, and the Infinity Gauntlet was born.

Gao gradually looked at everyone in New York City condescendingly, superheroes, and ordinary civilians, and then looked up and used his super vision to take in the survivors in every corner of the earth.

"It's a disaster, it shouldn't have happened, at least not now, and yet he's coming. Although we don't want to see such an outcome, it is already an established fact, and all we can do is try to make up for it. The Infinity Stones can modify reality, and all I can do now is change the established facts that have happened, and restore all the people and things that Thanos killed and destroyed. "

"Smack. "

Gao Yuanli snapped his fingers.

The power of the Infinity Stones instantly slanted out, and in the blink of an eye, it swept the world.

Thanks to the power of the Infinity Stones, the dead have been brought back to life, and the destroyed buildings are being restored to their original state, and according to Gao's thoughts, she wants it to be all back to the way it was before Thanos came.

Of course, that will only have a changing effect on Thanos, as for the ancient one who died because of Dormammu, he will not be resurrected, and the allies who have already come to support will not be sent back as if they never came.

People were shocked, could it be that the wishing machine failed? It is even possible to do such a thing?

Secretly, some people's eyes began to glow.

Remember to eat or not....

Gao Yuanli put away the steel suit and the Infinity Stones, as if he could guess that someone might be eyeing the Infinity Stones, so he deliberately said: "I will take the Infinity Stones away, don't think about fighting them, that will only bring disaster." "

Then she came to the Asgardian army again.

"God of War, God of War, God of War," the soldiers of Asgard immediately cheered, Gao gradually leaving not only the superhero of Earth, but also their god of war.

"Thank you," Gao said as he approached Odin, thanking him for his kindness.

Odin just smiled and watched Gao fade away, and she didn't need to say much to understand what he was doing it for.

Gao Yuanli promised: "Although I am leaving, I will not never come back, when what you worry about happens, I will come back to help you." "

And she still remembers the last words left by her master, and she may have to take in apprentices on behalf of her master in the future.

At this time, Pepper and Tony chase after them from behind.

"Are you going to leave again?" Pepper asked Gao Wanli, his face full of reluctance.

Tony also advised: "After this battle, no one will definitely find fault anymore." And what about Gao Mingyue? What about Ganata?"

Tony had a feeling that Gao Yuanli's departure might be different from the previous one.

It's really different, Gao is leaving the entire Marvel multiverse, and he is going to a new world to broadcast live.

After all, the final boss and the final battle are over, and there will be no more war in Avengers IV, so there is really little point in staying.

Gao Yanli looked up at Gao Mingyue, who was still outside the atmosphere, and shook his head with a smile: "Then the girl will be handed over to you, and Ganata, it's no problem to support the two of them with our family's financial resources." direction, I'll be back to see you guys often. "

"That's it, goodbye, Daddy Tony, thank you. "

(PS: I originally wanted to write two chapters.,But after thinking about it.,I don't want to write the plot of leaving too sad.,I don't want to write a special wordy in order to take care of everyone.,Besides, it's not that you can't come back.,There's no need to be so life and death, isn't it?。。。 In fact, this chapter is already more than 3,700 words.,Let's make it up, it's two chapters.,But I won't do that.。。

Also, thank you for the support of the two bigwigs, 'Imperial Confucian' and 'Origin and Rain'. )_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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