Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 380 Find out the identity of the black cat (subscribe!)

Wanda began to analyze his current situation carefully. First of all, he was at a disadvantage. After all, Miss and Xilai first met.

No matter how bad, there is still a Felicia behind, and he and Xilai should have known each other last.

It seems that his only advantage is that he is better than the other two women? Is the mountain a little higher?

"No, I have to check it out." Wanda decided to go online and see how to attract a man and make him unable to extricate himself.

A few minutes later, Pietro tiptoed back home.

Gently closing the door, Pietro raised his head and glanced at Wanda who hadn't closed the bedroom.

I found that Wanda At the moment was sitting in front of the computer and seemed to be studying something seriously.

"Roar~ I'm kidding, Silay." Pietro wiped his cold sweat. He definitely couldn't beat Silay.

With this speed, he could barely hold Xilai, who was not able to output his full power.

It would be absolutely terrifying if Xilai used all his strength, and countless mysterious scrolls would be enough for one to eat.

"Wanda, I believe you, it must be possible!"

Pietro silently cheered for Wanda, anyway, don't pull yourself up anyway, you are left with whatever you want to toss.

Miss's house———————

"Mi Si is back? Would you like to have some roast chicken made by mother herself?" Firman put on protective gloves in her hands, she just brought out the roast chicken from the microwave at the moment.

"That definitely, it must be very delicious, but I have to go upstairs first, mother." Missy smiled.

"Go." Firman put the roast chicken on the table and said, taking off his gloves.

"I want to taste it." Xiuer rubbed his hands greedily, and he couldn't help but want to taste it.

"Miss hasn't gotten down, so you'll rush to eat." Firman silently patted the salted pig's hand that Shuer had stretched out.

Shuer aggrieved the animal and retracted his hand: "I'm your husband, can't I eat first?"


Missy dropped her schoolbag on the ground, then sat on the revolving chair, sliding the roller underneath, and came to her computer.

"Felicia..." Miss's dexterous hands began to tap the mechanical keyboard on the table.

Soon, a lot of information about Felicia appeared on Miss's computer desktop.

"Know yourself and the enemy in a hundred battles, you can never be a small opponent."

This sentence was given to herself by Miss Senpai, and Miss felt that this sentence was very reasonable.

"I don't have any source of income, but you can buy so many luxury goods online?" Mi Si found this tricky.

It would be nice if Felicia had a wealthy family, but it shows that her father has passed away.

That is to say, Felicia is a life at the moment, and I am afraid that the money for a person's life is not justified.

So Miss decided to continue to explore, and as the information became more and more, her eyes became brighter.

"Big thief civet arrested? Real identity Walter Hardy?" Missy's eyes lit up, she might understand the origin of Felicia's money.

Unexpectedly, Felicia's father was a former thief civet, so there is nothing wrong with it.

Felicia must be doing this business, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to have money to buy these luxury goods.

As for Walter left behind? It was even more impossible. When Walter was arrested, all the stolen goods were confiscated.

"There are so many luxury items that can be bought, so the things you steal must be expensive."

Mi Si put her hands on the keyboard, tapping her fingers on the table, and suddenly there was a flash of light in her mind, and the keyboard crackled again.

At the same time, the upstairs Shuer couldn't wait to eat the roast chicken, so he went upstairs and prepared to order rice to hurry up.

in the room

"The position of the big idiot has changed, and he is expected to arrive in the room in ten seconds." A cold mechanical voice came from the computer.

"Oh~" Mi Si had to put down her hands while she was operating, and temporarily shut down the computer from hibernation.

"Miss..." Xiuer was about to knock on the door.

Missy opened the door of the room: "Let's go, Dad."

"It's such a coincidence, I just wanted to knock on the door." Xiuer smiled.

Great Plains————————

"Report to the owner that Hayate Rabbit is in good condition, and there is no bad condition, and you can set off at any time!"

Da Hei was checking the rabbit's physical problems, and then reported them to Xilai one by one."Master, the current peak speed of Hayate Rabbit can reach about 298 kilometers per hour." Xiao Hei made a comprehensive table of all the previous speeds.

From the current point of view, it seems that the speed of Hayate Rabbit is not very fast.

But this is when you are running, think about it, there is a leopard chasing you behind.

The Hurricane Rabbit must be able to explode its potential, even surpassing the speed of the Cheetah.

"Do you think you can win? Xiao Hei." Xilai asked, leaning to the side of Xiao Hei.

In fact, to be honest, Xilai didn't have much confidence in this Hayate Rabbit.

After all, Hayate Rabbit is a product of biological genetic modification, completely different from the cheetah given by the system.

The systematic cheetah has perfect physical fitness and is a healthy cheetah.

The Haifeng rabbit is weaker than ordinary rabbits due to the side effects of genetic modification.

The reason why he could live for so long was not because of the nutrient solution that Xiao Hei researched out of the air, or he would have died a long time ago.

But all for the rabbit spell, Xilai can't manage that much for the time being.

If you can, after you get the horse charm, you will surely be able to completely cure the hidden genetic hazard of Hayate Rabbit.

"Meow~" The cheetah sat on the ground and made a cat-like cry. It couldn't wait to compete.

The cheetah's call is very unique, different from the roaring plains and mountains like a liger, its voice is very cute, it is simply a cat version.

Obviously he has the ability to hunt ungulates, but his voice is as soft as a kitten.

Soon, Da Hei held the rabbit next to the cheetah.

The rabbit glanced back at the cheetah, and the momentum from the predator rushed towards his face, making it tremble with fright.

Had it not been for genetic modification, it had also improved its intelligence a lot, otherwise it would have been scared away by the cheetah.

The cheetah glanced contemptuously at Hurricane Rabbit, and then looked forward, it was about to fly the rabbit.

"Everyone is here! Ready ~ start!"


Xiao Hei, as the referee, fired the starting gun.

With the sound of the starting gun, snap it! Soon!

The two animals instantly turned into two yellow and white figures, and disappeared in place.

Yellow lightning and white flashes were moving forward on the plain, and from a distance, only two afterimages could be seen.

Because the distance of two hundred meters is too close, and the cheetah given by the system is still an extremely abnormal animal under the pressure of the heart.

So Xilai looked for the system to change the rule, changing the decision within two hundred meters to one within five kilometers.

It seems to be very unfavorable to Xilai and the others, but in fact it is absolutely very beneficial to Xilai.

No matter how special a cheetah is, it is also a cheetah. It is his common problem that he cannot run at high speed for a long time.

But the rabbit's running endurance is very strong, at least how much better than the cheetah, plus their genetic modification is more than the rabbit's speed.

The two figures galloped at high speed on the plain, as if they were about to take off in the next moment, but they always lacked a pair of wings.

"Who is fast at the moment?" Xilai asked quickly, and now he feels a little bit passionate.

The tension that hadn't come for a long time finally appeared in my heart slowly.

"Master immediately!" Xiao Hei quickly called up the slow motion Flight equipment in the sky.

Soon, the state of At the moment cheetah and rabbit was displayed on the screen.

The cheetah was less than one meter in front of the Hayate Rabbit, and the Hayate Rabbit was chasing after him.

"According to calculations, the speed of the cheetah has dropped by 0.01%." Xiaoheihui reported.

"That's it?" Da Hei tilted his head.

"It's pretty good for Da Hei." Xilai patted Da Hei on the shoulder.

"How is Hayate Rabbit's health?" Silay asked.

Xiao Hei immediately retrieved the body data map of Hayate Rabbit, which is the chip equipped on Hayate Rabbit.

The physical condition of Haifeng Rabbit can be checked at any time to prevent its sudden outbreak of genetic risks.

"Everything is very normal, but it seems..." Xiao Hei frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?" Xilai asked curiously.

"The speed of Hayate Rabbit is also slowing down?" Xiao Hei asked incredulously.

Impossible. According to the truth, even if the speed of Haifengtu cannot be increased, it should not be slowed down.

"What's the situation?" Xilai looked in the direction of Hayate Rabbit.

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