Seeing this, Chen Xiaolin ran after him in a hurry, shouting to catch the thief while calling the police on her cell phone. Of course,

Chen Xiaolin could not outrun the black man, who was obviously a repeat offender and disappeared from the street in a few dodged moves.

Just when Chen Xiaolin thought she had lost him, she suddenly found a group of people in front of her taking pictures and talking about something.

She seemed to suddenly think of something, so she ran over, and sure enough, she saw the black uncle, who was being stepped on by a mysterious man wearing a white mask. The snacks and items on the black man's body were scattered all over the ground, and he was struggling on the ground and said,"I can't breathe, let me go, I can't breathe..."

The mysterious man in white mask just maintained a pose quietly, and some people around him naturally would not miss this opportunity and took photos from various angles.

But the faint pressure and the recent news that the mysterious man in white mask killed people like killing chickens still made these audiences dare not come forward to interact.

Suddenly, an excited scream caught the attention of everyone present, and a yellow-skinned woman shouted excitedly and ran towards the mysterious man in white mask, as if she was going to hug him directly.

This scream not only attracted everyone's attention, but also shocked Li Xin a little. Before he could make any move, Chen Xiaolin hugged him excitedly.

And this time, the woman hugged him directly, which was unexpected to everyone. However, seeing the clerk uniform on the woman, those present seemed to understand something.

Li Xin quickly pushed the woman away and made a gesture of rejection;

"Brother, can I take a photo with you? I have been a fan of you since you were in the Rat Extermination Gang. And brother, you must not be like those policemen and online comments. Brother, you must have your reasons. Brother, you are the best."

Chen Xiaolin screamed and greeted enthusiastically.

It was the first time that Li Xin saw such a person on the spot. He could only cover his forehead with a mask and didn't know what to say.

While the crowd was still talking, an alarm sounded, and several people wearing sunglasses and suits appeared on the scene to evacuate the crowd.

"Hello Mr. White Mask, I am Kaia from SHIELD, our boss wants to talk to you."

A man in a sophisticated suit came in and stood at attention and said; while Li Xin's real body in the mezzanine on the top floor of the Roman church showed an expression of waiting for a long time.

But Chen Xiaolin on the street was not happy, she hurriedly stood in front of the mysterious man in the white mask and said loudly;

"What do you want to do? My brother is innocent, you can't arrest him."

Li Xin couldn't stand these crazy fans anymore, so she quickly pulled Chen Xiaolin away and said to Kaiya,"Lead the way."

After all, Li Xin had no experience in being an idol, and couldn't handle these fans. Besides, she was a talented person, so she didn't need any fan clubs. In a reserved coffee shop, Li Xin was listening to a secret agent with sparse hair and a warm smile sitting opposite her, who was slowly saying something. This secret agent was naturally Phil Coulson, whom Li Xin had seen in a movie in her previous life.

"As for the treatment of our SHIELD, our boss said that you will be treated as a Level 6 agent when you come in....We will buy insurance for everyone...."

Li Xin, who was sitting opposite, just listened quietly, thinking about the ending of this good-natured agent in his previous life;

"Ahem, Mr. Coulson, I am used to freedom and have no intention of joining any organization for the time being,"

Li Xin said calmly;

"Well, maybe you can call me when you change your mind,"

Coulson said with a smile after handing over a business card;

"By the way, this Agent Aphra will be your contact person in the future. If you have any work needs, you may try to contact her.

After saying that, Coulson pointed to a female agent and said to Li Xin.

Li Xin thought about it. After all, he still had 99 hero certifications to complete. If he had someone to assist him, it would greatly improve the completion efficiency.

Li Xin agreed immediately.

""Hello sir, I'm Agent Aphra. You can call me if you need anything."

When Coulson and the others had left, Aphra walked towards him and said seriously;

Li Xin just waved and turned to leave the cafe.

In the following time, Li Xin used his clone to prevent 2 robberies and 4 zero-dollar purchases. In just one afternoon, he completed 7 hero certifications.

But the strange thing is that even if the police saw Li Xin, no one used the magazine clearing technique on him. Instead, they just turned their heads away as if they didn't see it. But these have nothing to do with Li Xin. He is not a saint. If it weren't for the system task, he would just want to lie at home and practice.

When Li Xin was on his way back, he saw the posters of the Stark Industries World Science and Technology Expo on the streets. Li Xin realized that tomorrow was the opening day of the Stark Industries World Science and Technology Expo.

"Looks like the plot is about to begin."

On the rooftop of an office building, Li Xin looked at the Stark Building opposite and suddenly felt a lot of emotions in her heart;

"In the blink of an eye, more than 10 years have passed. What can I do for this world in this life?"


Li Xin, who returned to Kissena Garden Community just before dinner time, was pulled over by Catherine as soon as she got home;

""Phillip, what happened to you recently? I really can't understand you more and more."

Catherine looked at Li Xin with a worried look and said;

"I'm fine, what's wrong?" Li Xin said with a smile;

"There are rumors on campus that you are going to challenge the school's martial arts club. What's wrong with you recently? You have been acting mysterious recently. I can't see you after school."

Catherine asked puzzledly.

Li Xin didn't know how to answer these questions. Maybe this is why it's not good to live with her family. Maybe she has to move out after a while.

"I've been working on songs recently, I've told you guys about it, and do you think I will lose to the three martial arts clubs in the school?"

Li Xin didn't want to say anything more, so he left the living room in a hurry. He waited until night, and then Li Xin climbed out of the window again. Since Li Xin practiced Qi, he has been in better spirits, and he only needs to sleep for a few hours a day to be full of energy.

After all, the crime rate in New York at night is much higher than that during the day. Under the cover of night, Li Xin used his instant body skills to the fullest, and quickly jumped and shuttled on various high-rise buildings.

Soon they arrived in Brooklyn, a pair of blood-red Sharingan opened, and Li Xin observed the area below from a high-rise building. Soon a noisy and cheerful sound reached Li Xin's ears.

"Looks like I'll be busy tonight."

Li Xin stretched her body on the wall, then smiled coldly.......

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