Li Xin looked at Peter's happy and carefree face and said with a smile;

"Didn't I tell you it was 'chakra'? Besides, the lizard man is not actually that strong, it's just that you are too weak."

After hearing what Li Xin said, Peter blushed a little, and then he scratched the back of his head and smiled;

"I am nervous now, but the video of the lizard man doing the spacewalk is so funny, hehe→hehe↘hehe↗hehe↗hehe↘!..."

As Peter's devilish laughter appeared, the atmosphere suddenly became joyful. Because of Li Xin in this life, Peter did not have to bear all the loneliness alone.

And because Director George did not die at the hands of the lizard man, and because he had a lover and friends, Peter began to slowly walk out of the shadows and became sunny and enthusiastic.

However, just after everyone had eaten and drunk enough, Li Xin suddenly said to Peter;

"Peter, haven't you always wanted to know what 'Chakra' is? Now there is a suitable opportunity, are you willing to help me?"

"Of course, but what do you mean by this?"

Seeing Li Xin suddenly become serious, Peter on the side seemed to have guessed something and asked questioningly;

"Peter, I told you that I come from another universe, which is different from yours. That universe has many powerful beings that you can't believe. In order to face the crisis in the future, I must seize every opportunity to become stronger.".......

Time flies, and the days and months pass by like shuttles. Since the arrest warrant of Spider-Man was cancelled, his chic and flexible figure has appeared again on the streets of New York.

Spider-Man, who keeps helping the masses to fight crime, has become a hero idol in New York in this month, especially for the young people of today, especially Fleischer, who used to bully him in school, and has become Spider-Man's number one fan.

And in the fight against crime again, Peter also found the murderer who killed his uncle Ben, a gangster with blond hair, but Peter did not kill him to avenge his uncle Ben, but handed him over to the police under George's persuasion.

At the special research institute on the 54th floor of the Os Group, Dr. Connors is doing research on a new project with several assistants in white coats.

Although Dr. Connors was imprisoned for committing some crimes, it is actually a very simple matter for the Os Group to save someone.

The project that the radiant Connors is going to study this time is still the"regeneration serum" that he has been studying for a lifetime, but this time the target of the serum is Li Xin.

Connors was too eager to achieve results before and injected an immature serum. The terrible side effects turned him into a different person, but it actually worked. At least after the effect of the drug wore off, his myopia was cured.

Now that he is awake and has a second chance, he will naturally do his best to create a perfect"regeneration serum", even if it means losing the professional ethics of a scientist and using human bodies for research....

In fact, Dr. Rada had already conducted human experiments with the previous batch of serum at the Veterans Hospital in Brooklyn, and this time Dr. Connors will conduct human experiments again.

"Everyone on alert, the No. 7 experimental serum will be injected soon. Jack, please ask Mr. Philip to come down...."

After Connors finished typing quickly on the keyboard, he said to his assistant;

"I'm here."

However, before Connors finished speaking, Li Xin stood behind him with his arms folded across his chest, carefully observing the black man in the transparent laboratory in front of him.

As Connors pressed the enter key, a stream of green liquid from the syringe next to him was automatically injected into the black man's body.


After a while of serum injection, the black man began to scream in pain, and then began to mutate rapidly!

At this time, part of his body began to turn green. Although he did not grow a tail, his bloodthirsty madness was even stronger than Connors' previous lizard man.


With an angry roar, the black man seemed to have lost his mind. He quickly unplugged the equipment on his body and rushed towards Li Xin and others outside. But before he could break through the glass door, Li Xin took action.

"Palm Thunder!"

As Li Xin performed the Thunder Technique, a strong white lightning instantly struck the black man!

"" Crack~Pah!"

The shirtless black man had been injected with the 'new regeneration serum' after all. After enduring the strong electric light for a few seconds, he did not lose consciousness. He just squatted on the ground and wanted to attack again.

But when the black man raised his head again, a sharp cold light flashed by. Before he could react, blood began to flow slowly from his neck....


The moment the black man fell, his head rolled to the ground, and a pool of blood quickly spread out. However, the staff outside were not surprised at all, as if they were used to this kind of situation.

As Li Xin put the knife back into the sheath at his waist, several staff members who had been prepared for the incident skillfully began to clean up the black man's body and the scene. In less than 5 minutes, the laboratory had returned to its original state.

"The seventh experiment failed. The characteristics of the experimental subjects were: loss of reason, madness, irritability, bloodlust, and increased physical strength...."

Seeing that the laboratory was cleaned up, Dr. Connors at the main control console also skillfully made experimental records, but when he looked at Li Xin, there was a deep fear in his eyes.

"Dr. Connors, is there any progress on the Mangekyō Sharingan project?"

Li Xin, who had a sword hanging on his waist, said to Connors indifferently while drinking coffee and looking at the experimental report on the display screen;

"Sir, regarding your Mangekyō Sharingan, my conclusion is that it is not to integrate new genes to evolve, but to complete the missing part. But I am powerless. This kind of divine power..."

During this month of sleepless nights, Connors had already known Li Xin's physical data very well, but the more he learned, the more shocked he was.

"Forget it, let's study the 'regeneration serum' first. My goal is to increase my chakra count and strengthen my body to a certain extent."

After saying that, Li Xin left the laboratory. Since Li Xin reached a deal with Norman Osborn, he started the project of studying the 'regeneration serum' with his own cells and genes...............

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