"Are you sure you didn't fool me with venom?" Eddie couldn't say anything.

He felt that the venom was fooling himself, a superhero full of justice, how could he know the venom.

"I don't need to lie to you, Eddie." Venom said, looking at Peter overhead.

"It's incredible..." Eddie Wan never expected that Venom and Spider-man still had some connection.

Peter put the robber aside, then looked at Venom, and said, "Venom, I really didn't expect it, you are still alive."

"I didn't expect that we would meet Spider-man here." Venom also looked at Peter, not knowing what to think.

"It seems that you really know each other." Seeing this, Eddie has completely believed in Venom's words, they really know each other!

Peter fell in front of Venom and didn't know what else to say. He was quiet for the first time.

Venom licked the corner of his mouth and said to Eddie, "I'll leave it to you, Eddie."

"What?" Eddie hadn't reacted before the venom retracted into his body.

Eddie appeared in front of Peter like this.

"Um... Hello Spider-man, I'm your fanboy." Eddie was at a loss and looked a little embarrassed.

"What the hell are you doing, Venom?" Eddie whispered.

At the same time Eddie didn't forget to put a smile on Spider-man.

"Are you the new host of Venom?" Peter slowly approached Eddie, looking up and down Eddie.

"The first time I met, I asked Eddie Bullock." Eddie smiled and stretched out his hand, and proactively called Roar to the Spider-man.

Peter also stretched out his hand and shook Eddie: "My name is Spider-man, and you seem to know me."

"Definitely, I once wrote about you." Eddie was a little embarrassed. He also admired Spider-man.

The reason why I don't worship Spider-man now is naturally because I have also gained extraordinary power, and now the target of worship has become himself.

"Thanks." Peter nodded.

Peter could feel the awkward atmosphere, he didn't know how to speak and told Eddie to give him the venom.

At first Peter thought Eddie was forced by the venom, but now it seems that Eddie had volunteered.

It would be nice to say if Eddie did it, but now Eddie took the initiative to call Roar, assuming a good old man's posture.

This makes Peter wonder how to start.

The two stood in a stalemate like this, looking at each other in silence.

"You came because of venom?" Finally, Eddie broke the silence first.

"Yes, that's right." Peter took a deep breath and finally asked the subject.

"Trust me, I have reached a consensus with Venom. Venom only eats bad people and won't hurt good people." Eddie assured.

After getting along for a long time, Eddie also understands that Venom is not bad, and the most important thing depends on how you educate him.

"Impossible, we don't have the right to execute anyone's life, everything must be handed over to the law." Peter is stubborn about this.

In Peter's view, no matter whether the criminals should die or not, they must be settled by the law.

If Peter kills all the criminals himself, what is the difference between him and those criminals.It's just a murderer who is doing bad things in a superhero skin.

"Law?" Eddie didn't expect Spider-man to be so naive.

"Spider-man, the law is good, but he also shelters a lot of people. Look at the criminals you captured before."

"Which one was shot? All of them are living well in the jail, so what about the people they killed?" Eddie only discovered one thing through a close chat with Spider-man.

Spider-man seems to be a young man who has not even entered into society.

"..." Peter was speechless for a while. Indeed, none of the criminals Peter caught so far has been shot, and they are all alive and well.

"Listen to Spider-man, I think you have to change your naive thoughts." Eddie has gone through these few days, and he has also changed.

Eddie understood the reality and cruelty of this society better, and the feeling of being betrayed by Dr. Dora was really not bad, and he was almost killed.

"No matter what, it is indeed wrong to kill." Peter didn't know how to refute Eddie, but he was firm in his mind.

"Venom!" Eddie yelled.

The venom no longer shrank, and attached himself to Eddie, turning into a little black giant more than two meters high.

"Spider-man, I will kill the people who cannot be killed by the law! I will do the things you can't do! I am the deadly Asgardian!"

After Eddie showed half of his face and finished speaking, Venom jumped to the top of the building and was about to run away.

"Don't run!" Peter shot cobweb and chased him immediately.

Venom also learned a lot, shooting his own unique black cobweb and swinging in front.

"Venom, come back to me!" Peter shoots cobweb behind the venom, trying to catch the venom back.

After feeling the cobweb on his body, Venom turned around and grabbed the cobweb and shredded it: "Spider-man! I can't go back!"

"Hahaha!" Venom turned around and got into the shadow kingdom.

"This is?!" Peter fell into the wall where the venom had penetrated, with an incredible expression. This is the Kingdom of Shadows? !

How could Venom use the Kingdom of Sombra? Could it be possible that Venom could replicate his ability to use the Kingdom of Sombra?

Peter fell into deep thought for a while. He didn't think that Eddie was the Sombra general, but thought that Venom had copied the Ability of Sombra Kingdom.

After all, in the symbiote information, it is clearly stated that the symbiote can replicate all the power of the host.

"These are bad." Peter covered his head and felt his head big.

With the Shuttle Ability of bugs like the Shadow Kingdom, it's up to him how Spider-man catches it.

Most importantly, Peter doesn't know where the other side of the Dark Shadow Kingdom leads.

After all, Peter doesn't have the Ability of Sealey.

As the real master of the Sombra Kingdom, Xilai knew exactly who used the Sombra Kingdom and where he went.

Moreover, the Sombra also knew where the other party opened the Sombra Kingdom, only the user Peter did not know.

Unless Peter also puts on a mask and becomes a black shadow general, otherwise he can only catch blindly, it is like a blind man lighting a lamp, it is wasted!

"I have to go to Silai." Peter scratched his head with a headache. After a long time, Silai had to make a move.

In fact, Peter doesn't want to bother Si Lai. Now Si Lai is having a sweet date with Mi Si, so it's hard to bother him.

"Tonight's arrest plan seems to be a failure." Peter sighed as he jumped to the roof.

The most important thing is that the new battle suit he invented has not used his own function, and the venom has already run away.

"Next time, use the battle suit function directly." Peter decided to himself, next time he would use the battle suit's sonic function to separate Eddie from the venom.

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