At this time, many media outlets were also interviewing people on the street, asking them what they thought of the existence of the Avengers.

"It's great to know that they exist, someone is protecting us..."

"I love you, Thor!"

"Come on, 'White Mask' Afei! Brother, you are the best! We will always support you!"

Because the Avengers performed well in the war against aliens, SHIELD announced the code names and names of the Avengers team after their debut.

Among them, the well-known Captain America Steve Rogers and Iron Man Tony Stark are the most popular, followed by Thor, who possesses extraordinary power, and Afei with a white mask. Moreover, the white mask has shown his face on the battlefield. Although there are no photos left, according to the description and spread of many people, the white mask is not a vicissitudes of life uncle, but a handsome Asian boy.

Originally, White Mask has always been the top star in Queens. Since the day he debuted, he has always been a hot topic. No matter if you are a hater or a hater, his deeds have always been discussed by everyone.

Now that he has returned after a year, his fans have gone crazy. They have started to leave messages for White Mask on various forums and recommend their"Brother A Fei" to others. The graffiti on the streets that originally had White Mask and Iron Man have also added other heroes, including A Fei stroking his mask, Stark holding his palm cannon, Captain America holding his shield, Hawkeye drawing his bow, Black Widow, and the Hulk....

At this moment, the members of the Avengers have become the top group in the United States. Everyone has begun to give good comments on the heroes, but there are always people who question them and make some bad comments.......

"These guys make me feel uneasy. I mean, I feel like I'm being kept in the dark...."

Two black people who were being interviewed by the media were speaking tactfully to the TV camera;

"There are superheroes in New York? Please, stop being funny."

An old man who was being interviewed by a TV was drinking coffee and reading a newspaper, and then he said to the camera with disdain;

"These so-called heroes must be held responsible for the destruction of the city, because they were the ones who caused it all, but where are they now?"Some of them are preparing to run for election, and they want to use the topic and popularity of the Avengers to build momentum for themselves; although there are many questions about the Avengers, when people woke up today, they seemed to have evaporated from the face of the earth, and disappeared without a trace.

Even the usually high-profile Tony Stark declined all interviews today.

"Where are the Avengers?"

At this time, in the conference room on the aircraft carrier at the headquarters of SHIELD, the directors above questioned Nick Fury in the projection;

"I didn't track where they went, and I think they have every reason to give themselves a break."

Seeing that there was one person missing from the projection above, Nick Fury crossed his arms and responded with a slight smile on his lips;

"What about the Cosmic Cube?"

"The Cosmic Cube went where it belonged, away from us..."

"You don't have the right to make this decision."

"The decision was not made by me, but by God. I guess I can only acquiesce...."

"So you just let them take the Cube, and Loki, a war criminal who should be punished for his crimes?"

"I think Loki will be punished."

Ever since the Council issued the order to drop the nuclear bomb, Nick Fury began to change his attitude towards the Council. Facing their questions, Nick Fury always had a nonchalant expression;

"I don't think you realize the consequences of doing this. You just want to let the Avengers return to society? They are all dangerous people!"

Seeing Nick Fury's indifferent look, Congresswoman Hawley said coldly to the people below; but when hearing Congresswoman Hawley's question, Nick Fury smiled easily and said with confidence;

"Indeed, their reputation as a dangerous person has spread not only throughout the world, but also throughout the universe, but isn't this exactly what we wanted? Our goal is to show our strength...."

After Nick Fury finished speaking, he ended the meeting. When he returned to the command desk on the bridge, Hill came up and reported to him;

"Sir, what should we do next? They all go their separate ways, and some are even quite far away. If we encounter this situation again, how should we respond?"

"They will come back, I'm sure, because we need them..."

After speaking to Hill, Nick Fury stood at the window and quietly looked at New York below. This pile of troubles finally came to an end, but he felt vaguely in his heart that he seemed to have forgotten something..........

In a luxury garage in Malibu, a green Mitsubishi EVO Ⅳ roared and drove out of Tony's underground garage like a wild horse. After the EVO left the garage, the speed began to rise rapidly again, and in less than six seconds, the speed broke 100 km/h.

The engine kept roaring. On a winding road, Li Xin began to perform various fast cornering, and then immediately performed heel-toe movements to downshift and add gas.

Li Xin frantically increased the engine speed to make up for the power loss when exiting the corner. He passed through each corner at the most extreme speed. For a while, other vehicles on the road only felt that a green ghost passed by them.


120km/h, 140km/h, 180km/h, the needle on the speedometer kept climbing, and the surrounding coastal roads and other vehicles flashed past the windows like a phantom!

This speed of racing with the King of Hell, although it scared other vehicles on the road, Li Xin in the car kept showing a relaxed smile.

Vehicle modification is a long process, and it is not something that can be done by changing a few parts. Tony said that this EVO took him almost half a month. After his adjustment, the balance of the chassis, shock absorbers, tires, etc. has reached the best. Of course, in addition to Tony's original genius, part of the reason why he could get it done so quickly was that the engine power part was not modified.

Although it was a small matter for Tony to replace Li Xin's engine with a Mars rover, Tony finally chose to respect Li Xin's ideas, and only helped Li Xin to modify it for fun when he was bored.......

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