Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 108 Lois

Ku Lois lay down on the head of the police station, looking down at the policeman underneath. With a light kick on his powerful legs, he shot out like a bullet.

The wings behind it can only help Ku Lois to glide in the air, and cannot achieve Flight. Perhaps it is possible to continue to evolve.

But Lois probably knows the premise of evolution, that is, cannibalism! Last time he was dazzled by anger, and now he can't believe that he has eaten four living people.

"From now on, I, Lois, will never kill. This is my bottom line as a person." Lois squatted on the top of the building, looking up at the moon sky.

The moon tonight is particularly bright, maybe this is the promise made by the goddess of moonlight and him.

Ku Lois used his big jaws to clean his double blades, the tentacles on his forehead swaying gently.

"Who?!" Ku Lois looked back abruptly and saw a man in black standing there.

"Destiny?" Ku Lois asked tentatively.

Destiny is the nickname Xilai told Ku Lois, Xilai also specially emphasized the existence of two men in black, the other is called the Holy Lord!

Xiao Hei, wearing Tara's mask, stood quietly behind Ku Lois, the strong wind blowing over his body, and his sleeves fluttering there.

"It seems that you are the Holy Lord." Ku Lois, like a mantis, put on a fighting posture and said: "I want to send you to the police station."

The corner of his mouth under the little black mask curled up, and he stretched out the index finger of his right hand and hooked it, indicating that Lois should give it a try if he has the ability.

"It's really arrogant." After Ku Lois got Ability, he had never slumped.

Ku Lois jumped up quickly, raised his two blades high, and cut off at Xiao Hei's head, while he still kept a bit of strength.

How could Xiao Hei be hit by this simple attack, turned his body back, took out a magic rope from his arms, and put it on Lois.

Ku Lois thought it was just an ordinary rope, as usual, and wanted to cut the magic rope with a double blade.

Unexpectedly, to his surprise, his double blade did not cut the magic rope, but was entangled tightly by the magic rope.

This magic rope is made through the processing of Xilai black magic, and its toughness is not comparable to ordinary ropes.

Ku Lois wanted to get rid of the control of the magic rope with both hands, and Xiao Hei immediately steadied his feet, pulling Ku Lois tightly.

But obviously, Ku Lois's strength is not comparable to Xiao Hei's, but Xiao Hei was dragged by Ku Lois to his side.

"Here." Ku Lois opened his big jaw to control Xiao Hei's neck.

Xiao Hei decisively released the magic rope, got into the kingdom of Shadows, and then appeared five meters away from Lois.

"Slippy loach." Ku Lois bit the magic rope with his big jaws. Although the magic rope is tough, it is not indestructible.

Seeing that the time came, Xiao Hei quickly pulled away and left.

"Come, don't worry about leaving." The tentacles on Ku Lois' forehead were shaking quickly, bang!

Xiao Hei was directly shaken by the infrasound wave emitted by Ku Lois, and the black mist disappeared.

"Run?" Ku Lois stood still, panting.

This is Ku Lois's own secret weapon, super infrasound! It was enough to deaf the enemy's ears, but unfortunately let the Holy Lord run away.It was learned from Xilai that the man in black who turned into a black mist was not dead, but escaped into another space.

"Hmm~" Ku Lois looked around, picked up the broken magic rope, and left.

the other side

"Xiao Hei is dead?" Xilai was very surprised. He didn't expect Xiao Hei to be resurrected.

Xiao Hei was notoriously cautious. He didn't expect to be killed by Ku Lois this time, and he didn't even convey the memory of his death.

Xilai resurrected Xiao Hei without saying a word, summoned Xiao Hei again, and asked, "Let's talk, what happened?"

"Sorry master, Lois will have a special sound wave Ability. Before I could hide in the shadow kingdom, my whole body was shattered." Xiao Hei explained while standing beside Xilai.

Xilai nodded and said, "Be careful then. Although it is not an enemy now, it is hard to guarantee that it will be in the future."

The more he thought about it, the more angry he was, and he gestured with his hands: Master, I plan to make a super-infrasonic machine, and I want to give back to the other way.

He is particularly unwilling to be stunned by Ku Lois at once. He wants revenge, and he wants to take revenge in the same way that Ku Lois killed him.

"The idea is good, I hope you can realize it." Xilai encouraged, so that even if he faces Ku Lois in the future, he has weapons to deal with.

In addition, Xilai had confidence in Xiao Hei and believed that he would be able to make such a weapon.

"This is the end of the data collection library Lois, basically his Ability is this." Xilai put down the juice in his hand and said.

Xiao Hei immediately took out a glass of milk and said: Master, drinking milk at night will help you sleep.

"I know, but I want to drink juice." Xilai didn't like the taste of milk, but the juice was good.

Tonight Peter disappeared again and resumed his usual busyness again. Hearing from the spy Ninja Ninja, Peter was bored tonight and ran to Clint.

Hearing this, Si Lai understood at once, Clint was also called Hell's Kitchen, and it was not ordinary chaos there.

To say that here, at night, at any rate, there are more or less people hanging out on the streets, hell's kitchen.

When night falls, those who wander in the streets are full of hard stubble, at least people have a gun in their pockets for self-defense or other things.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for little Spider-Man Peter. Silay is lying on a chair and looking at the ceiling. Now both the justice point and the crime point have reached more than three thousand.

No matter which one you use, you can unlock the spell clues, but you don't know what the next spell will be.

"Come on with a dog." Silai prayed inwardly.

If this is a dog, then you will be really stable. The dog spell is not only immortal, but also has an Ability similar to King Kong's immortality.

However, if the object hits the body, it is still very painful, unless the horse charm is added to remove the long-lived pain on the body.

Xilai opened the charm clue in the mall, thought for a while, and decided to exchange justice points for the clue.

At present, the righteous magic redeemed by the righteous point is not good for dark magic, and there are many dark magics that are particularly powerful.

They are all restrained by righteous magic, but there is no righteous magic in this Marvel world, and there is no need to worry about being restrained at all.

After changing the spell clue again, Xilai's consciousness came to the gray space again.

"Let me see, what is the charm this time?" Silay said with a twist of his neck.

As long as it is not an uncontrollable rat or temporarily useless sheep, Silay said he can accept it.

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