Peter was not sure if the man below was the one that Harpy was chasing, but now the man ran straight on the street, and he saw a ghost in his heart.

Killian smashed away from the person in front of him and ran into the subway station. Peter followed closely behind him.

Seeing the ticket gate in front of him, Killian said nothing, raised his red right hand, smashed the baffle with one punch, and ran towards the train that had just stopped in place.

"Oh no." Peter chased after, because it was the rush hour for get off work and the subway station was crowded with people, which was not a good thing for him.

These people are the opposite for Killian. The more people he has, the higher the chance of him getting rid of Spider-man.

"Stop!" The subway staff rushed over, raising the stick in his hand to stop Killian who was evading the fare.

Killian didn't even bother to use Ability, took out the pistol in his arms and pointed it directly at the security personnel, bang!

"Be careful." Peter shot cobweb in time to save the security guard who was supposed to have eaten the bullet.

The feeling of security personnel lying on the ground panting heavily, hovering on the edge of death, is really terrible.

"Ah!" "Omika!" The gunshots also completely alarmed the crowd in the subway. The crowd began to riot and ran towards the exit one by one.

Killian wanted to capture the hostage, but suddenly received news from his subordinates: The biochemical warrior is expected to arrive on the battlefield in five minutes.

"Huh." Killian thought of a good idea, maybe getting rid of a future enemy is a good thing.

Killian kept the pistol on the ground. He knew that the pistol couldn't hurt the Spider-man, and said, "Spider-man, you don't need to chase me, you should take care of those people."

"Catch you and everything will be solved." Peter also understood a lot just now that the mysterious explosions that have occurred these days are inseparable from the people in front of him.

"That's a shame." Killian turned and got into the train that was about to start.

Peter naturally couldn't let Killian run away, shot cobweb and jumped into the moving car.

As soon as he jumped into the car, a strong Spider Telepathy sounded in his mind, Peter hurriedly jumped away, bang!

The railing next to the seat was bent by Killian with a punch. He retracted his fist and looked at Spider-man and said, "It's jumping pretty fast, little bug."

"Cool~ the hands with red light should be very good for lighting at night." Peter said incredulously.

Killian shrugged and smiled, "There are still a few people in the car, you don't know, Spider-man."

Peter's eyes shrank, and the eyes of the battle suit shrank with his emotions.

"Spider-man, to be honest, I am not interested in you, but after all we are opposite people. Now that we met today, let's get rid of you!" Killian shouted.


Peter's keen sense of hearing heard some small sounds outside the car, so he hurriedly looked out the window, and the big bug with a hideous face appeared on the window.


The mantid smashed the glass and jumped in. There were five in total and surrounded Peter.

"Alien invasion?" Peter swallowed and asked, "These won't lay eggs in the human body?"

"You can try." Killian walked slowly back.

When Peter saw this, he wanted to step forward to stop Killian, and the surrounding mantids stepped forward and opened their mouthparts.

"By the way, there are still people in the backstreet carriage." Killian pointed to his back and said."For safety, wear a mask." Peter shot the cobweb net and sealed the mouths of the surrounding mantis.

"Woo~" The mantis wanted to chew the cobweb net with his teeth, but couldn't do it at all.

Because Peter shoots a powerful cobweb, which can't be pulled apart by the mantid's mouth alone.

"By the way, there is one more thing Spider-man. The vehicle will keep moving forward, and the second station below has been blown up. If the train doesn't stop by that time, then... Boom! Haha!"

Killian melted the roof of the car and jumped on it.

"Guys, it's over." Peter quickly switched to the grid cobweb mode. Cobweb carried the electric current and tied the limbs of the mantid.

The powerful electric current directly stunned the praying mantis to the ground. The mantis who were not on the ground, Peter opened the door leading to the rear compartment with a punch and found that it was full of people.

"Hey! Spider-man!" the person inside greeted Roar.

"Hi~" Peter's smile was a little stiff, he had to go and see what was going on in the cab.

What Peter is wondering now is why these people didn't get out of the car just now, and the people in the first few cars ran away. Why are they staying here?

"Borrow it." Peter crawled over the crowd.

I arrived at the door of the cab very smoothly, jumped off the roof, opened the door and asked, "Anyone?"

"Hi~ Spider-man." The conductor smiled barely.

"Fortunately there is a driver." Peter asked, "What happened?"

"There was a madman who broke the brake device, and now the car can't stop." The train said with sweat.

Now that the train is moving at such a fast speed, ordinary people can't get off the train at all, and even if they jump down and survive, they are in this closed tunnel.

The next train will crush you fiercely into meatloaf.

"Well, I can probably guess that it was done." Peter thought of the man who was chasing him before.

"The platform has sent me a message just now. The next station has been bombed. If the train continues to run, then... the conductor and the driver are not talking, and the result is already obvious.

Peter took a deep breath. With him alone, it is impossible to rescue everyone in the car, even with the Spider Squad.

It only takes three minutes to get to the next station from the train! It is impossible to rescue everyone in three minutes! Unless his brother Silai can.

"It's a pity that Xilai is not there." Peter clenched his hands into fists, and he had a bold idea.

"Can the broadcasting system work?" Peter turned his head and asked the conductor.

The conductor nodded and said, "Definitely, is it okay, what should I do?"

"Notify everyone, hold on to the surrounding railings and hold the seat tightly. The journey may be a bit bumpy." Peter opened the window next to him and got out, then slowly stood up and looked ahead.

The conductor picked up the communicator and shouted: "Passengers, the journey will be very bumpy in the future, please hold on to the railings..."

"Roar~ Roar~" Peter's heart beats very fast, and he doesn't know if he can do it.

Peter jumped to the front of the train, glanced at the conductor, nodded to the conductor, to make the conductor a little more relieved, and then turned to face the front, his back pressed against the front of the train.

With a slight twist of his wrist, the electric current spider web switched to a powerful cobweb mode. Looking at the collapsed ruins ahead, Peter decided to give it a go.

Perhaps from the line of sight of the conductor, the front was dark, but what Peter saw was a block of ruins.

"Come on, Peter! You can!" Peter took a deep breath and shot cobweb towards the surrounding wall.


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