Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 440: Snatching the Time Gem (seeking subscription!)

The stairs were smashed into a deep hole by the light.

Strange folded his hands, and the magician costume and magic cloak appeared on him.

Wang also put on magician robes, and the two of them came to the side of the pit with their magic shields and looked inside.

"What's the situation?" Xilai guarded Miss and gave her a relieved look, then stepped forward and asked.

"Look at it for yourself." Strange was a little unbelievable, it turned out to be him? !

Xilai frowned and poked his head out, and there was a Loki in a green dress lying in it.

"Loki? How could he appear here?" Silai was a little puzzled.

Logically speaking, Loki was pinched to death by Thanos on the interstellar spacecraft. How did Heimdall teleport to Earth?

"Every time you come there is no good." Strange sighed.

Then Strange waved his hands, and a long orange magic rope was thrown out by him and tied to Loki.

In any case, Loki was the culprit in the last New York war, and it was a certain threat to the earth.

As the Asgardian of today's earth, Strange must be very careful and tie up Loki first.

The king brought a stool, placed it in the center, and tied Loki and the stool together.

"Need to wake him up?" Wang asked beside Strange.

Strange touched his chin and said, "How do you call it?"

"It's like this." Wang came to Loki and patted him on the face.


Three consecutive slaps woke Loki from his coma.

Loki opened his eyes in a daze, and as his vision became clear, he spotted the necromancer against himself last time, and the annoying man.

"Damn it!" Loki just wanted to stand up but found himself tied up!

"Well, we want to be a god, Mr. Loki, why do you come to earth for all this?"

Strange didn't look good at Loki. He wished that Loki would leave here quickly to save himself trouble.

"Let go of me." Loki tried to break free of the magic rope, and when he found that he couldn't break free, he could only say to Strange weakly.

"Definitely, but you have to tell the purpose of your coming to Earth first. If it is the same as the last time, then I have to leave you here." Strange said.

After Loki heard this, he thought of his brother Thor. He had sacrificed to save himself...

"Thanos, Thanos is coming." Loki said quickly, he can't let his brother die in vain, he wants revenge!

"Thanos?" Strange and Wang looked at each other suspiciously. What is Thanos? They haven't heard of it.

Loki saw Strange and they were very puzzled, and added: "Remember the last time I invaded the earth, he is actually the real man behind the scenes."

"So why do you want to speak out about your leader?" Strange was even more curious about this, and it was possible that the two were in conflict.

"No~ Thanos, he doesn't care about the earth, he cares about the entire universe, he wants to gather Infinite Gems, then the entire universe will suffer an unprecedented crisis!"

Loki shook his head in a daze. Thanos was really terrible. Even Thor Awakening's brother was beaten to the ground with one hand by Thanos, and he didn't even use the power of Infinite Gems.

"Infinite Gems?!" After hearing these words, Strange's face became serious.

That is what has existed since the beginning of the universe, representing time, space, power, mind, soul, and reality.

And the gems I need to guard are one of the Infinite Gems, Time Gem.

"What is Infinite Gems?" Missy finally couldn't help but interjected. She was so curious.

Strange gave Wang a look, and Wang nodded, then stepped forward and began to show his fantasy.

"Infinite Gems, at the beginning of the universe, the world was in Chaos, and then with a bang, the big bang created six elemental crystals."

"Drifting in the newborn universe, each Infinite Gems has a specific attribute, which are..."While casting his magic, the king told Mi Si about the origins of Infinite Gems and the endless energy of Infinite Gems.

"Doesn't that mean that as long as someone owns these six gems, he can dominate the entire universe?"

Missy was surprised to cover her mouth, but this time she came to hear these secret things.

"In theory, yes, so Thanos in Loki's mouth wants to collect Infinite Gems..." Strange looked at Loki again.

Loki tried to break free of the magic rope and motioned to Strange to let him go quickly.

"Untie him Doctor, I have some questions I want to ask him." Silay said, he wanted to know what happened on the spacecraft.

Strange thought for a while, and then with a wave of his right hand, the magic rope on Loki instantly dissipated.

Loki twisted his sore hands and said, "I am glad that your brains have not been eaten."

"If you say that again, I don't mind if you try another infinite chance of whereabouts." Strange threatened.

Loki closed his mouth decisively, and now he knows that it is not a time to quarrel, the most important thing is to protect the earth's Infinite Gems.

"Tell me, how did you meet Thanos." Silai asked.

After Loki immediately destroyed Asgard, their experience of taking the interstellar spacecraft Refugee to go to Earth was all told.

"You mean Thor is dead?!" Silay was shocked by this. How could Thor die? !

Wait, according to Loki, the two things left by the mysterious man are Hulk and a fat man who looks a lot like Thor.

Xilai understood something in an instant, co-authored, the mysterious person is likely to be the self who has passed through from the future.

Because, turning static into motion is the unique Ability of the Rat Charm, which can't be used by anyone except myself.

"Meaning that the future self is not dead?" Xilai was very happy thinking of this, as if he didn't have to die.

It means that if you have escaped the 50% probability, the emperor will be possessed.

But time is diversified. What if you turn into dust again because of some small things?

Now Xilai was very entangled in his heart, it was better not to ask if he knew it earlier, but now it makes himself even more uncomfortable.

"We must prevent Thanos from acquiring the Infinite Gems on Earth." Loki said and noticed the Eye of Agamotto on Strange's chest.

"No, don't even think about it, the gem is with me, even if it is dead, I will defend it desperately." Strange knew what Loki was thinking.

Loki said with an aura: "Now is the most tense time in the universe, you must hide the Time Gem or destroy it!"

"Impossible, this is something I promised others." Strange thought of Ancient One magician.

Loki is a little angry, he thinks Strange is too stubborn!

And Strange's idea is very simple. Don't believe Loki, after all, he has a criminal record.

While Loki and Strange quarreled, Silay said, "Whether what Loki said is true or not, we must all be prepared."

"What are you going to do?" Strange asked, and Loki looked over curiously.

"Me? What else can I do, get ready for war!" Xilai had been prepared for this, and he was ready to fight Thanos.

"Although I agree with your answer, Thanos is too strong. I suggest destroying Infinite Gems." Loki wanted to choose this safer idea.

Destroy Infinite Gems, and then go to Thanos to take revenge, so even if they lose, it doesn't matter, because they can afford to lose.

As long as Thanos does not get Infinite Gems, they will win.

"How many times do you want me to say it, it's impossible." The magic cloak behind Strange shook, and it also refused to accept it.

"Stupid Midgard." Loki was so angry that he could not help cursing.


The magic cloak on Strange's shoulder twitched immediately, slamming Loki's back.

"Oh!" Loki cried out in pain.

Touching his aching back, Loki could no longer control his expression, his eyes flushed red and said: "You must destroy it! At least not to let Thor die in vain."

Loki's words caused everyone to fall into contemplation, and they could understand Loki's pain.

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