For Nick Fury, Coulson is not only his trusted right-hand man, but also his old comrade who has worked with him for many years. The relationship between them has long surpassed that of ordinary superiors and subordinates.

"Agent Coulson is seriously injured and is now being taken to the emergency room by the medical team...."

Looking at his old friend's dying appearance, Nick Fury spoke heavily into the headset; when Nick Fury's heavy voice sounded in everyone's headset, everyone could not help but fall silent. Although Coulson was just an ordinary person without any superpowers.

But he always maintained a kind attitude when dealing with everyone and everything. Maybe his role in the whole team was not so prominent, but whenever someone ran into trouble and didn't know how to deal with it, he would always appear in time and help you without reservation.

Just after Coulson was pushed into the emergency room, many people on the ship who were worried about him began to pray for him silently in their hearts.

And the outside of Coulson's emergency room was already surrounded by people, and even the aisle was surrounded by some people who had received his favors, which showed how good the old agent's popularity was.

But there always needs to be someone to clean up the battlefield, and there can't be less people in so many jobs on the aircraft carrier. Under Nick Fury's strong command, people finally dispersed.

At a mechanical and electrical pipeline, Barton was also captured by Li Xin's clone and Natasha. After being approached, Hawkeye had difficulty dealing with a Black Widow, not to mention Li Xin's shadow clone.

As the battle ended, the staff on the aircraft carrier also began to rush into the maintenance and repair work of the hull. Treating the wounded and collecting the bodies, as well as repairing some damage to the hull.

However, when Li Xin passed by the hall where the bodies were temporarily placed, he saw a familiar body below. It was his"old friend" Kaia....


War is always accompanied by sacrifice. Even if Kaia is likely to be a Hydra, seeing someone he is familiar with die like this, even a cold-blooded person would sigh....

The bridge, which was usually filled with all kinds of noise and was extremely busy, was now unusually quiet. In a nearby meeting room, a few blood-stained hero cards were placed on the table. The Avengers were all sitting in their chairs in a daze.

Only Barton, whose face was covered in bruises, made a sound of pain when applying medicine to himself.

"You guys hit me too hard. It hurts, Ah Fei~"

Patton, who had regained consciousness, rubbed his swollen face and complained to Ah Fei who was leaning against the wall.

"I think you're mistaken. Black Widow's attack was much heavier than mine."

However, when Hawkeye saw Natasha's murderous look, he chose to shut up. However, with Barton's commotion, the atmosphere in the conference room eased a lot.

"By the way, where is Dr. Banner? He shouldn't have jumped out of the plane like Thor, right?"

Looking at the empty chairs in the conference room, Tony leaned on the chair and turned his head to look at Li Xin and said;

"Oh, he is playing a puzzle game in my Shenwei space."

As Li Xin finished speaking, when he opened his eyes again, the scarlet three magatama had turned into a rotating windmill shape.


With a shrieking sound, the scarlet Mangekyō Sharingan began to spin, and suddenly a space distortion appeared in the conference room.

As the vortex-like space distortion ended, a naked Dr. Banner appeared next to Li Xin.

"Generous Gift...Crab!"

Seeing Li Xin spit Banner out of that strange eye, Hawkeye immediately burst out a curse word, and the others were naturally shocked by this fantastic scene.

Next to Natasha, whose eyes were already full of shock, Tony quietly ordered Jarvis to record and analyze all of this.

"Oh, God, I finally got out of that weird, depressing place...."

As soon as Dr. Banner appeared, he took a deep breath, but when he felt the chilly wind, he subconsciously covered his sensitive parts.

Although Dr. Banner's embarrassing scene made everyone look sideways, Li Xin's ability to suddenly spit people out was even more shocking.

"Ahem, Doctor, go change your clothes first, we have a very important meeting next...."

For Nick Fury, he had seen this kind of scene of eating and vomiting people countless times, and Li Xin's small scene was not as exaggerated as the Yuan Devouring Beast.

As Nick Fury finished speaking, a staff member brought in a set of clothes, and after inspecting all the people present, he said lightly;

"Yes, we are planning to use the Cosmic Cube to make weapons, but I am not placing all my hopes on this....It's another more risky project...."

"The project, as Stark and Alfie knew it, was called 'The Avengers', and the idea was to bring together the world's most extraordinary people into one team."

"See if they can work together in an emergency and win wars that we can't win...."

At this point, Nick slowly leaned over to Captain America and Tony, and then said solemnly and sadly;

"Colson...He has always believed in this ideal, he has always believed in the existence of heroes..."

Seeing that all the heroes were lost in thought and a flame began to ignite in everyone's eyes, Nick Fury knew that his speech at this moment already had the strength of a quasi-president, so he said again in a deep voice;

"Now, the whole world needs us to unite. I believe that if Coulson can come down from the operating table alive, he definitely does not want to see his���The world was occupied by aliens and enslaved"

"So let's act, everyone, find the Rubik's Cube, find Loki, let that plague god bear our revenge, let him know what it means to be an Avenger, what it means to pay blood debt with blood!"

As Nick Fury's resounding speech ended, everyone present was immediately inspired with endless fighting spirit. Although everyone had some friction before, after being reminded by Li Xin, they all let go of their grudges.

At this time, an arrogant alien came to the earth to make trouble crazily, and killed and maimed their friends and colleagues, and even led other alien armies to occupy the earth. Who can tolerate this?

Especially when they think that the earth they live on is going to be slaughtered and enslaved, even people with good tempers can't sit still at this time!

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