Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 417 The Second Civil War Foreplay (seeking subscription!)

"Excluding the remuneration for you here, I still have more than one hundred thousand dollars." Baker said truthfully.

"Enough, the material price of the n247 drone is about less than one thousand dollars." Joseph laughed.

Ever since, the team with Baker as the leader is gathering vigorously, and they are about to start completing their own plans.

Abandoned Warehouse in the Suburbs———————

Mason is operating a computer. He is designing a battle suit drawing.

Since Thoms was arrested, Mason has stopped trading with the gang to avoid being blackmailed.

But the temptation of money continued to stimulate him, so Mason began to study the equipment that belonged to Boltz.

Boltz's battle suit Ability is still very good from the effect, that is, the battle suit's defense power is relatively low, and it is easy to be penetrated by bullets.


Mason stopped his finger and clicked on the email.

"I heard that you have alien technology? We need some materials." Mason read while looking at the screen.

Those who know their mailbox are usually customers who have worked with before, but Mason has no memory of this person.

After thinking about it, Mason replied: How much can you make?


The other party responded quickly.

"I only need small batches. I don't need to deal face-to-face and send it directly, and we will trade online."

Mason helped his glasses, and the other party wanted an online transaction.

But because of the last time he modified the battle suit for Toums and Boltz, he didn't have much extraterrestrial technology materials left.

But since the other party happens to be asking for a small batch, he should also give it out.

Mason quickly sent a message: What do you need? Send it to me, I'm out of stock.


"I need these." There is also a picture behind the text, detailing the parts that the other party wants.

Mason looked at the picture and opened his own folder, which recorded the inventory of each part.

After going one-on-one with the picture, Mason found that he just had what the other party needed, and it was really cleared when it sold out.

Mason put down the keyboard and mouse and took a sip of the coffee next to him. Since there are only these left, there is no reason not to slaughter the other party.

Mason then continued to chat with the other party one after another, and finally probably tested out the other party's funds.

"One price, one hundred thousand!"


Mason hit the enter key and sent the message.

But this time, the other side never returned so quickly, as if he was thinking about the value of the money.

It took about a minute or so before the other party finally returned the message.

"OK." Simple and clear.

"It's done." Mason smiled happily, turned his head and shouted: "Poltz! Go deliver the goods!"

"Yeah~" Boltz stood up from the sofa and said with some dissatisfaction: "What the hell is Mason? Still delivering?"

"There is a customer who doesn't like face-to-face transactions. You can act as a courier and save some postage." Mason smiled.

Hearing this, Boltz curled his lips and asked, "What do I need to send?"

"This is the bill of materials." Mason had already prepared to print it out and handed it to Boltz.

Boltz scratched his head and walked out of the room.

"Oh right! Remember to put on the equipment!" Mason quickly got up and chased after him.

At night, Queens——————

Peter returned home from the outside, and when he came back, he took a special look at Gwen and found that her body temperature had dropped.

Although I still have a fever, it is no longer a high fever.

"Gwen is finally getting better now, which is really great." Peter said happily.

"Yeah, I'm worried about you." Xilai teased.

Peter touched the back of his head happily, and then said: "I found out that now Clint seems to have become very safe."

"Is there?" Xilai pretended not to know.

"That definitely, crimes were everywhere there, especially at night, but when I passed by, it turned out to be peaceful."

Peter was telling his own experience just now, and it couldn't believe it.Xilai just smiled at this, there is the place with the most Sombra generals, it's not strange.

at the same time---------

The Avengers who had gone their separate ways once again assembled in New York, a place where they once fought.

"Long time no see, Captain." Natasha Romanoff leaned on the counter and laughed.

"Hmm~" Steve nodded, thought for a while, and said, "Last time, thank you."

"It's okay." Natasha Romanoff sat next to Steve and asked after seeing Steve's appearance, "Are you going to grow a beard?"

"Yes." Steve stroked his bearded chin and chuckled lightly.


When the two were chatting, a silver figure appeared next to them.

Putting down Wanda in his hands, Pietro looked at Steve and said, "I'm sorry about the last time, the captain."

"It's okay, it's all over." Steve didn't care about it. Everyone had different opinions at the time, which was normal.

"Captain, where are you standing this time?" Wanda asked straightforwardly.

Now Wanda and Pietro have changed their battle suits, and they can fight at any time.

After Natasha Romanoff heard Wanda's sharp question, he turned his head and looked at Steve curiously.

Steve lowered his head and smiled softly: "I owed him last time, this time I chose to stand with him."

"Then we will be teammates again, captain." The Chaos magic in Wanda's hand was swept away.

"Should I be the last one?" Clint walked in through the door.

"No, there's me." Falcon Sam put away his wings and landed next to Clint.

So far, all the others have arrived here except for Banner who hasn't been there.

"You all know about this time." Steve asked.

"Definitely, otherwise I won't receive the news, come here." Clint had planned to retire completely as Stark said.

Growing up with the children well at home, there must be no men in the family.

It's a pity that this time it's important, and no one can repeat Ultron's precedent.

"How are you there?" Natasha Romanoff said to Clint.

"It's okay, it's always been like that, over and over again." Clint shrugged, and then teased: "You could talk about it last time, and you will still be a friend since then."

"That definitely, I'm not a person who breaks my promise." Natasha Romanoff smiled lightly and lifted the hair that fell on the corner of his eye.

"I'm glad everyone is here." Nick walked in slowly at the moment, scared that one eye made him look more serious.

"Wait! There's me!"


On Nick's clothes, a red figure jumped out and became a normal File size in everyone's eyes.

"Sorry, sorry, because I was going to pass a bad old man first, so I had a little trouble on the road, but it was okay, it was solved in the end."

In the end, Kurt decided to take a look, not for anything else, just for his idol, Captain America.

"Huh huh." Nick patted the corner of his clothes in case there were any bugs.

"Compared to last time, you obviously have fewer people this time."

"I'm glad you can become friends again from the last battle."

"It's just that this time your goal is only Stark. That's right, that's the arrogant man."

"I don't know what you guys think?" Nick said as he walked back and forth in everyone's eyes.

"Control him and find the mind scepter." Steve answered first.

This answer immediately attracted everyone's attention. What's the situation? Didn't you just say that you want to help Stark, Captain?

Just as Wanda wanted to question Steve impulsively, Pietro grabbed her hand, and she turned her head to look at Pietro suspiciously.

Pietro did not speak, but shook her head silently, beckoning her not to move rashly.

Wanda then glanced back at Steve, then retracted his hand just now, calming down again.

Others have a calm face. As Steve's old players and his fans, they know Steve very well.

"Really? Do you really think that?" The corners of Nick's mouth were slightly cocked, and the look in his eyes made everyone feel a little unnatural.

"Now we have found out where Stark is. At one o'clock this afternoon, we will gather to capture Stark." Nick finished speaking, and left without looking back.

"Does he know?" Natasha Romanoff said.

Steve raised his head and looked towards the corner. Everyone followed Steve's gaze. There was a small red dot lying there.


"The Avengers are all on the wrong team!"

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