When I returned to my hometown this time, I heard that a young racing god had appeared in New Bern in the past two years. He was the Chinese kid that Baird Auto Repair Shop brought from New York in 2010.

Whether it was on the mountain road or on the street, he beat all the nearby street racers with a Nissan Silvia, and some teams with semi-professional drivers suffered at the hands of this kid.

The most important thing was that he was the same age as me. In Europe, he was indeed far behind the real geniuses in those clubs, but in a small place like New Bern, he had to take the title of racing god.

But Arthur never expected that an ordinary and unremarkable oriental kid would push his Ferrari F355 to this extent.

Arthur turned the steering wheel to the left again, blocking Li Xin's car. Without enough time and width, it was impossible to overtake now.

Facing the blocking of the Ferrari F355, Li Xin's face was still relaxed, and he did not rush to adjust the car body left and right to overtake. Because he knew that the car in front was under great pressure.

In this way, the two cars drove closely together for about 400 meters, and the most difficult bend in this section was the short right-angle bend.

The short right-angle bend is a combination of two bends with the same turning direction and a short straight road, which is very similar to a C-type bend. But if you take the same approach to the bend as the C-type bend, you will turn over and crash into the middle straight road.

If you drift, the car cannot slide sideways for such a long distance due to the long distance and the straight road. What is more challenging for the driver is the grasp of the entrance of the bend and the exit of the second corner, and the overtaking point is here.

Arthur felt the pressure from the car behind him. He admitted that the other party was more skilled than him. It was really amazing that he could force himself to this point while driving a broken Nissan Silvia.

But he couldn't lose. Whether it was for face or self-esteem, he couldn't accept losing this race!

Arthur stepped on the accelerator hard and did not slow down when entering the bend. He wanted to gain an advantage on the straight line at the latest braking time point, so that he could get as close to the APEX point (the point closest to the center of the bend) as possible.

As long as Arthur approaches the apex point, he will slow down and adjust the timing of the vehicle to turn. Once he passes the apex point, he can exit the corner at full throttle, relying on the performance of the Ferrari F355 to pull away and not give the car behind a chance to overtake.

These theories are the professional technical moves Arthur learned in Europe. Although he understands these theoretical knowledge, he rarely has the opportunity to perfectly run out of this kind of curve.

The Ferrari F355 cuts the corner from the inside at a very fast speed. When it is about to enter the center of the corner, Arthur brakes to slow down and swerves the steering wheel.

But an unexpected situation still happens.

Arthur enters the corner too fast, and the excessive steering action has caused the Ferrari F355 to lose its grip. At this moment, the vehicle loses its control inside, and the consequences can be imagined.

""Swish~" The Ferrari F355 lost control for 0.5 seconds, and the rear of the car moved closer to the outside of the lane due to inertia. Li Xin in the back naturally saw it all.

""Bang!" The rear of the Ferrari F355 still hit the guardrail, and under the reaction force, the whole car began to lose control and turned sideways. The road became narrower.

If Li Xin used the APEX point to make an arc turn like Arthur, even if he would not hit the guardrail of the opposite lane, he would hit the Ferrari F355 because there was not enough space on the road.

But the problem is that Li Xin cut the corner from the inside at the beginning, because he originally planned to overtake his opponent in this corner, so his speed into the corner was faster than Arthur's!

Seeing that the distance between the two cars was getting closer and closer, and they were about to collide. Arthur, who was in the driving seat of the Ferrari F355, turned pale and powerless.

Even in such an emergency, Li Xin's face was still not panicked. His bloody three-magatama eyes began to turn wildly and quickly.

Li Xin immediately changed the planned route, braked and turned the steering wheel in almost milliseconds, and quickly downshifted with his hands.

As the action was completed, the center of gravity of the Nissan Silvia began to move forward, and the tires hit the The car slid with a sharp sound, and the entire car body moved sideways 180 degrees.

The Nissan Silvia and the Ferrari F355 that hit the roadside were getting closer and closer, and just when they were about to touch each other, they miraculously passed each other.

Arthur, who was driving the Ferrari F355, was a little confused by the collision, but when he saw Li Xin dodge so accurately, his eyes widened and he couldn't believe it! It was not until the taillights of the Nissan Silvia disappeared from his sight that he realized that he had completely lost. Because of this kind of precise and perfect control, he had only seen it in those top professional drivers.

After overtaking the Ferrari F355, Li Xin immediately released the brakes and stepped on the accelerator at the same time. The power and torque brought by the downshift made the skidding rear wheels spin wildly and gain ground grip.

From then on, the vehicle no longer continued to move sideways and was controlled again. Seize that tiny opportunity at this thrilling crisis.

The Nissan Silvia roared with the engine sound, and the vehicle drove away....

"Hey, Anthony, Mr. Arthur Ogsger made a mistake and hit the guardrail at the seventh turn. Send someone to deal with it quickly."

Li Xin smiled and said to the headset. The blood-red three magatama in his eyes had turned into deep black eyes.

"Received, Philip"

""Arthur, are you okay? We'll be there soon."

At the finish line, a big white man in a black leather jacket was talking to the walkie-talkie in his hand, but the shock in his eyes could not be hidden.

After a while, a Nissan Silvia rushed past the finish line and stopped precisely at the stop line.

Seeing the Nissan Silvia crossing the finish line, the crowd around began to cheer wildly. Some girls in revealing clothes even couldn't wait to walk to Li Xin's car window with two big headlights, wanting to run with him again at night.

But more people at the scene showed expressions of disbelief, and then they showed respect from the bottom of their hearts.

It was not until Li Xin got off the car that the chaotic and lively sounds at the scene stopped. Most of the more than 20 people here were teenagers, and there were various performance cars parked around, such as BMW m3, Ford Mustang, and McLaren. You can see

""Da Fei, Da Fei, God of Cars, God of Cars" the teenagers at the scene shouted excitedly. They already regarded Li Xin, a peer, as an idol, and this time he even beat the semi-professional driver who drove a Ferrari F355.

Li Xin walked through the crowd with a dark face, because he didn't like the nickname"Da Fei", but after someone called it once, everyone liked it very much.

Li Xin came directly to Anthony and stretched out his hand and said:

"Anthony, I won again, where is my prize?"

"Philip, I never thought you could beat Arthur. He has been practicing in Europe for two and a half years."

"And it's such a powerful Ferrari F355, oh, I'm going to lose a lot this time."

Anthony handed a bag of envelopes to Li Xin, but still couldn't believe it;

Li Xin chuckled and said,"No matter how powerful the car is, it depends on who uses it. Arthur may not have learned any real skills in the past two years."

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