"Oh, you are too unskilled...."

Spider-Man, who seemed a little unhappy, began to jump around on the spot, turning around and talking to the man stuck to the wall with a smile; and the car thief was also shocked by the sticky spider silk at this time, and said to Spider-Man with a terrified look on his face, begging for mercy:

"What is this?"

"Oh, this is the spider web I developed, but I didn't think you would want to know...."

However, after Spider-Man finished speaking, he suddenly made a sneezing gesture and said;


Spider-Man shook as if he had sneezed, and another spider silk shot accurately into the crotch of the car thief.

"Ah! Please, let me go..."

As Spider-Man had been playing with him all the time, the car thief finally shed tears of fear and begged for mercy.

Spider-Man, who didn't want to play anymore, quickly shot a spider silk at the car thief's mouth to make him shut up, then quickly ran to the other's left hand, picked up the other's sleeve and checked.

However this time it was still not the person he was looking for. Spider-Man stopped teasing him and helped the car thief tear the spider silk on his mouth so that he could breathe.

At this time, a burst of urgent alarms began to sound, and a policeman in police uniform and riding a motorcycle appeared behind Spider-Man. The moment he saw Spider-Man, he raised his pistol and warned him;

"Don't move!"

However, Spider-Man didn't seem to see the gun, and still raised his hands in a funny hippie manner.

"Hey, the boy in blue is here, I caught him for you~ He can't go anywhere now"

But the policeman still raised his gun and warned Spider-Man seriously;

"Don't move! Who are you?"

Seeing that the police always asked this kind of question, Peter Parker put down his arms helplessly and shrugged silently.

"It seems that you still don't understand why I wear a mask. I thought..."

However, as Spider-Man casually lowered his arms and moved around a few times, the police fired four shots at Spider-Man during the warning.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The bullet was fired instantly at a distance almost touching his face, but Spider-Man seemed to have predicted the trajectory of the bullet. He twisted his body instinctively a few times and narrowly avoided the bullet shot at him.

But the police's behavior at this time also made him completely angry, so he jumped up directly, flipped over the police's head, and instantly grabbed the gun;

"I did 80% of the work for you, and now what? You do this to me?"

Spider-Man, who had snatched the pistol, threw it away angrily, and said to the policeman disappointedly; but just when he was about to reason with the policeman, many alarms sounded around him, and in the blink of an eye, the place was surrounded by police cars that came to support.

When Spider-Man saw so many policemen coming at once, he quickly jumped into the air and fired spider silk, and then with a few graceful swings and hearty cheers, Spider-Man left the scene in a chic manner.

At this time, on a roof not far away, Li Xin, who had eaten and drunk enough, also began to carry the bag of supplies and quietly followed again.

On a main road with cars coming and going, Spider-Man jumped flexibly between the moving vehicles, and behind him was full of urgent alarms. Almost all the police on duty in Queens tonight came to arrest him.

But Spider-Man moved too quickly. After shooting a spider silk at the bridge, he swung the spider silk with a strange cry and left the police's arrest encirclement. He even greeted the passengers on a bus while swinging the spider silk;

""Yo~ Hoo! See you tomorrow, everyone."

As the figure in the blue and red tights swung away from the scene, the police chief George Stewin walked up to several key police officers with a sullen look and said;

"So, 38 New York police officers were helpless against a man in a tights, am I right?"

Faced with the chief's interrogation, many police officers involved in the operation could only bow their heads in shame.

One of the police officers was about to ask the chief why he had to arrest the street hero, but the words turned into a sigh as soon as they came to his lips....

At this time, outside a community in Queens, Peter Parker looked at a house with lights on in front of him with a heavy heart.

With a sigh, he was about to find his hidden backpack and change out of this tights when he suddenly heard a strange bird cry from behind;


After hearing the sound that was obviously not a bird's cry, Peter Parker quickly put down his backpack and looked over with an alert face. He saw a man wearing a strange white mask on the roof not far away, looking at him quietly under the bright moonlight.

However, Peter Parker, who already had an excellent memory and a high IQ, quickly recognized who the person was after looking at the other person's ill-fitting clothes, and tilted his head and said in confusion;

"Who are you...Seventeenth Street, the one eating chocolate? Oh, actually you don’t need to come here specially to thank me."

In fact, after Peter finished speaking, he immediately became alert, because he thought that the person who could follow him silently was not a simple person.

And Li Xin, who was not far away, saw that the other party actually recognized him, so he simply stopped pretending and slowly took off the mask in front of Spider-Man. However, at the moment of taking off the mask, a pair of scarlet three-magatama Sharingan had already launched an illusion towards Spider-Man who was staring at him.

In Peter’s field of vision, when he saw the scarlet three-magatama Sharingan, he only felt that he was slightly spinning in this world, and suddenly he had a feeling of falling from a high altitude, but this strange feeling disappeared in an instant, as if nothing had happened.

"Hey, buddy, your pink eye looks serious, but sorry, I'm not a medical professional."

As Spider-Man spread his hands and said jokingly, Li Xin did not reply to him, but stretched his legs and rubbed his wrists to do warm-up exercises. After simply moving his body, Li Xin quickly jumped down from the roof and rushed towards Spider-Man.

"Hehe~ Let's spar~"

As he spoke, Li Xin quickly punched Spider-Man, and an evil smile appeared under the handsome face with oriental features;

"What the hell?"

Faced with the sudden attack, Peter dodged the punch at the critical moment and quickly jumped back to create some distance, but Li Xin's figure quickly appeared above Peter like a ghost and kicked him hard.


Peter, who was unable to dodge, was kicked to the ground next to a trash can, but his excellent reaction ability allowed him to quickly shoot a spider silk at Li Xin who was attacking again before he fell to the ground.


A spider silk shot at him at a very tricky angle, instantly breaking Li Xin's attack rhythm. Peter could only dodge to the side, allowing Peter to get up and breathe for a moment, but then Li Xin quickly rushed forward again and punched Spider-Man in the abdomen.

Although Peter's sense of danger allowed him to avoid part of it, he was still entangled by Li Xin and was forced to fight him in close combat.

However, Peter, who did not have much fighting experience, was quickly suppressed by Li Xin and could only dodge and defend continuously. He immediately felt sweaty and dared not distract himself from talking nonsense.

After that, the two of them were in this quiet alley. They fought quickly in the street. After being bitten by the spider, Peter not only had a stronger body and a more agile body, but the most outstanding thing was that his reaction ability had changed qualitatively.

Not only could he sense the danger that was about to happen in the future, but his reaction nerves had also been greatly enhanced. Li Xin, on the other hand, had rich combat experience and had practiced physical skills for many years.

In the five minutes that the two of them fought continuously, Peter was always suppressed by Li Xin. The two of them fought from the alley to the roof, and from the roof to someone else's yard. During this period, Peter didn't know how many times he was kicked and hit by the other party.

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