Soon it was after eight o'clock in the evening. Li Xin and Peter squatted at the entrance of a sewer somewhere in Lower Manhattan. When Li Xin smelled the strange smell coming from inside, he immediately said to Peter with a flash of his eyes;

"Peter, have you ever read Journey to the West?"

"What? Yes, Chinese mythology, I read it in elementary school."

Hearing Li Xin's sudden question, Peter said with a silly look on his face, but Li Xin cleared his throat and continued to speak with reason;

"You should know that the eldest brother Sun Wukong hates water, so when he encounters monsters hiding in the water, he will let Bajie and Sha Seng go down to challenge them, while he waits on the shore."

"After Bajie and his companions fought with the monster, they led the monster to the shore, and then the powerful eldest brother captured the monster in one fell swoop...."

As Li Xin said this, she made a fist grabbing gesture towards Peter, but Peter still had a question mark on his face and said;

"Forehead...Is there any necessary connection between Bajie and Wukong and our situation?"

"Okay, my plan���Yes, go and seduce him. When you meet the lizard man, don't fight him. Lead him to me. You know my strength. As long as the lizard man dares to look at me, I will let him perform a dance for you. You understand?"

Hearing this, Peter seemed to finally understand, and saluted Li Xin, patting his chest and promising;

"Yes, sir! I guarantee to complete the mission!"

After the two of them assigned the tasks, Peter entered the sewer. Relying on his ability to climb walls, he soon came to a central point.

After arriving at the location, Peter began to shoot spider silk into each pipe, forming a huge spider web. After that, Peter stuck the camera to a high place with spider silk, and lay on his spider web to play the Candy Crush game.

However, while playing, Peter found that he seemed to have been fooled. Why should he listen to Li Xin's orders? But Peter soon figured it out. If he hadn't handed the formula to Dr. Connors, perhaps he wouldn't have become like this.

In addition, the Daily Bugle also offered a reward for the lizard. Peter naturally did not want to miss the opportunity to see the photo of the lizard man. However, before Peter had to wait for long, he suddenly felt a strong vibration coming from the spider silk in one of the pipes.

Peter stood up immediately and put on his mask. Just as he began to look for the source of the sound, many small lizards crawled over from the spider silk in the pipe.

Just as Peter's attention was attracted by the small lizards, he was unaware that a huge lizard man quietly crawled above him.

Suddenly, Peter felt a sense of crisis and immediately began to look back. However, just as Peter wanted to shoot the spider silk, a huge figure was already rushing towards him.


The lizard man jumped down quickly, like a ruthless predator, and instantly pressed Peter into his spider web!

Unable to dodge, Peter had to put his hands in front of himself, grabbing the lizard man's claws, and with the other hand quickly pulled the spider silk stuck to the camera.

"You stopped me once, but I won't let you go this time....Getting stronger day by day!"

The Lizard Man held Spider-Man down and said to him in a hoarse voice; but just when Spider-Man was unable to move, the Lizard Man's claws began to grow much longer!


Peter did not expect that the ugly lizard man's claws would suddenly grow longer, and in the blink of an eye, three cuts appeared on his chest.

Suddenly, the injured Peter burst out with a powerful force and pushed the lizard man aside. However, Peter, who experienced a life-and-death fight for the first time, was so nervous that he had no intention of fighting again. He could only crawl away in panic.

But just when Peter was about to escape, a spider silk stuck on the old pipe was torn off by the lizard man, and Peter fell into the turbulent underground river below.

In the turbulent underground river, Peter was desperately grasping, and finally, after being washed away to an unknown distance, Peter fell out of a pipe.

"'s really annoying...."

Peter was gasping for breath at this moment. He didn't expect that the situation would not be as simple as he imagined after the fight. When he really experienced the moment of life and death, he only felt that he was so nervous that he had no strength to use.

After simply checking the wound on his chest, Peter found the exit and left the sewer. Where Peter just fell, a huge lizard man slowly climbed up.

But when he was about to tear off the spider silk stuck on his hand, a flash of light from a camera flashed his eyes.

After discovering the camera stuck on it, the lizard man approached step by step, and then grabbed it. Just when he was about to throw the camera away, he found a string of letters on the back.


After reading the letters above, Dr. Connors crushed the camera into pieces, but his eyes exuded a strong murderous intent..........

In a luxury apartment in Manhattan, in Gwen's room, Peter was shirtless, leaning tiredly on the sofa, while Gwen wiped his wounds and disinfected him with a distressed look on her face.

"Peter, do you really not need to go to the hospital for your injury?"

"No, ever since I was bitten by a spider, I have a strong ability to recover, so I will be fine."

Under the moonlight, the two people on the sofa got closer and closer. Just when Peter was about to kiss her, the phone rang.

Peter, who was interrupted, quickly took out his phone. Just when he was about to hang up and continue, Gwen smiled and said;

"Haha, you should answer the phone, trainee knight~"

After a while of laughter, Peter still answered the phone, and the caller was Li Xin who was still guarding the entrance to the sewer.

"Peter? Are you okay? How's your situation? Have you found it?"

"Hey, Philip, yes, I fought with him, but I was ambushed and injured. Yes, I'm still in Manhattan."

After answering the phone, Peter simply explained the situation; Li Xin sighed and said again;

"Come to the Empire State Building. I'll be waiting for you on the top floor...."

After a busy tone on the phone, Peter looked at Gwen gently again, thought for a moment and said to her;

"How about we go out for a walk together, or go for a drive?"

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