After Li Xin finished speaking, he quickly hung up the phone while Jamie was crying and trying to keep him.

Just as he was about to practice, the doorbell rang at home. After Li Xin sensed it slightly, he said in his heart without any doubt;

"How did she come?..."

As Li Xin opened the door, a young and beautiful woman with blond hair and blue eyes stood outside. It was his classmate Jenny Taylor.

In the sunshine, she had short hair that reached her ears, and two cute cartoon hairpins were clipped on her head, one on the left and one on the right. She tucked her hair tightly behind her ears, revealing a smooth and fair face. At this moment, she was looking at Li Xin with a smile on her face.


Seeing that Li Xin didn't look very surprised, Jenny couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She had expected Li Xin to be very happy.

"Hi~ Philip, I heard you moved to a new house, I thought, you don't mind if I come over to see it? By the way, I brought my mother to make jam."

Li Xin looked at Jenny who was smiling outside the door and carrying a beautifully packaged bag, and couldn't help but sighed and turned sideways and said;

"Please come in."

After hearing what Li Xin said, Jenny walked into the house with a bright smile, talking about recent interesting things while touring the house.

But after Li Xin closed the door, he did not respond to Jenny's words, but asked directly;

"Jenny, how did you know I live here? I don’t think I told anyone."

Seeing that Li Xin didn’t want anyone to know where he lived, Jenny’s guess in her heart suddenly became more serious. She shrank her neck slightly and pouted her lips playfully and said;

"I asked Catherine, but she seemed to be asking her father,"Are you not welcome?"

Hearing this, Li Xin covered his forehead speechlessly, because only John knew the place where he moved, and Li Xin had already asked him not to tell anyone, but it seemed that he didn't take it to heart.

"Well, you are always welcome here, Jenny. I hope you have fun here, but I don’t want more people to know that I live here."

After Li Xin finished speaking, Jenny smiled happily again, then turned around and ran towards the room, and began to continue to visit and look for something.

Li Xin looked at the young and lively young woman in front of her, and couldn’t help but stand there blankly for a while.

Jenny’s eyes are not like Ava’s big eyes. Her eyes are thin and long but very energetic. When she smiles, they become two slits, and her nose is slightly upturned, giving people a playful feeling, which is very cute.

And today she is wearing a short skirt with a blue background and white flowers. When she runs, her white long legs linger in Li Xin’s mind.

Thinking of this, Li Xin couldn’t help shaking his head,"I don’t have this feeling when I see Jenny usually. What’s the situation today?"

For some reason, Li Xin felt that he seemed to be a little dry in the mouth. Before Jenny finished the visit, he ran to the refrigerator to get some water to drink.

"By the way, Philip, did Stanley not cause you any trouble later?"

Jenny, who came back from the visit, looked at Li Xin with concern. Because of the previous beating incident, people in the news and on the Internet were all smearing Li Xin, and Li Xin was a taciturn person who never spoke publicly, so she could only keep explaining to those haters online;

"Stanley? Oh, him, I don't think so...."

If Jenny hadn't said it, Li Xin would have almost forgotten about the unfortunate child, and seeing Jenny's worried look for him, Li Xin said comfortingly;

"Don't worry about my business, and you don't have to care about those haters. Instead of worrying about these, why not think about what we should eat for lunch."

Jenny was relieved to see that Li Xin didn't care about the comments, and when she heard that Li Xin was going to cook to entertain her, she squinted her eyes and smiled into a crescent shape.

Li Xin was stunned for a moment when she saw the happy smile of the young woman in front of her. Perhaps it was because men and women were in the same room or perhaps it was because she hadn't been in contact with such a naive person for a long time. Li Xin felt that the previous negative feeling of killing had been eliminated for the most part, so she began to smile.

In the next few days, Jenny came to play with Li Xin every day, and after Li Xin got used to Jenny, he would ride a motorcycle to take her to various major attractions and gourmet restaurants in New York to play and check in.

Although the progress of cultivation slowed down, his sealed heart seemed to be gradually opened by the lively and cheerful girl beside him.

While leaving many beautiful photos and experiencing the good life with his family, Li Xin also sent two songs he had written before to Ava, namely Sister Tianhui and"Everything I Need" and Gaga's"The Cure".

Although Ava's singing skills are not among the top ones, as long as she can sing these two songs well, she will be the hottest female singer of the new generation in the United States.

At this time, outside a small town in Old Bridge, New Mexico, another part of the United States, the originally clear sky suddenly became cloudy and thunderous.

After a sudden wind and cloud roll back, a strong rainbow-like light instantly shot towards the ground! As the light faded, the sky returned to normal again, but there were four weirdos wearing ancient Viking-style armor in the empty desert.

These four people are from the depths of the distant universe, Lady Sif and the three warriors of Asgard. The purpose of their trip is to find Thor, the god of thunder exiled by Odin, and then bring him back to Asgard to stop Loki, who has become the king of Asgard.

It turns out that some time ago, Thor, the heir to the throne of Asgard, the eternal realm, launched a special operation against the giant town of Jotun because of his recklessness and arrogance, and almost provoked an ancient war.

The father god Odin, who was about to sleep for a while, took this opportunity to educate the arrogant Thor, and sealed his divine power and exiled him to the mortal world, which is now the earth.

After that, the father god Odin fell asleep, and the god of deceit Loki took this opportunity to take the throne. As good friends of Thor, Hill and the three warriors naturally couldn't bear to see this happen.

They thought these were all Loki's conspiracies, and they were worried that Asgard would fall into the hands of the god of deceit. After that, under the suggestion of the guardian Heimdall, they took the rainbow bridge to the earth and began to look for Thor.

At this time, in a temporary research institute built around a hammer not far away, countless researchers were doing parameter research on the hammer that could not be lifted by people.

And there were walls built around it and many agents in suits standing there. Obviously, this was a very confidential government research institute..............

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