Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 127 Barbecue

"Hmm..." Everyone was silent.

Peter pulled the mask down silently, covering his mouth, but Xiao Hei took a few mouthfuls.

Xilai lay down on the chair, and said with a thought: "I'll ask you to have a barbecue."

Five Sombra ninjas quickly appeared beside the table, sweeping away the barbecue and other food on the table.

Then ran to the kitchen, but after a while, Sombra Ninja appeared with ten scented barbecues.

"I believe this will be delicious." Tony smelled the scent, picked up his knife and fork, eager to try.

Thor sat upright and said, "I think so."

Then, not long after putting down the food, the Avengers had no time to move their knives and forks, and the Sombra brought juice and red wine.

"How much is your servant?" Tony cut off a piece of meat and said, then put the barbecue in his mouth, um~ delicious.

"No money, surrender to the strong." Xilai pretended to say.

Tony raised his eyebrows, touched the Banner next to him, and said, "Hey Doctor, call out the green baby."

"Come on, Tony, if Hulk is called out, then we don't have to eat." Natasha Romanoff laughed.


Thor broke a quilt and said, "Delicious! Come again!"

"Is this your custom?" Barton asked.

"Yeah." Thor responded.

Tony picked up a wine bottle and said, "You should be suitable for drinking directly."

Thor took the wine in Tony's hand and drank it, and asked Loki in his backpack from time to time: "Loki, do you want something?"

"Meow~" Loki refused.

"Ha~ I knew you wanted to drink." Thor opened the cat's backpack, stuffed the bottle of the wine bottle into Loki's mouth, and filled him with wine.

Loki resists Thor very much, wants to break free of Thor's bondage, but can't break free.

"Are you sure he said he wanted to drink?" Rod said, looking at Loki's resistance.

"Definitely." Thor said with one hand holding Loki's stamina, "As our brother for many years, I still don't know what Loki is thinking?"

"Meow! (idiot! Let go of me!)" Loki shouted.

Rhodes looked at Thor, and Thor translated: "He is complimenting me and said he wants to drink it."

"Meow! Meow! Meow! (Stupid brat, who wants to drink anymore!)" Loki discovered that he and Thor, an idiot, had no common language.

"Look! He is complimenting me." Thor happily said.

Rod frowned in front of Thor: "I bet on the grilled meat on the plate, he definitely didn't say that."

"Who knows." Tony said.

Half an hour later

"Uh~" Thor said with a hiccup, touching his stomach with his left hand, and pressing Loki with his right hand.

Dr. Banner sat alone in the corner, eating his barbecue in silence.

Peter kept talking to Banner, "How did you become that green guy?" "Why don't your pants hold up? It's cool, I also want to use that material to make a battle suit."

After taking a few bites, Rod was called back by the officer. Natasha Romanoff was about to ask Thor to go to S.H.I.E.L.D. to deal with Loki's affairs.

Tony was talking to Pepper, who was on a business trip abroad, to prove that he was really fine. He just talked casually before.

Steve ate the barbecue with an appetite, while Silay took a small bite and returned home with his share. Fortunately, the war did not spread to Queens.

Xilai Room"This barbecue is so delicious." When Peter returned home, the first thing he did was to go to Xilai's room and praised the barbecue.

Xilai smiled and said, "Definitely, it doesn't matter who made it."

"These black men are so cool." Peter also envied this Ability.

"What's in your bag?" Silay noticed that Peter was holding a red bag, which was bulging and looked like clothes?

"This?" Peter lifted the bag and said, "These are Hulk's pants. I stole them back from him when he changed back to Dr. Banner."

"..." Xilai said silently: "What are you doing with this?"

"I see Hulk is ripped up and down, but the pants are not torn. He must have used unusual materials. He happened to have used it, so I will study it." Peter is already fantasizing about getting a new material of battle suit. Looks like.

"..." Xilai, he actually wanted to say that if these pants weren't worn by Hulk, it would be useless.

Tomorrow morning

Thor is carrying a green cat backpack with Loki in it. He hasn't changed back yet, and Thor's hammer is hung around his waist.

The cat backpack is made of special materials, and Loki can't get rid of it. The most important thing is that he has a chain tied to his foot and a hammer is attached to the other end of the chain.

Thor holds the device for Youyu's Cube in both hands. Just activate the button to bring him and Loki back to Asgard.

The Avengers are here to see Thor off, along with a little Spider-Man Peter who joins in the fun.

"Don't let this reindeer cat make trouble again." Tony said, looking at Loki in the cat's backpack.

Loki shouted unwillingly: "Meow! Meow!"

"Okay, I know, Loki, you are also anxious to go back to Asgard." Thor turned his head and smiled. He thought Loki couldn't wait to go back.

"If you look at his expression, I must not be this." Natasha Romanoff said, staring at Loki's angry face.

"I brought cat food. I heard that cats like this." Banner said, hanging the cat food on his backpack.

Thor thanked Loki: "Thank you, I'm sure he will like it."

"And this, I found it in Mr. Stark's mansion." Peter hurriedly took out the pink hat from his arms.

Loki saw the hat through the cat backpack, and his face went dark. He hated the hat.

"Haha! Thank you so much, I thought I had lost it." Thor took the hat and hung it on the backpack.

Steve came slowly on his motorcycle and said, "Goodbye."

"Yeah." Thor pressed the device and twisted his hand, Tesseract burst out with a light, boom! With a flash of light, Thor took Loki and left.

"Go." Tony left here with Banner.

Steve glanced at Natasha Romanoff, took out a helmet and said, "Would you like to get in the car?"

"Definitely." Natasha Romanoff took the helmet and put it on and sat in the car.

boom! boom! ~

Steve left with Natasha Romanoff, leaving only Barton in place.

"It seems that I have to make the plane by myself." Barton shrugged and turned back to the plane.

"Then I should go too!" Peter shot cobweb and quickly left here.

At this point, the Avengers have separated and don't know when they will meet again.

Shadow Kingdom

"Start experimenting." Xiao Hei put on a bracelet-shaped sensor for himself.

Black armor was all around, and after Xiao Hei gave an order, the armor slowly moved, and then!


Because of the heavy sprinting force of the armor, Xiao Hei directly smashed into a cloud of black fog. Da Hei on the side saw it and smirked there.

"It looks like a personal experiment." Xiao Hei immediately came back to life. This was a privilege Xilai gave him. Only when Xiao Hei died, Xilai could get news from him, and then resurrect Xiao Hei.

Da Hei noticed that Xiao Hei's eyes seemed to be wrong.

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