Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 168 Angry Stark

Kazk yelled in the dark unconvinced. Although it could not beat the guy in the dark, it was not afraid of that guy.

"Okay, Kazk, be quiet, you can't beat him again, why do you always mess with him." Silai preached speechlessly.

Just like the idiot Da Hei, he obviously couldn't play Xiao Hei, but he always deliberately provoke Xiao Hei, and now Da Hei doesn't know how many times he has died.

Kazk shook his head unconvincedly, and sat down, floating in the space of the Dark Shadow Kingdom.

After all, they are all under Xilai. Who doesn't want to be the first, only the first can receive Xilai's attention.

"Hey, one by one, it's really unnerving." Xilai shook his head and sat on the recliner.

"Master drinks juice." Xiao Hei said softly when he came to Xilai with a glass of juice.

Xilai smiled, took the cup and said, "It's still Xiao Hei that you reassure me, how is the experiment done?"

"It's already possible to inject normal people, just because some dark magic is added later, the success rate can only reach 3%, or even lower."

Xiao Hei's tone was a little lost. He felt that he had let the master down. Originally, the success rate was 60%, but now it is mixed with magic, and the success rate has become so low.

"It's okay, slowly improve later, don't be too anxious." Xilai saw Xiao Hei's mind, so he comforted.

Xiao Hei is his capable man, he must be comforted, if it is the fool of Da Hei, let him fend for himself.

Anyway, with Da Hei's silly spirit, he would become silly again in a few minutes.

"Yeah." Xiao Hei said, "We currently have only five Dragon Warriors."

"Are there only five?" Silay was lost in thought.

Dragon Warrior is the gene display they cultivated by themselves, integrating Extremis, Lois gene and dark magic, and the most important Dragon Shadow.

Dragon Shadow is a monster that often wanders in the Sombra Kingdom. In fact, this is also a type of Sombra Corps, but they can't leave the Sombra Kingdom.

The appearance of genetic warriors has changed all of this. They can attach themselves to the genetic warriors, thereby leaving the kingdom of black shadows.

The Dragon Shadows listened to Xilai. After the genetic warriors integrated Dragon Shadow, they were called Dragon Warriors by Xilai.

The body of a dragon warrior can hold a hundred dragon shadows.

"I originally wanted to create at least one hundred Dragon Warriors, but now I can only complete 5 percent." Xiao Hei said embarrassingly.

Xilai waved his hand indifferently, and said, "I said it doesn't matter, it's time to send Peter back."

"Yeah." Xiao Hei hurriedly called four or five Sombra ninjas and sent Peter out.

Xilai also followed the Sombra Ninja out of the Sombra Kingdom and returned to his bedroom.

What happened today is still too thrilling. Peter was able to hold the train because of a temporary explosion, otherwise Peter can't hold it at all.

Peter, who is still in high school, has not reached the peak of his physical fitness, nor has he experienced long-term constantly fighting to improve his physical strength.

"Too desperate." Xilai sighed. Anyway, he couldn't do like Peter, choosing to pull a train for everyone, so that he could live, better than anything else.

Didi! Didi! At the moment, the alarm clock by the bed rang.

Xilai jumped back slightly, fell on the bed, turned off the alarm clock and said, "It's eleven o'clock."

Boom boom boom! Xilai's door was knocked.

"Please come in!" Xilai shouted.


Ben Parker pushed the door in and said, "Silay, it's so late, aren't you going to take a shower?"

"I was writing the report just now. I didn't have any ideas, so I thought about it for a while and delayed some time." Sai Lai pointed to the report on the table.The report on the table was the report he left on the table when he went to rescue Peter. He still remembered that his report hadn't been finished yet!

"It turned out to be so, then I'll go next door and call Peter. What happened to your two brothers today, do you agree not to take a bath together?"

Ben Parker smiled jokingly, ready to go to see Peter next door.

Seeing this, Xilai hurriedly shouted, "No! Peter just took a shower, and he was asleep when I passed by."

"Is it washed?" Ben Parker wondered. "But I haven't seen him go to the bathroom?"

"It might be Uncle Ben that you watch TV too seriously." Xilai said with a reason.

"Really?" Ben Parker was puzzled, he should be so.

"Then you remember to take a shower, goodnight Seelay." Ben Parker turned and left.

"Good night Uncle Ben!" Silay yelled from behind Ben Parker.

Ben Parker also reminded Silay that Peter hadn’t bathed yet!

After spending the whole night in tights, and finally pulling the wave train, his body was full of sweat and dust.

"The Sombra, take Peter to a bath." Silay had to order the Sombra to take Peter to a bath.

As for himself, Xilai sat back to the table honestly, took the pen and knocked on his head, and continued to write this headache report.


"How do you feel?" Tony said, standing next to Harpy, his face looking a little gloomy.

Even though Harpy was rescued by Peter at a critical moment, he was just an ordinary person, and his internal organs were almost shattered by the explosion in such a close place.

But he was indeed much better than the one in the movie, at least he was still awake.

"I'm fine, boss, but maybe during this time, I can't drive you." Harpy said weakly. Every time he speaks now, he feels like a knife cut in his chest.

"Don't worry, I won't make it difficult for a wounded person to drive for me. You'd better rest first, or I'll fire you." Tony joked with a smile again.

Hapi didn't speak, but slowly closed his eyes. From what he knew about Tony, he knew that Tony was angry.

Tony saw that Harpy was resting, he turned and left. He still remembers the person Harpy had told him before the accident, Killian!

"Everyone puts on their badges. My friend takes this thing seriously. It's not mine, he won't let in." Tony said before leaving.

As soon as he walked out of the hospital door, a bunch of reporters rushed up and surrounded Tony.

"Mr. Stark, what do you think of this explosion?"

"I heard that this explosion hurt your driver, is it true?"

"Mr. Stark, what measures are you going to do?" a male reporter yelled, holding up his mobile phone.

"Do you really want to know?" Tony said coldly.

The surrounding reporters were silent for a moment, looking at Stark quietly, hoping to hear the explosive news from his mouth.

"Listen, I, Tony Stark, are not afraid of you at all, you are just cowardly Jokers, and I will take care of you myself."

"Definitely, this is just my personal grievance. It does not involve the Ministry of Politics and Defense. Wait for you to die! This is my private address."

Tony had no evasive eyes, and said categorically, "No. 10880, Malibu Port, 90265."

After speaking, Tony snatched the phone from the reporter and threw it out! Bang! The phone fell apart after falling to the ground.

"Go and sue me." Tony opened the car door and sat in.

Boom! Tony drove the car out of the reporter's circle.


Thanks to the readers who still support Xianyu. Now Xianyu will leave a number in the author's message of each chapter. There are five in total. The top ten who are the first to add the group and the Xianyu private message will get Xianyu. A small gift from the fish.

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