Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 289 Wanda, He Has the Same Ability as You!

"Are you okay." Pietro looked at Wanda in his arms concerned.

Wanda shook his head: "That person is too vigilant, and my Ability doesn't work for him."

"We should go." Pietro looked up at Ultron who was being chased by Iron Man, knowing that they should retreat.

"Wait, I want to try it." Wanda was not reconciled, she wanted to try again.

After seeing Wanda's firm eyes, Pietro nodded, "Okay."

Afterwards, Pietro carried Wanda to the back of Black widow Natasha Romanoff.

Wanda quickly unfolded his palm and waved behind Natasha Romanoff. The powerful Chaos magic began to create illusions for Natasha Romanoff.

Natasha Romanoff sank in instantly, as if she had returned to her familiar house.

"Success, and those people." Wanda said with joy.

Pietro then hugged Wanda and went behind Thor.

"Go away!" After Thor was affected by Chaos magic, he immediately woke up and slammed back with a hammer.

Fortunately, Pitro responded promptly, otherwise Wanda would be subdued by Thor.

"What's going on!" Steve wondered when he heard Thor's movement.

Thor passed by Steve and said, "Be careful, there is a little girl who will create illusions for you, but it won't work for God, you mortals be careful."

Who knows, Thor just took a few steps before returning to Asgard: "..."

Steve was puzzled, but soon he understood Thor's meaning, and in front of him, a familiar ballroom appeared.

"One more." Wanda looked at Barton who was standing on the stage and shooting arrows.

Just as Pietro wanted to pick up Wanda and continue, Silay shot a laser.

Pietro quickly turned and jumped away, bang!

"Be careful!" Wanda controlled the heavy machinery underground and smashed towards Xilai.

Xilai directly raised his head and looked at the heavy objects, which immediately floated motionless in front of him.

"What the hell? He has the same Ability as you?!" Pietro asked in surprise.

Wanda was also shocked. What is the situation?

The ton-heavy object just floats quietly in front of Si Lai, violating the gravity of the earth.

"Give it back to you!" Xilai used the Psychokinesis of the chicken charm to control the pair of machines to smash back to Wanda.


Wanda hurriedly stretched out his hand to control the machine to fly elsewhere, smashing a big hole out.

"Stay here!" Barton did not know when he came behind Wanda, pulled out one of his arrows and inserted it into Wanda's forehead.

It was an arrow with an electric current. The moment Barton turned on the switch, the arrow opened and attached to Wanda's forehead.

Then the electric current was released, and Wanda started to twitch all over, and fell to the ground all of a sudden.

"You are far worse than us, little girl." Just as Barton's voice fell, Pietro arrived.

Pitro was very angry when he saw Wanda lying on the ground, and hit Barton with a punch, and then took Wanda out of the steamer.

"Oh!" Barton fell to the ground, feeling the burning pain behind his back: "This is another trick."

"It's okay." Silay came to Barton, reached out and pulled Barton up.

"It's okay, I just can't see that person's actions all the time." Barton sighed, then turned to look at the Avengers who fell on the ground: "I have this feeling too."

Those were the days when Loki used the psychic scepter to control him, and Barton was very impressed.

"They will wake up slowly by themselves." Xilai was helpless, unless there was a horse charm now.

As long as he has the horse charm, he can instantly release Wanda's control.

After all, the horse charm can remove all foreign objects and bad influences from the body.

OutsideTony continued to chase Ultron in the sky. Obviously Ultron was not Tony's opponent.

Except for the initial defeat, Tony has always had the upper hand now.

"Rebellious children always worry about fathers." Tony said behind Ultron, and the missile on his shoulder shot out immediately.


Ultron was hit by a missile as soon as he turned his head and fell from a high altitude.

On the ground

"We really should go." Pietro saw that Ultron couldn't hold it anymore.

"No, let's control a big guy." Wanda looked at Banner who had just got off the plane.

"Good idea." Pietro's mouth curled up, and he understood what Wanda meant.

The two quickly went to Banner.

"Oh oh oh! Wait, don't mess with me, or you will suffer if I become a big man." Banner was frightened by the two people who appeared suddenly, and took a few steps back in a panic.

Wanda and Pietro looked at each other.

Wanda took a step forward, and the red Chaos magic in his hand began to condense: "We just need you to become a big man."

"You will regret it..." Banner swallowed and backed away.

the other side

"Hahaha! Stark! You are the biggest obstacle to peace!" Ultron looked at Tony fiercely.

Tony shrugged, "No, you are, and you have to die now."

"Me? Stark, you better go and see your fellow green guy." Ultron received Wanda's message.

Tony's eyes condensed instantly, and he understood something at once.

"Before that, you go to sleep!" All the missiles on Tony flew out, all blasting on Ultron.


Ultron's body immediately shattered and exploded, but he had already left this body.

"Is anyone here now? Our Hulk may be going crazy." Tony asked through the public channel.

"They are all asleep, only me and Destiny are still standing." Barton helped Natasha Romanoff replied.

"Okay." Tony finished the call and said, "Roar's name is Veronica!"

The Veronica satellite in space immediately received Tony's message, and quickly launched a cloud of fiery red armor, moving towards Tony's location.

"You look after them here," Silay said to Barton, turning his head.

Barton nodded, then wondered: "Where are you going?"

"Urban area." Xilai turned around to turn on the shadow teleportation and arrived in the city early.

As soon as they entered the city, the surrounding people were shocked by Xilai, just as they wondered why the Mandate of Heaven appeared here.

"Roar!" A green giant suddenly rushed down from the mountain.


"Hulk! Stop!" Xilai reached out his hand and said to Hulk.

Obviously it was of no use, and Hulk picked up a car and smashed it over.

Xilai quickly started the shadow teleportation and transported the car into the shadow kingdom.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Roar!" Hulk thumped his chest angrily, then yelled at Xilai.

"Quiet!" Xilai used Psychokinesis to control a large truck and flew towards Hulk.

At the same time, Xilai also summoned the Sombra Corps and began to pull all the surrounding people away.

A large number of policemen also arrived at the moment, preparing to shoot at Hulk.

Xilai waved his hand speechlessly, letting the Sombra corps forcibly take them away, after all, they stay here in the way.

"What's wrong with this green baby?" Tony came to Silai.

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