As the angry lizard man climbed up from the pile of tables and chairs, Li Xin had already appeared beside him again. Before he could see what was going on, Li Xin rushed over quickly and kicked the lizard man in the face again.


Under a huge impact, the lizard man was kicked directly into the classroom wall and fell on the playground outside, his head buzzing instantly....


"Oh my god! What kind of monster is that!"

However, there were still many stranded students on the playground at this time. Looking at the lizardman who suddenly fell out, they were retreating step by step with horror.

Just when everyone thought that the lizardman would attack them, the lizardman turned his head with a vigilant look on his face, and looked at the smoky classroom with a serious expression.

To everyone's surprise, a man in a black robe and a white mask slowly emerged from the hole in the classroom, and then walked towards the lizardman step by step.

While the students were still panicking and at a loss, Li Xin's eyes had already turned into a scarlet three-magatama Sharingan state.

And he began to emanate a cold and bloody pressure, and suddenly the faces of those students began to turn pale and even breathing became difficult.


With a roar, the lizardman quickly stood up and pounced on Li Xin again. However, how could Li Xin, who had already opened the Sharingan, be touched by the lizardman's chaotic attack method?

Then, in the surprised eyes of Peter and many students, Li Xin performed a script-like movement and incredible attack method.

Li Xin was like a dancing butterfly, dodging every attack of the lizardman easily and gracefully. No matter whether he used his claws, tail, or self-sacrificing attack, Li Xin easily dodged them.

Then, in the moment of the lizardman's attack, he would always punch and kick him plainly, making the ferocious lizardman like a puppy, who could only passively take the beating and could not fight back at all.

"Oh! God! This is incredible!"

Some students saw that the ugly lizard man was suppressed and beaten so easily by the masked man, and he could also dissolve all the attacks of the lizard man like a joke. Suddenly, everyone was no longer afraid and began to cheer for Li Xin.

At this time, the students no longer evacuated outside the school, but began to find a good place to watch the battle, took out their mobile phones and started filming the two people on the playground.

After the two fought on the playground for about 3 minutes, the lizard man was kicked in the head again and fell to the ground. The angry Connors finally stopped getting up quickly, but grinned and roared at Li Xin on the spot;

"You just hide, right? You can't kill me, you can only tickle me!"

In fact, the lizard man's head and body were already covered with scars and blood, but he was being beaten and couldn't touch Li Xin at all, so he could only provoke Li Xin to reveal his flaws, otherwise he would be beaten to death sooner or later.

"Hahaha, fine, then I'll just stand here and let you attack me...."

To Li Xin, this lizard man was only at the special level. If it wasn't for teaching Peter combat experience, Li Xin would have controlled him with just a glance.


Seeing Li Xin's expression of not taking him seriously, the completely crazy lizard man could no longer bear it and once again quickly pounced on Li Xin.

And this time, Li Xin did as he said, standing still and watching the lizard man pounce on him quietly.

However, just when everyone was about to cover their eyes and didn't want to see the scene of Li Xin being torn to pieces, the lizard man fell to the ground as if he had hit an iron plate.


Just as Peter was making an unbelievable expression, Li Xin, with his arms crossed, had already activated the initial form of Susanoo. He began to emit strong chakra energy and rows of light blue skeleton ribs. It was undoubtedly a pipe dream for a special-level lizardman to break through the defense of Susanoo, even if this was only the initial form.

"Roar! Impossible, I am the most perfect creature, I am the existence that surpasses humans!"

In front of the light blue skeleton, the lizard man was attacking frantically, but no matter how frantically he waved his claws or bit directly with his teeth, the light blue skeleton was like a copper wall and did not leave any trace at all.

Looking at the powerless and desperate, and slightly crazy look of the lizard man, the students who were still in fear could not help but feel sorry for him.


Just as the lizard man was still attacking frantically, a light blue skeleton arm grew out from his ribs, then grabbed the lizard man's neck and lifted him up in the air.

"A frog in a well dares to say that he is perfect? "

At this moment, the lizard man's mind was no longer as crazy as before. Instead, when he saw Li Xin's cold three-magatama Sharingan, he only felt a piercing coldness, as if he was about to die at any time.

"'s me...He...have to...Kang...Connors felt the huge grip on his neck, and a feeling of suffocation came over him instantly. At this time, Connors, who had regained consciousness, saw Spider-Man on the side and began to beg for mercy;

"Fili...Ahem, that gentleman, maybe we can put him down now, he has lost the will to fight."

Peter, who had changed into a Spider-Man suit, came over swinging on the spider web and began to speak to Li Xin;


With a cold snort, the light blue chakra on Li Xin's body slowly dissipated, and the lizard man in the air seemed to have saved his life. After landing on the ground, he gasped for breath.


Seeing the lizard man breathing rapidly, Peter quickly stepped forward and fired a few spider silks to wrap around his arms, but still spoke softly with concern;

"Dr. Connors, are you okay? I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have given you that formula...."

At this time, a series of alarms finally sounded outside the playground. Rows of police cars soon stopped on the playground. As the police appeared, all the students on the scene were immediately evacuated.

As the fully armed police surrounded the entire playground, Chief George also raised his pistol and began to approach Spider-Man and the Lizard Man.

"Sorry, you are under arrest, please put your hands up"...................

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