Dog legs staying next to him will only make himself more irritable.

"Peter..." Harry remembered Peter's name.

Peter and his party returned to the classroom happily after eating.

Harry left the cafeteria with a sullen face, and the group of dog legs behind him quickly followed.

"Go! Go! Destroy everything here!"

In Harry's heart, a huge amounts of evil thought was quietly born.

Soon, the first day of school report day ended.

After everyone separated at the school, Peter and Sealey stood at the school gate for a while before Ben Parker drove to the gate.

"Sorry guys, the road is a bit blocked, it looks like there are so many parents today." Ben Parker said apologetically.

"It's okay, Uncle Ben, we just waited a while." Xilai opened the door and the two brothers sat in the back row.

"How are you feeling today, lads, isn't it okay?" Ben Parker looked at the Parker brothers in the back row through the rearview mirror.

"Uh... it's okay." Peter thought of the unpleasantness that had happened in the morning.

At the same time Peter also knew the origin of that person, Harry Osborn, the current chairman of the Osborn Group.

"Alright? It looks like something happened today?" Ben Parker noticed Peter's expression.

"It's nothing, just a little contradiction." Peter didn't want to worry Ben Parker.

Ben Parker nodded his head and stopped asking. The children have grown up, and they have to learn to solve many things by themselves.

As time passed, the car slowly drove into the garage.

"At home." Ben Parker stopped the car and went on.

"My stomach is hungry." Peter stroked his stomach.

"Haha, your Aunt May made a lot of delicious food tonight." Ben Parker laughed.

"That's great." Peter said with excitement in his eyes.

Just as the two brothers were about to go home with Ben Parker, a sound similar to the flight of an airplane came from the sky.

"What is it?" Ben Parker turned his head in doubt and saw a green dot on the horizon.

"Silay!" Peter shouted.

After the two brothers looked at each other quickly, Silay took out a Hypnotic Ability charm and pressed it on Ben Parker's back.

Ben Parker felt dizzy just as he was about to say something, and then he went soft.

Sealey caught Ben Parker in time, and then ran into the house with Ben Parker.

Peter got into the garage, took out his Spider battlesuit from the Shadow Kingdom, and quickly put it on his body. The battle suit automatically shrank to the same File size as his body.

"Spider-man is here!" As soon as Peter put on the battle suit, he jumped out of the garage and shot the cobweb towards the green dot in the distance.

at home

"Silai! What happened to Ben?" Aunt Mei came to Xilai in a panic. Looking at Ben Xilai was supporting, her eyes were a little panic. She thought something had happened to Ben.

"Uncle Ben is fine, but he is too tired." Silay explained.

"Too tired?" Aunt Mei frowned, obviously she didn't believe this reason.

Then, a black shadow ninja appeared in the shadow behind Aunt May.

The black shadow ninja took out the Hypnotic Ability charm and pressed it on Aunt May's back."Xilai..." Aunt Mei's eyes went dark, and the whole person fell down, and the black shadow ninja hugged her in time.

"You two have a good night's sleep." Silay put down Ben Parker and Aunt May and put them on the sofa.

Xilai didn't bother to think of any more reasons for Peter, so he used the Hypnotic Ability spell to make it more realistic, and the efficiency was fast.


"Ahahaha!" A man with a demon mask was flying in the sky, with a pumpkin bomb hanging around his waist.

"Oh no!" Peter underneath looked up and saw the people flying in the sky. Isn't that Green Goblin? !

But Green Goblin is obviously dead, how could he still be here?

Harry took out the pumpkin bomb with a sullen face, without seeing if there was anyone underneath, he took out the bomb and threw it underneath.


"There is a fine for littering! Remember garbage collection." Peter shot cobweb and stuck the pumpkin bomb that dropped in mid-air, then turned around and threw it into the shadow kingdom.

"Spider-man?" Harry stopped in mid-air on the top of a tall building, unexpectedly Spider-man came out.

"Huh huh? Was it surprising to see me? Mr. Green Goblin." Peter jumped onto this tall building and looked up at Green Goblin, who was less than five meters away from him.

"Do you know me?" Harry's eyes became sharp, and Spider-man seemed to know his father.

"Huh?" Peter found something was wrong, and this Green Goblin didn't seem to recognize himself.

"Say it! Do you know me!" Harry's instinct told him that Spider-man is related to his father!

Peter looked at the Green Goblin in front of him, and his clothes were exactly the same as before, even if it was a flight device.

"Say it!" Harry took out the pumpkin bomb on his waist and threw it at the Spider-man.

Peter dodged slightly sideways, then netted it with cobweb, and threw it into the Kingdom of Dark Shadows.

"Although I don't know what to say, I did know a Green Goblin dressed like you before." Peter saw that the Green Goblin in front of him was not the one before.

Although both are the same crazy, the last one is obviously more crazy.

"So do you know how the last Green Goblin died?" Harry's eyes gradually became crazy, and he felt that he was getting closer and closer to the answer.

"Calm down, I feel that you have some mental disorders, you have to go to a mental hospital for testing." Peter said silently, why is Green Goblin so crazy.

"Go to hell!" Harry thought for a moment that Spider-man had killed his father.

Harry of extremely Rage took out two time bombs, held the switch on them, and threw them at Peter.

Bang! Bang!

The bomb just left Harry not far before it exploded.


The top of the building began to reach at an angle, and there were still a large group of people hanging out on the street underneath.

"Not good!" Peter got out of the Kingdom of Dark Shadows and started spitting out cobweb around the entire building.

"Hey! Gaea, what should we do?" Peter shot cobweb and asked Gaea for advice.

"The current cobweb's endurance limit is 20 tons, and it is now calculating the building..." Gaea began to move quickly.

Peter is between this building and the building next to it, covered with a thick cobweb net to block the broken cement block.

"Now to plan the best solution." Gaea passed the information to Peter.

"It looks like a difficult time." Peter took a deep breath and started shooting cobweb frantically between the buildings, wrapping around every pillar.

"Happy dinner! Spider-man!" Harry wasn't going to kill Spider-man now, at least he had to kill Spider-man after his father's death was clear.

Harry turned and drove the Flight machine away from here, leaving Peter alone.

"I need help!"

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