Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 469 You are here to snap your fingers (please subscribe!)

Xilai actually relied on speed to break through the wall of the universe and return to the Marvel universe!

As for why it was confirmed that this was the Marvel universe, it was because he saw the Red Skull and Natasha Romanoff and Clint through the tunnel opening before he actually entered the universe.

"Wait!" Xilai could tell what Natasha Romanoff and the others were doing at a glance. When they first tried to stop them, they found that their speed had slowed down!

It turned out that the wall of the universe felt the invasion of outsiders, and now it is self-consciously repelling, which has caused Xilai, who had already surpassed the speed of light, to slow down.

But when the speed slows down, what is waiting for Xilai is that powerful repulsive force, which is like the principle of the same pole repulsion of a magnet.

As soon as poor Xilai stepped into this Marvel universe, he was poorly thrown back, and the hole in the space barrier healed.

"I seem to hear..." Clint just wanted to say that he heard Silai's voice, but didn't expect Natasha Romanoff to take the opportunity to jump from his hand.

"No!" Clint shouted hoarsely.

Compared to Clint's grief, the current Silay was reflected on the walls of the Marvel universe, causing him to collide on the walls of the universe.

It's like a marble, going around in every cosmic wall until it encounters a relatively weak cosmic wall before it can get in.

Unknown World——————————

Boom! ! !

Xilai returned here again, but because it was thrown back, the extremely powerful impact caused him to hit a mountain range.

"This is really... big ups and downs..." Xilai slowly walked out from the center of the mountain, and he almost hit the mountain straight through just now.

Xilai patted the sand on her body. Originally, she was just trying to see if she could travel through time, but she never expected that she would have crossed the wall of the universe.

This can not help but make Xilai think of the scene of The Flash, because the speed is too fast, after reaching a certain frequency, he went to the world of female Superman.

"Doesn't the wall breaker need to be built anymore?" Silay touched his chin in a thoughtful way.

But then again, what I was doing just now, I seem to have bumped into a lot of things in a daze.

"Black Light?" Xilai tried to contact Black Light, only to find that Black Light ignored him.

It stands to reason that Black Light couldn't ignore himself, after all, he was the master of Black Light.

"Could it be..." Xilai had an immature guess, would he go to another world again? This is not impossible.

When Xilai thought of this speculation, he hurriedly flew up and looked down at the bottom, which seemed to be the Himalayas.

"It still looks like the earth." Xilai looked at the surrounding scene below, and then flew towards the east, where there was a big country.

If you want to know where you are, you have to go there first.

Marvel World————————

Clint held Soul Gem with his eyes blankly, he wanted to jump down together, but he couldn't! The hope of all mankind lies in this gem, and the family is still waiting for themselves.

Looking at the pool of blood under the cliff, Clint opened his waist and disappeared.

the other side

Rod happily took the power gem and said, "We should leave."

"Hmm..." Nebula suddenly felt that his brain was about to explode, as if something was eroding him.

Rod did not notice the situation of the Nebula, happily turned on the time shuttle button, and returned to the original time and space.

He didn't know that Nebula did not go back!

In the universe, a huge space battleship is stopping there.

"Check her memory for me, where is the other nebula." Thanos looked at the nebula in front of him with ugly eyes.

As the consciousness of this nebula synchronized with the consciousness of another nebula, Thanos knew what would happen in the future and successfully fulfilled his destiny.

But it seems that this group of people are not reconciled to this fate. They reversed time and space and came to get Infinite Gems ahead of time.

"She! Your daughter is a traitor!" Ebony Maw manipulated his tentacles around Nebula's neck."No! This is impossible! I can't betray you!" Nebula cried out in pain, how could she betray her father Thanos.

Thanos didn't say much, but slowly came to the front of Nebula, tore off the tentacles wrapped around her neck, and stretched out his hand to stroke Nebula's chin.

"I believe you, now is your chance to prove yourself." Thanos smiled softly, but this smile made people feel horrified.

At the moment, the Future Nebula on the other side was hurriedly contacting Clint and the others, but didn't know that Clint had already returned to the future.

At this moment, Thanos's warship used the wormhole jumping technology to locate the position of the future nebula and came here.

Future Marvel World——————————

"Has everyone succeeded?!" Peter asked quickly when he came back.

"Success!" Rod was the first to lift the power gem in excitement.

"Me too, take a look! What you have been fighting for before." Kurt put on a handsome pose with a scepter.

Peter also took out the Tesseract in his hand, Thor took out the Reality Gem, and Dr. Hulk took out the Time Gem.

"Miss is a liar." When Dr. Hulk took out the gems, he even complained about Miss, and he almost couldn't come back.

What they didn't notice was that Nebula's eyes flashed with a subtle light.

The excited Avengers didn't realize this, but they saw one person missing, Natasha Romanoff.

"Where is Natasha Romanoff?" Dr. Hulk handed the Soul Gem to Peter.

There seemed to be a tear on Clint's face: "She...she can't come back."

"Why?!" Dr. Hulk became excited when he heard that Natasha Romanoff could not return. Fortunately, he was not the Hulk before, otherwise he would have gone violently.

Clint then told the Avengers what had just happened, and everyone's original joy fell into a trough in an instant.

"It's okay, we have Infinite Gems, and we can save Natasha Romanoff." Dr. Hulk seemed to have found hope again. He didn't know that Infinite Gems could not save Natasha Romanoff.

"Then what are we waiting for." Peter led everyone to the laboratory, and before leaving, he glanced at the nebula specifically.

Nebula didn't realize that Peter had just glanced at her. She slowed down specially, and finally stopped at the door of the laboratory. Instead of stepping in, she turned her head and walked towards the time machine.


Peter has already built a pair of gloves similar to Infinite Gems, all made of nanotechnology, and they still don't know whether this glove is compatible with Infinite Gems.

The designer of the glove was also Silai, but Silai only left a design drawing, and it was Peter who actually created it.

Remove the Infinite Gems, the manipulator carefully picked up the Infinite Gems and placed it in the groove of the Infinite Gems. When the gems were put up at the last minute, everyone's hearts touched their throats.

"Boom!" At this moment, the troubled Rocket suddenly shouted.

Peter, who was attentive next to him, was so frightened by the rocket that his heart almost jumped out.

"Hahaha!" Seeing Peter's lingering expression, the Rockets couldn't help holding his stomach and laughed.

"Okay, is this funny?" Peter patted his chest with a sigh of relief, and turned his head to say no to the Rockets.

Rocket shrugged: "I think it's okay. Now that Infinite Gems is installed, who will snap your fingers?"

"I'm coming!" Clint stood up first, and he wanted to rescue Natasha Romanoff.

The Rocket shook his head and said, "No, this person must have a very hard body, otherwise he can't stand the power of snapping his fingers at all. Have you forgotten Thanos' end?"

"It looks like it's only me." Thor stood up reluctantly, he knew it since he went back to get Mjolnir again, and he still has the right to move him.

"No, your mental state doesn't look good." Steve stopped Thor directly.

Thor's mental state didn't look good since he returned.

"Believe me, do you think what the blood flowing in my body is?" Thor raised his head confidently. Odin's blood is flowing in his body! He is Thor of Asgard!

"Cream?" Rod interjected beside him.

After Thor listened to Definitely, he was very upset. As soon as he wanted to turn back to refute, Peter stood up and said, "They are right Thor, this snapping finger is more suitable for Dr. Hulk."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone looked at Dr. Hulk.

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