"Sorry, I, I don't know how to drink," said the black girl, Sylvia, who was obviously nervous;

"Are you nervous? Oh, sorry, you must have been scared by those people just now."

"But these servants just want to ensure my safety. I apologize to you for these impolite people, okay?"

Bennett said with a gentleman's smile; the girl stood up nervously and walked towards Bennett step by step.

Bennett sat on the sofa and watched the little girl walk towards him nervously and fearfully. He slowly crossed his legs.

"Oh, look at you, beautiful little angel, can you tell me your name?"

The tender face, the pure eyes, the petite figure, and the faint virgin body fragrance, all of which made Bennett unable to control himself.

"I...My name is Sylvia.

The girl seemed to know that this was the big shot, but she still said nervously....

"Oh~Sylvia, what a charming name, you know? Seeing you makes all my travel fatigue disappear."

"Now I am left with nothing but happiness and joy. You warmed me up, so I am lucky to have a drink with you, Angel Sylvia~"

Bennett showed a charming smile and had already poured two glasses of red wine in his hands.

This was the first time Sylvia heard someone call her Angel, and the first time she felt someone arranged these for her and spoke to her like this. She felt that she was no longer nervous and happily took the red wine glass.

"Cheers~" Bennett smiled and clinked glasses with Sylvia.

Sylvia had never drunk red wine before, but she knew that red wine was a very valuable thing. Sylvia closed her eyes and drank the wine in the glass.

""Ahem, ahem, ahem~"

Sylvia choked on the red wine.

Bennett watched Sylvia finish the wine and quickly reached out to help her up.

"It doesn't matter, this is what happens when you drink for the first time, so you can't drink such a big gulp of wine at once."

Bennett helped Sylvia sit on the sofa next to him and poured red wine into the glass again;

"This time we should taste it slowly and savor the taste of fine wine, okay?"

Bennett stared at Sylvia and said;

Sylvia felt an unnatural feeling when she felt the big hand on her waist, but Bennett's gentle and gentlemanly voice made her have no idea of refusing.

""Ding" There was a crisp clinking sound, and Sylvia closed her eyes and took another sip. At this time, Bennett's eyes could no longer leave the black rose beside him.

As Sylvia took another sip, it could be seen that she was a little tipsy.

"Oh, my beautiful Sylvia, your charming face makes me intoxicated, let me help you wipe the corners of your mouth."

Bennett's other hand had been tightly grasped on Sylvia's thigh without knowing when, and was slowly crawling deeper.

"gentlemen...Sorry, I'm drunk, please, please let me go?"

Saiweiya only felt that the corner of her mouth seemed to be licked by a big tongue, so she said in panic;

"Sorry, I just didn't have any tissues, and I couldn't help myself,"

Bennett lifted Sylvia onto his lap and pressed his face against hers;

"My beautiful Sylvia, you may not know how charming you are at this moment,"

Bennett said while playing with the girl's hair.

"First, sir, what is this?"

"Oh, this is my gun. You know, I have to carry a gun with me at work. Let's put the guns in place now."

Bennett said and kissed Sylvia's lips directly. At this moment, he couldn't bear it anymore.

""Hum~Hum~" The sound of rapid breathing began to be heard in the room.

At this time, Sylvia's mind was blank. This was something she had never experienced before."But this gentleman is so gentle, it's not impossible." At this time, Li Xin, who had been hiding behind the curtains and eavesdropping at the wall, could no longer bear it;

"What a beast! He looks so well-dressed, but he likes such perverted things."

"Forget it, for the sake of the Western Buddha, let's go out and save him."

Li Xin silently chanted a few words to herself,"Amitabha".

At this time, Sylvia's floral dress had been torn to pieces, and Bennett was like a big bad wolf who had tricked Little Red Riding Hood and was taking advantage of her.

Sylvia could only close her eyes tightly at this moment, and tears were slowly flowing down. She still felt scared at this moment, but it seemed that she could no longer stop what was going to happen next.

Bennett couldn't bear it anymore, and he decided to draw his gun and torture her directly.

""Ahem." Just when the atmosphere was about to reach a certain climax, a sudden cough was heard in the suite.

Bennett was very angry at this time. He turned his head to see who was disturbing his good deeds.

A man in a high-necked windbreaker and a strange white mask was waving to greet Bennett. However, under the mask was a cold and evil three-magatama blood-red Sharingan.

Bennett only felt that the eyes were getting bigger and bigger, and then the world was spinning....

When he opened his eyes again, he suddenly found himself in a broken battlefield, surrounded by ruins, and he was tied to a wooden stake.

Bennett tried to break free, but it was all in vain. The rope on the stake tied him tightly.

"Hahaha, is this hypnosis? No matter who you are, you are dead, because you have no idea who you have offended.

Bennett looked at the huge three-magatama moon that had appeared in the sky and was slowly rotating, and he was able to speak loudly and calmly; but as soon as he finished speaking, he found that there was a lot of wood at his feet, and at this time, the wood began to catch fire.

The fire grew bigger and bigger, and soon spread to Bennett's body.

"Ah~ah, monster, let me go, ah~"

Bennett twisted and struggled frantically, but the pain of being burned by the flames soon spread all over his limbs.

"No no no no...This is not true. This is not true...."

Bennett was shaking his head desperately, trying to wake himself up, but the high temperature of the flames was about to devour him. He could only desperately endure the pain of the burning flames.

"Well...ah...This..is not..not true.."I don't know how much time has passed. Bennett on the stake seems to be hanging on to his last breath, still mumbling intermittently;

""Sizzle~" The flames were still burning Bennett, and at this time Bennett could only be tied to a wooden stake. He had been burned by the flames for three days and three nights, and the last bit of spirit in his eyes was about to disappear.

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