Susanoo is the forbidden power of the Uchiha clan in Naruto, it symbolizes the power of destruction and protection at the same time. It is an ability that can only be unlocked after opening the Mangekyō Sharingan, and it is also called the power of God.

However, since the abilities of each person's Mangekyō Sharingan are different, the appearance of Susanoo and the techniques used are also different. After Li Xin drew a card to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan, he has not sensed the existence of his Susanoo.

Perhaps he had lived a peaceful life before, and rarely had the opportunity to open the Mangekyō Sharingan, and he always thought that his strength was not enough.

But after this time of spying and research, it turned out that his Susanoo has always been there, but he has never been able to find it....

Perhaps every Uchiha clan has a patron saint, but if you want to find your own patron saint, you must have a key, a key that can release your patron saint, and this key is the Mangekyō Sharingan.

And now Li Xin has felt that he not only has the key but also knows the location of the lock. Now Li Xin can feel that his eyes have been vaguely connected with the terrible giant.

And this connection gives Li Xin a clear feeling that he can now use that power!

But, does he dare to use it himself?

Let alone a strong man like Uchiha Madara, who has fought with Senju Hashirama for so many years, and finally blinded himself because of excessive use of Susanoo. Let's talk about Uchiha Sasuke, who used up his pair of intact Mangekyō Sharingan in one day. It is conceivable that since Susanoo is the power of God, he may have to study it carefully before using it.

But the good news is that he has this key, and he can open it at any time with the key, and he can also fight in the later plot....

Li Xin hurriedly fell asleep in her room, but she seemed to dream about driving Susanoo in New York, wreaking havoc and causing destruction.----

In the classroom of Zhongcheng High School, Mr. Wellington, the physics teacher, gently explained the theoretical knowledge of quantum entanglement on the podium, and an expressionless Li Xin in the corner was listening attentively.

But in a forest not far from Zhongcheng High School, another Li Xin was doing sit-ups upside down under a tree trunk. Attaching chakra to both feet can be attached to the tree trunk.

After warming up, Li Xin started to practice swordsmanship, Qi and Yang Wulei, and finally practiced all his ninjutsu. After finishing these homework, Li Xin directly opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, closed his eyes and felt the feeling of yesterday.

After all, the sooner this kind of power can be controlled, the sooner it will be reassuring.

Li Xin's body was violently rolling with chakra. From Li Xin's perspective, he once again came to that cold and dim space and saw that tall and evil body, but this time Li Xin did not feel as suffocated by the pressure as last time.

Soon Li Xin felt the connection between himself and the giant, and it seemed to be even closer than yesterday. Li Xin immediately strengthened the circulation of his own chakra, and invested more chakra into the connection between himself and the giant. As Li Xin

's chakra spread, he slowly felt the power from the giant, a majestic, powerful feeling that seemed to be able to destroy everything.

Li Xin took a deep breath, and after feeling the power of his body and the giant intertwined reached a limit, he immediately opened his eyes.


A huge torrent of energy was released, and then the chakra continued to condense and form behind Li Xin. The light blue chakra slowly turned into bones, and then the bones continued to expand and spread, and then a huge light blue skull appeared.

Li Xin was now completely wrapped in this light blue chakra, and then the chakra continued to roll. When the solidification reached a limit, a torrent of energy swept through again, and Li Xin's Susanoo was completely transformed!

A huge light blue body, a Susanoo in a skeletal state, and a pair of golden eyes stood on Li Xin's body, and terrible chakra torrents swept around.

Some of the surrounding trees had already been destroyed by this energy. Li Xin was immersed in this majestic power, feeling the majestic power in his current Susanoo state. It seemed that he only had to throw one move to Destroy everything nearby.

However, Li Xin soon stopped being overly obsessed with this god-like power, and began to observe his current state carefully.

This is only the first stage of Susanoo. Now he is only using his own chakra and the power entangled with the giant in his eyes, and the eye power consumed is indeed very little.

But Li Xin knows that when his chakra reaches a certain limit, his eye power will be greatly consumed.

Li Xin began to slowly control this power, reducing the output of chakra and the power of the giant's entanglement little by little. It seemed that the giant felt what was in Li Xin's mind, and the huge skeletal figure slowly dissipated, but it has been maintaining a specific stage.

In the state of constant disappearance and constant entanglement, the shape of Susanoo changed into an arm and ribs, and its body size also shrank, and most of the covered areas of the body also lost the protection of the light blue chakra.

"This is the initial form of Susanoo, right?" Li Xin maintained his current state and waved his light blue arms, his movements still full of powerful strength.

"Although the coverage area has become smaller, it does not affect my flexible mobility at all, and my defense should be enough to withstand most attacks."

Li Xin seemed to have found his favorite toy. He kept Susanoo in its initial state in the woods, running and jumping continuously. Then, the light blue arm waved its hand, and a huge tree was smashed in half.


During the lunch break, Li Xin's clone came to the bathroom. After finding no one nearby, it turned into a puff of white smoke and disappeared. Li Xin was happily eating lunch in the cafeteria.

At this time, a young and beautiful figure came over with a plate. It was Jenny Taylor.

"Hi, Philip," Jenny greeted with a smile after she sat down;

"Good afternoon, Jenny, how was the last party?" Li Xin chatted happily;

"I was also saying that it was a pity that you didn’t come to Ava’s party last time. Ava sang the song she was going to perform at the art festival at the party, and it was great," Jenny said with admiration;

"By the way, I heard that you are also going to participate in the art festival this weekend. What is the reason that the low-key Philip Lee will perform on stage?"

Jenny then said with a smile on her face;

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