This thing can be said to be a holy mark weapon, which can use and strengthen dragon spells (prayer), and every time you devour a dragon's heart, you will gain stronger power.

And at this time, the 'Dragon Feast Mark' already has five dragon spells (prayer), namely dragon bite, dragon claw, dragon ice, lava breath, and corrupt breath.

Just as Li Xin was looking at the blood-red ancient mark on his chest in the mirror, the ancient holy mark suddenly came alive, and a powerful force instantly surged into Li Xin's heart.


As a strong blood and qi from the mark poured into Li Xin's heart, he instantly felt as if his body was on fire. The blood in his body was constantly being refined and rolling, and his internal organs were also wrapped and strengthened by the blood and qi!

Every part of his body was experiencing a feeling of being torn apart, as if he was being thrown back into the furnace and forged again!


A sharp and piercing dragon roar sounded, and a wisp of red light began to slowly surround the whole body from the heart, and after the red light flashed, a piece of fiery red scales began to appear on Li Xin's body.

As time passed, the fiery red aura on Li Xin's body became more and more intense, and gradually a faint pressure appeared in the aura, and the roar and roar of the dragon was faintly heard in it, as if they could only use this way to declare their power and express their anger!.......

I don't know how much time has passed. When Li Xin opened his eyes again, he found that his clothes had been torn to pieces, and a thick black liquid had already flowed under his naked body.

But when Li Xin felt the earth-shaking and reborn changes in his body, he clenched his fists excitedly. Can this body with such powerful strength really be considered a human being?...

If the regenerative serum only reached the limit of what the human body could withstand, then at this moment he had already broken through the limit of the human body, broke through the weak genes of human beings, and possessed the foundation for becoming a god!

"Is this the power of a dragon?..."

When he looked at the body full of explosive power in the mirror again, Li Xin clenched his fist and said excitedly.

Although his skin turned a little red, he could clearly feel that the potential and strength of this body could be described as a humanoid monster.

When Li Xin looked at the 'Dragon Feast Mark' on his chest, he smiled with satisfaction. This wave of card drawing"One Shot into the Soul" had the existence of 'Divine Power'. Li Xin did not need any protective equipment. What he needed most was something that could directly increase his means of attack and strengthen his own strength.

In particular, it had unlimited growth attributes. As long as he swallowed the heart of the dragon, he would become stronger and stronger! This was the value of the red quality card!

"However, dragons should exist in this Marvel Universe...."

After the excitement, Li Xin began to worry. After all, no matter how strong this thing is, it can't grow without the strengthening of the dragon heart.......

After Li Xin took a quick shower and changed into a high-collared robe, she came to the helipad of Stark Tower. Not long after, a high-tech fighter appeared in the sky.

When the Quinjet turned off its stealth mode and suddenly appeared above Li Xin's head, it quickly landed on the helipad of the building amid a strong airflow.

Rich people still know how to enjoy themselves. Looking at other buildings, basically there is a helipad on the roof, but the Stark Tower is bigger and more technologically advanced.

"It seems that rich people almost always fly planes when they travel...."

At this time, nearly 10,000 meters in the sky, in a highly confidential meeting room at the SHIELD headquarters, Nick Fury was giving a work report to the several holographic projections around him.

On the four holographic projections surrounding him, everyone was a powerful prime minister/member of the United States. Although Nick Fury's Avengers proposal had been rejected, a certain member of the congress made new progress after receiving the news that Agent Alfie was about to return. After

Nick Fury established a temporary support team, he had to report to his superiors, but this time he was surprised that a member of the congress who had been most opposed to the proposal to establish the Avengers would support him today for the first time.

"As Commander Fury said before, no one likes to be controlled all the time during war. Now that the support team has successfully captured the fugitive"Loki" from the God's Domain, can the Avengers' proposal be put on the agenda?"

As the somewhat elderly white man finished speaking, the other congressmen couldn't help but show a hint of surprise on their faces. Even when Nick Fury looked at the congressman at this time, the disgust in his eyes disappeared a lot.

But before Nick Fury could speak, the congressman said again lightly;

"Although you are in charge of the world's most elite spy organization, the survival of mankind should not be left in the hands of a group of freaks."

"Especially the one on your list, codenamed"White Mask", so how to use it properly may be something we should discuss in detail...."

After the holographic meeting ended, in a luxurious office of the World Security Council, Alexander Pierce smiled and drank the coffee brought by his secretary. He was the congressman who supported the Avengers proposal in the meeting room.

After drinking the coffee, he excitedly took out a tablet from the drawer. After a few operations, the tablet displayed a person's information, and the most conspicuous one was the picture of the 'White Mask' in New Mexico, opening the Susanoo and creating a huge crack with one sword.

"What a fascinating and powerful divine power! Such power can only be firmly held in my hands...."

With a sick smile, Pierce looked at the pale blue figure on the screen and couldn't help but clench his hands tightly towards the figure.

But soon Pierce returned to his normal state and took out a communicator with a Hydra logo on the back and dialed out. As a cold-sounding woman answered the phone, Pierce began to speak in a low voice;

"He is back. Wasn't he looking for the Angel Organization? Hehe, then don't hide it....".......

Nearly ten thousand meters in the sky, a huge aircraft carrier was floating slowly. When Li Xin, who was on the Quinjet, saw the huge mechanical beast, he was inevitably deeply shocked by it.

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