But Thor did not dodge the beam in front of him, and continued to rush towards the beam with the hammer in front of him.


As Thor's hammer and the high-temperature ray faced each other, two huge and terrifying forces began to interweave and confront each other in the center of the tornado.

But at this time, Thor had already fully unleashed his divine power, and with an unstoppable spirit, he actually broke through the full-power high-temperature ray beam of the Destroyer!

I don't know whether Thor was too powerful at this time, or the Destroyer stood on the left when facing the wave, but Thor's hammer rushed directly to the Destroyer's head like a crushing force.


With a loud metallic knocking sound, the Destroyer's head was smashed by Thor's hammer, losing its light, and its entire heavy body began to fall downwards from mid-air.


A strong energy shock began to spread out from the center, and with a sound of shaking the earth, the Destroyer slammed heavily to the ground in the thick dust and smoke and stopped moving.

As Thor, wearing dazzling armor, slowly landed, the storm began to subside and the dark clouds began to dissipate. The gray sky became clear again, and Thor tossed the hammer lightly, then walked towards Jane Fortes in front of him with high-spirited steps.

"Is this your usual attire?"

Jane Fortes looked at the energetic Thor with a smile on her face, her eyes flashing for a moment;

"Roughly the same..."

At this time, Thor looked at Jane Fortes with a smile on his face, then he looked at the three warriors and others behind him with a serious face, and continued;

"We have to get to the Rainbow Bridge drop-off point, and I have something to tell my brother...."

Just as they were about to take action, a car that seemed to have been badly damaged came speeding over, then drifted and braked beside them.

"excuse me..."

Agent Coulson, who was wearing sunglasses and had a Mediterranean hairstyle, greeted them immediately after getting out of the car. Then he walked straight to Thor and said;

"You weren't telling me the truth, Donald?..."

But Thor was in a hurry at this time, so he interrupted and said;

"Son of Cole, I am fighting to protect this world just like you."

"So from now on, I will form an alliance with you, but the condition is that you have to return Jane's things to her."

Thor said, and took Jane Fortes' arm. Jane Fortes, who saw that Thor was backing her up, immediately raised her head and said,"I hate these agents."

"It was stolen!"

"No, it was borrowed. Okay, you can get your equipment back so you can continue your research on your project.

Coulson is not a bad person. He just had to follow the procedures because of his job. Robbery culture is a kind of American procedure. Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, he naturally has to return the things to the owner.

"Hey, do you want to see the bridge I told you about?"

Seeing that the problem was solved, Thor hugged Jane Fortes beside him and said with a smile;

Jane Fortes, as a scientist, naturally would not refuse this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and immediately nodded and agreed with a smile. Thor, who had been impatient for a long time, also began to spin his Thor's hammer above his head, and then the two of them flew into the sky so quickly with a sonic boom, and then flew out of the town with Jane Fortes's excited screams.

""Wait, wait, we have some questions for you!"

As Thor flew away, Coulson on the ground could only shout helplessly to the sky, but at this time the figures of the two people in the air had already disappeared. Finally, Coulson, with a helpless look on his face, could only look at the other people on the field.

However, just as Coulson was about to speak, the others had already started to run away, and under the leadership of Shavig and Daisy, they got on a satellite RV.

In the end, Coulson could only shrug helplessly, and then arranged for the remaining brothers to walk towards the metal giant lying on the ground.

The landing point of the rainbow bridge outside the town At the same time, Thor was looking at the sky with a confused look on his face, shouting Heimdall loudly, but no matter how he shouted at this moment, he still could not feel Heimdall's presence.

However, just as Coulson and Sitwell were talking on the phone and filming the Destroyer, a high-tech Quinjet suddenly flew overhead and circled in the air. After a strong gust of air, the plane landed steadily on the street nearby.

The door of the fighter plane opened, and Hill led a team of fully armed agents to slowly walk down. What was special was that one of them wore a mask and carried a knife on his back.

"Coulson, report the situation, did you guys defeat this guy?"

Hill asked Coulson with a questioning look on his face when he saw the metal giant lying on the ground.

"It's a long story, sir. It all started when a strange man broke into the institute last night....."

When Coulson saw Hill, he began to smile his signature smile, and then he started to give a long report, completely ignoring Hill's face which was gradually turning black.

When Li Xin saw the Destroyer lying in the pit with his head smashed, he roughly understood that the battle here should be over.

Especially at this time, there was still a trace of violent thunder power in the air.

After a slight perception, Li Xin jumped upwards, and after a few flashes, he came to a rooftop where he could overlook the whole town.

At this time, on the edge of the roof, there was a man with a crew cut and a high-tech bow on his back.

When Li Xin landed on the roof with a sound of breaking wind, the alert Clinton instantly took off the bow and arrow on his back, and then quickly turned around and drew the bow at the suddenly appeared Li Xin.

"It's you...."

Clinton heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the person coming, then he put away his bow and arrow and shot at Li Xin.���When Li Xin appeared behind him, Clinton, who had excellent perception, clearly felt the hairs on his back stand up.

"You are Hawkeye, right?..."

Seeing the man's high alertness and the high-tech bow he was carrying, Li Xin immediately guessed the young man's identity.

"It's me. I'm glad you can join SHIELD, otherwise none of us can deal with you."

Clinton said jokingly while putting away his special arrows, because he had already seen the information of the masked man before, and he was also a person who mastered extraordinary power.

Li Xin saw Hawkeye extending his hand to show his affection for him, so he naturally would not refuse. After all, he and he would be members of the Avengers in the future, so he walked up to Hawkeye and shook hands and said;

"Just call me Ah Fei. We are all colleagues from now on. I still have to call you senior.".....

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