"Boom boom boom......"

In the continuous explosion of fire, Tony had killed dozens of Chitauri in the flying vehicles in a short period of time, but facing the endless Chitauri army like locusts, his little killing was of no use at all.

"whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

Tony soon opened the shoulder of the Iron Man armor, and the rows of micro-missiles inside were instantly launched, and they flew towards the target freely.

As dozens of micro-missiles were fired, countless chain explosions broke out below the wormhole, and countless Chitauri were instantly killed in the sea of fire.

But after the sea of fire in the air dissipated, countless Chitauri still flew over Tony and flew towards the sky above the city.......

Amidst the crazy roars, countless Chitauri soldiers in flying vehicles raised their arm cannons and fired wildly at the city below.

"Boom~ Boom~"

As teams of Chitauri soldiers flew by, the entire Park Street was suddenly blown into a sea of fire by the rain-like blue lasers.

Countless cars on the street were engulfed by the exploding sea of fire, and fragments of many buildings were splashed and fell with the bursts of explosions....

"Generous Gift...Crab!"

At this time, at the blockade of 39th Street, the obese Officer Hank looked at the overwhelming number of Chitauri soldiers attacking them, and he cursed in despair; but the sudden war would not stop just because they were not ready. After seeing the blockade of the police below, the Chitauri soldiers' arm cannons were already aimed and ready.

"Boom! Boom!..."

Due to the huge difference in firepower, the blockade that had not yet been deployed was engulfed by the flames of the explosion in the blink of an eye. Police cars were blown away by the explosion, and police officers who had no time to dodge were blown to pieces....

Artillery fire roared, smoke filled the air, and blood splattered everywhere like goose feathers. Some policemen who were lucky enough to escape the bombing quickly adjusted their minds and began to fire back upwards. Of course, more of them were thinking about how to escape....

In the United States, police and soldiers are usually hired. Many of them were even members of a local gang before putting on police uniforms.

So for them, this is just an ordinary job. It's ok to make some money. But now facing this cruel and ugly alien creature, what are you going to do?...

Moreover, how could the small pistols in their hands pose a threat to the well-equipped and fearless Zeta soldiers?

"Invasion! 39th Street...Encountering an alien invasion...Requesting support! Requesting support!"

Hank, who had escaped with his life, was hiding in a corner of a building, shouting frantically into his intercom; at this time, he had already been frightened by the locust-like Chitauri army. He had never seen such a doomsday scene in his life!......

Near the Stark Building, just as Tony was engaging in guerrilla warfare with the Chitauri vanguard around the surrounding buildings, the human defense forces finally began to support Manhattan.

The first to come to support were six F-22 fighters, which formed a formation of three. After quickly separating to the left and right, they began to shuttle around the periphery of the battle group, providing some firepower support from time to time to cooperate with Tony's battle, temporarily relieving his pressure in the air battle.

After that, there were dozens of various armed helicopters, which covered each other and attacked the enemy formation above the blockade line. For a while, all kinds of missiles, machine guns, and cannons were everywhere....They began to bombard the Chitauri air force.

For a moment, the entire sky was filled with explosions, and the huge firepower network organized by dozens of armed helicopters instantly tore the Chitauri vanguard to pieces!

And with Tony's flexible and precise firepower, they actually temporarily controlled the battlefield between the buildings near Parker Street!

Seeing the first batch of military support coming, the police on the street suddenly regained some confidence.....

When the Quinjet that Li Xin and the others were riding on arrived over Midtown, it had already become a battlefield. In the wormholes in the sky, a steady stream of Zetavio soldiers appeared like dumplings, and near the Stark Building, Tony, while coordinating with the temporary alert forces, kept exchanging fire with them in the air and defending.

Countless explosions and flames dissipated in the air, countless artillery fire and bullets flew around in the air, artillery roared, smoke rose, and countless lives and flesh and blood were sacrificed in this meat grinder....This is war...

"Da da da...."

When the Quinjet entered the battlefield, Natasha, with a calm face, skillfully fired at the Zeta soldiers flying past her. However, after a brief observation of the battle situation, Li Xin unbuckled his seat belt.

"Captain, you guys go to the ground first to cooperate with the police and set up a defense line around us. We have to wait for the SHIELD and military forces to arrive. These are just the Chitauri's vanguard. I'm worried that their ground forces are behind them. We are temporarily holding up the air...."

After seeing the familiar Quinjet again, Tony finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the military force could not arrive in a short time, and now the blockade on the ground could not hold up, and someone had to hold on.

"Got it!"

After hearing Tony's communication, Rogers, a veteran, responded decisively to him, and the advantages they played on the ground were far greater than the role of a Quinjet.


As the Quinjet landed on an open ground, the captain and Li Xin and the others left.���When Dr. Banner got out of the plane, he seemed to smell the smoke of the battlefield for the first time. He fell down because he didn't stand firmly.

"Are you okay, Doc?"

"I'm fine, thank you...."

Rogers helped Banner up and smiled caringly; but Banner looked terrified at this moment, as if he was going to run away in the next second.......


As an Apache helicopter was hit by the Zeta Soldiers' aircraft, it immediately started to emit thick smoke and lost its balance in the air, then it fell rapidly to the ground....

Just as the three soldiers inside were watching themselves getting closer and closer to the ground in despair, a strange man in a robe and a white mask instantly jumped into the helicopter from a tall building nearby.

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