Gao gradually gained the ability to fly, and finally, after accumulating enough bonus points to upgrade the level of Superman's bloodline to a true Golden Age Superman, she gradually mastered the ability to fly.

However, this does not mean that she can fly as she pleases, and it is better to keep a low profile until the existence of superheroes is announced.

Tony is different, his Iron Man was created by him with his own wisdom, to put it bluntly, people know that it is Tony who is hidden in the Iron Man suit, or a human.

However, if one day it is found that someone can fly in the sky under his own power, it will be a different situation.

So after Gao gradually left and Coulson, at Coulson's suggestion, she chose to follow Coulson and drive to New Mexico.

On the way, the two chatted very well, after all, Coulson knew that Gao Yuanli was already a member of the Avengers' list, so he could say a lot of things.

For example, ask Gao Yuanli what his abilities are, and who Gao Yuanli's favorite superhero is, etc. (in the background of the times, the American team is the first superhero, and there is a surprise team behind).

Gao Yuanli didn't guard against Coulson, and gave a general introduction to her abilities, but she also had reservations, such as some weaknesses or something, and she would never say anything.

Of course, this is the Marvel Cinematic Universe, even if you know that the light of Kryptonite and the red sun is the Achilles' heel of high gradient, does anyone know what Kryptonite is?

Belch... Maybe there really is, so it's better not to waste it.

As for my favorite superheroes.

"Iron Man. "

When Gao Yanli said the answer, his tone was categorical, without any hesitation: "The heart of iron in a mortal body, a flaw but a heroic side, too handsome." "

Coulson was disappointed because his idol was Captain America.

Anyway, is it really good to have an American team fan and an Iron Man fan sit together? Are you sure there won't be a fight?

"Actually, the captain is also very good, his noble character and the standard of the United States," Gao Yuanli's sense of the American team is not bad, but he doesn't like Iron Man as much.

"Rice Country's fart?" Coulson said he didn't know what you were talking about.

Only the audience in the live broadcast room knew, so they laughed happily, and all kinds of emojis also swiped the live broadcast room.

In the real world, Donnie even proudly called Chris (Mr. Tao), with all kinds of displays and ridicule on the phone.

Of course, it was a good-natured joke between friends.

Anyway, Mr. Tao and Mr. Hai are both called Chris....

As Gao moves away, the two encounter a small episode on the road, and when they pass by a convenience store at night, they encounter a robbery (which is in the short film looking for Thor's hammer).

Two stupid and cute robbers went to such a remote place to rob a convenience store on the side of the road outside the city, and how much money could there be here.

Then Gao gradually stepped forward, really the kind that stood up, walked over to the bullets of the bandits, grabbed the clothes of the two bandits unharmed, and threw them out a few hundred meters away one by one, even if they didn't die, they would be crippled.

"It's violent, but we like it. "

There was a cheer in the live broadcast room, they liked this simple and rough plot, and Gao gradually left the shot too decisively, which made them very pleased, it seems that the goddess really came out of the shadows, she no longer bothered with the indifferent things that watched Hulk beat to death and hate, and implemented her beliefs.

But Coulson doesn't think so.

"You're too heavy," Coulson said, "forget it this time, after all, the enemy is a gangster with a firearm, if it's an ordinary person, it's better to be merciful." "

Gao Yanli asked funny and angry, "Do you think I'm like this to everyone?"

She's only going to be ruthless with enemies and bad guys.

But looking at the clerk who was obviously frightened, it didn't seem to be convincing.

I won't repeat the episodes on the road, but after three days and two nights of traveling, Gao and Coulson finally came to New Mexico, and they went straight to the place where they found that thing, which was Thor's hammer.


In a crater that looks like a meteorite falling, right in the middle, a delicate one-handed hammer stands on it.

Coulson and Gao had already received the news, and before that, countless people living nearby had already tried it, and no matter how powerful the Hercules were, they couldn't shake the hammer.

Even when people want to use a car to tow the hammer away, they can't do it.

There are also people who want to dig up the soil under the hammer and see what happens when the hammer falls.

It turned out that the soil near it was very soft, and only the piece of soil under the hammer could not be excavated, as if the hammer and the earth had become one.

Of course, such a miraculous news spread extremely quickly, but fortunately, S.H.I.E.L.D. found out early, and finally suppressed the news before the situation spread further, and dispersed the people nearby.

It's like saying that the surrounding area has been controlled by S.H.I.E.L.D.

At this time, Gao Yuanli flew down from the edge of the pit and slowly landed on the edge of the hammer.

The live broadcast room was boiling: "Let's try to see if we can snatch Thor's hammer away." "

"Wow, what would happen if the goddess picked up Thor's hammer? Don't forget that Odin added the magic to the hammer 'As long as someone is qualified enough to pick up Thor's hammer, they can get the power of Thor', maybe the goddess will also be a part-time female Thor?"

"Iron Man, Superwoman, plus Thor?"

"It's so much fun. "

The audience was having a lively discussion, and among them, another Chris (this time it was Mr. Hai... Finally couldn't hold it anymore and called Donnie: "Hey Tony (shouting on purpose), get your daughter away from my hammer." "

Downey said angrily, "I need to be able to call in too." "

Gao Yuanli didn't know how worried 'Thor' was in the real world, and at this time, she also walked around Thor's hammer with an interested face, looking at every detail of Thor's hammer at the closest distance.

In the end, when she returned to the front of Thor's hammer, that is, the direction of the handshake, she still couldn't help it, and she stretched out her sinful little hand with an itch, holding Thor's hammer and raising her hand vigorously.

"Whoosh. "

Gao Yuanli suddenly jumped into the sky, it was not the power of Thor's hammer, but the power she used herself was too great.

Gao Yuanli thought that he was not qualified enough, and he should not be able to hold the hammer of Thor, so he subconsciously tried his best.

However, in her right hand, Thor's hammer was firmly held in her hand.

So Gao Yuanli used too much force, so big that in an instant she broke through the atmosphere and flew into outer space.

In addition to her own power, she also received the blessing of Thor's power from Thor's hammer.

And... She literally put on Thor's armor.

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