Li Xin left the Nissan Silvia at his grandfather's repair shop in New Bern. However, I heard my grandfather call and say that Arthur wanted to buy the Nissan Silvia.

It just so happened that the speed of that car could no longer satisfy Li Xin, and he was going to modify a high-performance sports car after a while.

This car was originally left by his cheap father, and in the past two years of drag racing with these underground drivers, Li Xin has won almost 400,000 US dollars. One of the most profitable was the Ferrari F355 that outperformed Arthur.

"Sometimes think about your own reasons, whether your salary has risen for so many years, and whether you are serious about your work?"

Li Xin recalled these ridiculous classic quotations from the bosses of those well-known enterprises in the previous life, and Li Xin wanted to take his fate in his own hands in this life.


minutes later, Li Xin waited for Catherine at the school gate on time and went home together, which was an order given by her aunt.

After a while, a beautiful woman with blond hair and skin like clotted fat walked towards Li Xin with light steps, and this was Li Xin's cheap cousin Catherine, Jacob.

And Catherine was followed by a handsome blonde boy, who seemed to be saying something out of his mouth

; "Catherine, we have a really great party tomorrow night, and all the biggest people on campus will attend, do you really stop thinking about

it" "Oh, I've said it many times, Stanny, we can't do it, it's over, don't pester me, ok?"

Catherine said with a headache on her face;

Okok, Catherine is I'm sorry for you, but that time I just made the same mistake that every man makes, and you're going to forgive me, right"

Stanny was still saying nice things to Catherine.

But Catherine didn't bother to answer when she said hello to Li Xin when she saw her.

Li Xin looked at these on the campus, and couldn't help but sigh, this is youth...

Catherine sat directly on the back seat of the bicycle and hugged Li Xin's waist with her hand.

This smooth movement stunned Stanny next to him, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Just as Li Xin was about to ride away, Stanny stood directly in front of the bike.

"Hey, so that's your answer, isn't it? Haha a yellow person?"

In fact, Li Xinduo is a person in his 30s with a combined age of two lives, and he didn't want to be nosy, but seeing the other party's high-minded appearance, he will inevitably feel disgusted.

"This brain-dead is your suitor?" asked Catherine with an expressionless face.

"Okay, ex-boyfriend, to be exact, but we're done, and I don't even bother to talk to him right now,"

Catherine said with a chuff.

Li Xin looked at Stanny, his temperament and dress like a rich second generation, but the inexplicable sense of superiority was really unbearable.

"Listen young man, I'm not interested in listening to your bullshit love story, it's not early now, we have to go home early

" "So please get out of the way, if you continue to make trouble, believe me, you will be unlucky"

Li Xin exuded a dangerous aura at this time, an indescribable momentum and coercion.

In the past two years of underground drag racing, it is inevitable to deal with some three-class and ninth-rate people. In that world, only the strong are respected.

Li Xin is not a good gentleman, and he is obedient in the United States, and the labels of kindness will only attract others to bully you.

Stanny didn't know why there was a cold sweat behind his back, although the Oriental man in front of him, although he looked only about 175cm, he felt like a huge shadow enveloping him.

It was a feeling he had never had before, a feeling he had never had before, a feeling that made him want to run away quickly and leave.

"Ahem, I, I'm just worried that it's not safe for you to ride a bicycle

" Stanny said with a little dodge in his eyes;

"Listen to my advice, hurry up and change your target, Catherine, you can't grasp it"

Li Xin didn't want to talk nonsense with him anymore, and directly rode and stepped on, Stanny hurriedly dodged.

Stanny just watched Li Xin carry his beloved woman away, and the bicycle still made a tinkling sound from time to time.

Stanny's face was gloomy, his fists clenched, not knowing what he was thinking.

The bicycle rode slowly on the street, and Li Xin felt the soft touch behind him.

Catherine sat quietly in the back, she didn't say anything about what had just happened, because she had known this cousin in front of her since she was a child.

Since childhood, I have a mature mind, helping in my grandfather's shop, and some repair technical problems will be learned as soon as I learn.

When I was in elementary school, I beat up more than half of the boys in the school, and in junior high school, I began to contact some bad social people, and at the age of 14, I began to go out racing with people.

For a girl of Catherine's age, he's just pretty cool.

In fact, at first, the family was still very worried about him, after all, because there was no parental control, it was easy to embark on the road of crime without good guidance.

But then he proved with his actions that he was actually a genius. In school, the daily Xi grades have been upstream, and the life is much more mature than peers. And the dangerous temperament on his body is not the kind of person who will suffer in society.

In a single-family bungalow in the Kessina Garden Community, John's family is happily enjoying dinner at the dining table.

For dinner, there was a table full of braised fish, mapo tofu, stir-fried beef, and sweet and sour pork ribs and tomatoes and eggs that foreigners prefer, all of which were made by Li Xin.

I'm still very satisfied with today's card drawing.,Two more powerful skills and make up for the regret of not being able to escape.。 There was a great deal of confidence in the future and what was to come in New York.

"Cheers~" Aunt Dalena happily raised her glass and shouted

, "Cheers~ Today we have to thank Philip in addition to thanking God for giving us food

" "Thank him for preparing this table of dishes, roar, then let's move~"

John James, the head of the family, said with a smile

John James is forty years old, his hair has begun to thin, and his hairstyle has begun to feel a little Mediterranean, but after so many years as an executive, he will feel reliable.

At the dinner table, they were chatting about interesting things happening nearby, and they were concerned about which college Catherine was going to apply to and how Matt was doing at school. Li Xin is still Xi to living in New York.

may be because Li Xin lost his parents when he was a child, and Li Xin can feel that his relatives care about him. This warm feeling made Li Xin feel extremely nostalgic.

It's that little village hidden in the depths of memory... That strange and familiar landscape... Those almost forgotten faces....

But thinking of what will happen in this world later, Li Xin silently vowed to protect all this.

At this time, the news about Iron Man came from the TV in the living room, and Iron Man could be seen all over the world during this time.

Not only is he often active in the headlines of entertainment news, but military news is now also beginning to report on his deeds.

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