Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 270 Checking the Secrets of the System Space


A mountain appeared in the distance, and a yak walked slowly up the mountain, as strong as Mount Tai, with distinct black body hairs.

The sound was as shocking as the thunder, and every step of the way, there was a wave of vibrations from the mountain.

"Bull charm..." Xilai laughed happily, it turned out to be a bull charm that strengthened his strength.

The yak raised his majestic head and shouted: "Moo!"

Then the body dissipated like smoke, and the condensed light spots turned into the shape of a bull's head.

[The bull spell can make the user infinite, but the increased power is closely related to the user]

[Congratulations to the host for unlocking the cow charm, this time there is no clue, the author needs to find this yak by himself]

"??" What Xilai didn't expect was that this time the bull charm was also like the last tiger charm, and he had to catch it by himself.

"You have something to do with the spell team again." Xilai said to himself.

The Talisman Team has been resting for a long time, and now its task is to go around to do miscellaneous tasks, where to move.

After all, Xilai was too slow to unlock the spell, and the spell team was too idle to panic.

Afterwards, the system threw it to the Xilai Bull Charm indicator, closing the spell space.

At the moment when the space was about to be launched, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and he had a bold idea.

in the room

Xilai held the bull charm indicator in his hand and summoned the charm team: "I will give it to you. Bring me the powerful calf."

"Yes!" The spell team leader excitedly took the indicator, and everyone who was moved was almost crying. They finally came to the task again.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission master!" After the spell team finished speaking, they returned to the Shadow Kingdom to find Xiao Hei to equip.

Now when every Sombra ninja needs a mission, he will look for some of Xiao Hei's equipment to increase the efficiency of the mission.

Xiao Hei naturally agrees with this matter, only in this way can he complete the master's task better.

After the spell team left, Xilai took out a piece of spell paper: "Shuttle scroll!"

Huh! A green light flashed, and Xilai disappeared in place.

System space

"I... succeeded?!" Xilai looked around and looked at the gray space around him. He really succeeded.

The moment Xilai was teleported out of the system space, a strange thought came out of him, whether he could come here directly without going through the system.

So, when he left, Silay left a marking magic, and then returned here through the shuttle scroll.

"Different from the space of the Sombra Kingdom." Xilai took his steps to observe in the system space.

"System?" Xilai tried to call Roar the name of the system, but the system did not respond to him, as if Xilai did not exist here.

"System!" Xilai also specifically shouted loudly, but the system still did not respond to Xilai.

Xilai squatted down suspiciously, and stretched out his hand to stroke the ground on the sole of his foot. It was hard, no different from a normal floor.

If the black aura is discarded, the system space is no different from the shadow kingdom. It also has air that Roar can suck, and there is an empty space.

"It doesn't seem to be that simple." Xilai felt that this might not be the system space, but another unfamiliar space.

The system only temporarily used this space to create some spells for Silai to appear on the stage."There is no sun here, but there is light to illuminate the space, and there is oxygen that humans need..." Xilai started to feel a little shocked.

Because he thought of a bolder idea, if the earth creatures arrive in this space, can they thrive and survive?

"Creation God..." Xilai couldn't imagine it, but he wanted to do this experiment.

See if other creatures can survive here except him.

Xilai took out the shuttle scroll and returned to the room and said, "Xiao Hei, catch me a bunch of ants."

"Ant?" Xiao Hei suddenly appeared next to Xilai, tilting his head in confusion, but his hands were not slow.

Immediately he took out a tube, which was filled with a group of ants. The ants were also the subjects of Xiao Hei's own experiment.

"You continue to work." Xilai took the tube full of ants and went to the system space again.

System space

Xilai squatted and opened the lid of the tube. The ant turned over and motionless immediately after touching the air here.

"Dead?!" Xilai's mouth twitched, and the experiment was over as soon as it started.

Could it be said that apart from him, no creatures can survive?

"I still don't believe it." Xilai went directly to the Shadow Kingdom this time.

In the system space, you can directly enter your own shadow and return to the shadow kingdom, but you cannot return to the system space through the shadow kingdom.

Because the system space is endless, there is no shadow as a medium to open up the kingdom of black shadow to Xilai.

"Come out! My Sombra!" Xilai shouted in a deep voice.

In an instant, all the regiments controlled by Xilai so far appeared and appeared around Xilai.

The agile black shadow ninjas, the huge shadow devouring ninjas, the flexible alien ninjas, the sharp blade claw shadow ninjas, and the bizarre pincer shadow ninjas with both hands, all appeared one by one.

"Go! Each of your corps will catch ten different kinds of earth creatures, and in five minutes, bring them all here! Immediately!" Xilai commanded loudly.

All the Sombra Corps turned and disappeared without hesitation, they went to carry out Silay's orders.

Even Xiao Hei, who was doing the experiment in the laboratory, and Da Hei, who was watching the experiment next to him, went to help Xilai find it.

Because they all know that Xilai is very anxious, so they must all act.

"No! You don't need to go." Xilai turned his head and noticed Kazk and Afu who were about to set off.

They are fine, Xilai only needs to be a qualified thug, as for other things, they don't need to do it.

Kazk and Afu looked at each other and nodded, then sat quietly next to Silai, waiting for the return of the Sombra Corps.

Sitting on the throne of General Sombra, Xilai kept beating on the handrail, time passed by.

One minute later, the Sombra Ninja Corps took the lead to return to the Sombra Kingdom. They captured ten different animals, all of them marine animals.

"We are done, Master." Xiao Hei bent over.

"Yeah." Xilai still trusts the Black Shadow Ninja, and she is indeed the most efficient group.

Two minutes later, Alien Ninjas and Claw Ninjas returned one after another, and what they captured were some terrestrial beasts.

Four minutes later, the ninjas also captured their own animals and returned to the kingdom of shadows. They caught some insects, but they were all extremely rare insects.

Five minutes later, boom!

The Ninjas finally came back. What they captured were all giants, especially the biggest Ninja with a blue whale in his mouth, the largest animal known to exist on earth.

"Good job." Xilai was about to start his own experiment.

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