Under the repeated assurances of Rin Tosaka, Gao gradually left the club and did not swing away like the red A golf ball.

"Are you sure he won't hurt you?" Gao gradually confirmed to Rin Tosaka again and again.

Rin Tosaka stood not far away and nodded repeatedly: "It's better to say that I trust him a little more than I trust you, teacher, who are you? Aren't you really the seventh servant?"

The power shown by Gao Yuanli is too strong, it is not something that ordinary people can have, and there is no flow of magic just now, which means that Gao Yuanli is not a magician.

So who is she?

With the start of the Holy Grail War, six of the seven masters and seven servants have appeared, and now only the last servant Saber, that is, the swordsman, can officially start the fifth Holy Grail War this time.

It's no wonder that Rin Tosaka would suspect that Gao Yanli was the seventh servant, the timing of her appearance was too coincidental, and she came to this school as a teacher.

Thinking about it, Rin Tosaka involuntarily turned his head to look in the direction where Ku Qiulin flew upside down before, and in the pavilion corridor over there, Emiya Shirou was still stupidly staying in place, he was already stunned by the plot that was being played out in front of him.

However, because it was dark under the pavilion, Rin Tosaka couldn't see who the people were over there.

"Let's just say that I'm not the seventh servant, in fact, the seventh servant hasn't been summoned yet, why do you keep doubting me? Rin-san's suspicion hurts me very much, what about your conscience? let me touch your conscience," Gao Yanli said as he said and was about to walk towards Rin Tosaka.

Red A lived on the way of Gao gradually leaving.

Until he found out his true identity, he wouldn't be careless enough to expose his master to someone who might be a servant.

The human body is too fragile, so in the Holy Grail War, there is a tacit understanding reached by almost everyone, rather than trying to defeat other servants, isn't it easier for humans to defeat as the master?

Gao Yanli also consciously didn't insist: "It seems that just saying it can't dispel your suspicions, so let's get here first, and when the seventh servant appears, you will naturally know that I didn't lie to you." "

Anyway, the seventh servant will appear, and Gao is in no hurry to remove Rin Tosaka's suspicion and vigilance about himself now.

"But when the seventh servant appears, I want to touch your conscience, Rin-san, it really hurts the teacher's heart," Gao Yanli said, turning around and walking towards the pavilion corridor before, Emiya Shirou was still there, and... He is the seventh Master to participate in the Holy Grail War, and the burden of explaining his innocence rests with him.

Rin Tosaka muttered puzzledly, "How can you touch your conscience?"

She subconsciously raised her hand and pressed her heart, and then her pretty face flushed: "What the hell is going on with this English teacher?"

She finally knew that it wasn't her conscience that Gao was going to touch....


On the other side, Gao gradually left and returned to the Pavilion Corridor Guard Gong Shirou.

"Teacher, who are you?" Emiya Shirou was frightened, and subconsciously took a few steps back as he walked in.

Gao Yanli was already impatient: "Everyone has to ask the same question again? "

If it weren't for her to explain, Gao Xinwei Gong Shirou would not know the rules of the Holy Grail War, let alone summon his own Heroic Spirit Servant.

After all, the plot has been rewritten...

"Let's go," Gao Yanli greeted without looking back.

On the other side, Rin Tosaka and Red A had already left first, and before they figured out Gao Yuanli's identity, they obviously didn't want to have more contact with her.

Gao Yuanli didn't care, anyway, the facts would prove that she was not their enemy.

In this way, Gao gradually led Emiya Shirou in front, ready to send him home.

When he was halfway there, he was surprised to find, "Why is the teacher walking in front, isn't he going to take me home?"

Then it became Emiya Shirou to lead the way in front.

Gao gradually pouted, as an all-knowing and all-powerful her, it was not easy for her to know this little thing, and even she knew not only the home of Emiya Shirou, but also the whereabouts of the poor girl named Bazet.

The look of a certain street lamp king made her very unhappy, doesn't she like to play with others?

"How am I going to make him be used like a dog?" Gao Wanli pondered.

If someone were to ask Gao Fade Away, who she hated the most in the entire FATE world.

Gao gradually left the meeting, even the top three and not even the top five, the first must be the old thing of the dirty inkstone, and the second is a certain pair of murderers, from the Fourth Holy Grail War Yusheng Ryunosuke and Big Eyeball (Gil de Ray).

So what is the number of gold pickup trucks?

The answer is third.

Dig out your heart to Lori,Trick others into killing the master,Hide in the shadows and plot conspiracies,The most important thing is,He seemed to be looking at Gao gradually leaving with some not-so-good eyes just now.。

"Gilgamesh, do you know what it means to treat others the way they do? The oldest Hero King is just a miscellaneous cultivation of a man and a god, and you are the greatest and oldest miscellaneous cultivator. "


Maybe there are a large number of viewers in the live broadcast room who are fans of Jin Shanshan, but Gao Yuanli doesn't care at all, she must be Jin Hei.

Not to mention anything else, just Jin Shanshan casually calls others miscellaneous cultivators or something, she is disgusted enough.

Obviously he is the biggest mongrel, but he dares to call others a mongrel?

I can't see it, other than being an upstart, or what?

Ancient? Maybe it's really old enough, but the premise is that the whole world is looking at Chinese history and regards the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors as a myth, maybe when the ancient legend of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors is proven, even the ancient ones no longer exist.

And Gilgamesh is first and foremost a successor, not a pioneer, he is not a virtuous king who founded the country, and even before he met Enkidu, he was a tyrant, and when Enkidu died, he quickly died alone, his legendary life should have been shared with Enkidu, but the world only knew the hero king, but did not know that the throne of the hero king was divided equally between two people.

Selfish guy, it can be said that there is nothing to be admired by Gao Yuanli.

Now that she had provoked her again, Gao Yanli sneered secretly in her heart, she didn't bother to deal with that disgusting pair of pleasant pairs, it was enough for them to eat dog by themselves.

"Have fun, huh. "

(PS: That's right, I'm Jin Hei, I'm sorry for all the gold fans, but I really can't forgive some of the things Jin Shiny did, so I'll cut it...) )

(PS: Thank you for the support of the 'Sun Swallowing Dragon Master'.) )_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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