"We should leave something for future generations, so starting tomorrow, for the first time since 1974, the best talents from different countries and companies around the world will provide their resources, share their vision, and work together to create a better future."

Tony Stark continued his speech on the stage;

"We are not important, that's what I want to say, welcome to Stark Expo"

Tony said and turned back to look at the big screen; amid the continuous cheers of the audience, the big screen began to play a video.

It was Howard Stark, the founder of Stark Industries;

"Next, my father, Howard Stark, will explain to you..."

As Tony walked to the corner of the stage, a video began playing on the big screen;

"Technology can change everything, a better life, a healthier body...."

While the audience was immersed in watching the video in which Howard Stark introduced how the future city and technology would be combined,

Tony took out the blood tester next to the podium in the corner. After pressing his finger on it, an electronic detection sound came out,"Blood toxicity 19%."

Tony wiped the blood off his finger and sighed slightly in his heart. Tony quietly looked at the entire exhibition venue and his father in the video on the big screen. Tony didn't know what he was thinking at this time....

After the opening ceremony speech, Tony prepared to leave from the backcourt under the leadership of Happy

"Are you ready? It's a mess outside." Happy took Tony's suit jacket and then opened the door to the exit. The middle aisle was already full of people. Yes, these people were fans who were waiting here, or some friends, some reporters, and some"models".

As soon as Happy opened the door, some models who had been waiting outside for a long time rushed up impatiently;

"Tony! Tony!..."

"Sorry, we don't have a Q&A session today."

Happy protected Tony while gesturing to the security guards.

Of course, there are always some"slippery fish". A slim, sexy beauty hurriedly slipped a note into Tony's hand.

"Call me, Tony, do you remember me?"

A beautiful woman made a phone gesture and looked at Tony with a longing look.

"Sorry, who are you?" Tony was recalling carefully....

As the beauty was dragged away by security personnel, Tony also began to sign autographs for some young fans holding Iron Man posters.

After a brief and lively interaction, she was quickly pulled away by Happy, who introduced him to some friends who were there to support her on the way; many politicians, business tycoons and suppliers were present today, as well as some of Tony's old friends

""Hey, Larry, hey, Kim," Tony said to some familiar friends.

After some simple politeness, Happy finally pulled Tony out of the venue. The two of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw the sports car parked at the door.

However, a sexy and beautiful woman standing next to the supercar still caught their attention.

"Hey, was this beauty also given as a gift with the new car?" Tony teased; the two walked towards the sports car, talking and laughing, and Tony shook hands with the woman and asked her purpose with a smile;

"Hi, I'm Bailiff Maher."

"Oh, an Irish name, I like it," Tony said frivolously;

"I'm glad to meet you, Tony,"

Maher said as he looked at Tony who had already gotten into the supercar. After a brief conversation, the woman took out a legal summons and prepared to hand it to Tony who was in the driver's seat.

Tony paused after seeing the summons but did not take it. Happy, who was in the passenger seat, knew his boss's quirk, so he leaned over.

"Sorry, my boss doesn’t really like to take things handed to him," Happy said after taking the summons;

"You must attend the hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee tomorrow morning at 9 a.m."

The beauty said slowly to Tony;

Tony turned his head and looked at the beauty,"Can you show me your ID?"

"Yes, he likes the ID," Happy jokingly echoed; the beauty smiled and raised a mini Captain America shield in her hand and said,"Do you still like it now?"

""Okay.""How far are we from Washington?"

Tony asked Happy after the sports car started.

"Washington is about 250 kilometers away from us," Happy nodded and replied; then, as Tony stepped on the gas pedal, the sports car quickly drove away from the venue, and a beautiful taillight disappeared on the streets of New York at night.....


In a luxurious Japanese-style courtyard, Iwata Makiko was holding a katana tightly and practicing with all her might. The mirror-like blade reflected her delicate and fair face.

As Makiko's sword style changed, she continued to point, lift, chop, and cut. Then a hissing gust of wind sounded in the courtyard. The beautiful figure was sometimes as light as a swallow, and sometimes as sudden as lightning.

""Hoo~" After the practice, Makiko was panting with sweat dripping down her face. Her slightly red cheeks were like a ripe apple, making people want to take a bite.

"Zhen Xizi, have you finished practicing? Come over and have some water and take a rest."A dignified and beautiful woman next to him said with concern;

""Okay, Mom."

Iwata Makiko pinched her slightly sore shoulders and walked over slowly. In her heart, she was thinking about Li Xin's easy victory over Morita today.

Iwata Makiko had never received a challenge letter since she came to the United States to set up the Kendo Club. After meeting Li Xin today, she finally felt the pressure. She hadn't felt this feeling for a long time.

And under the pressure, she actually made great progress in the Hayashizaki Iai and Tamiya Shinken Ryu she practiced today! Although she was not sure if Li Xin knew Kendo, she was sure of this....She can't lose.

Because she has been practicing kendo since she was 6 years old, and she is very talented. Although she is not as talented as those talented teenagers in her hometown, she has also been praised by the"Sword Saint".

Now she has made some breakthroughs in kendo. At this moment, she feels that she can definitely defend the glory of Japan and defeat that arrogant boy.


Li Xin became the center of discussion at the family dinner because of Catherine's publicity after returning home. Even her ten-year-old cousin Matt had already started���I can't help wanting to learn Chinese martial arts from Li Xin

"Come on, Philip, show it to everyone."

John couldn't wait to take out the camera and prepare to record Li Xin.

"Come on, come on, please~" Matt jumped around Li Xin and said beg her;

"Okay, I'll just show you one clip."

Seeing that everyone was so happy to see it, Li Xin naturally couldn't refuse. Then he went back to the room to get a bamboo sword and went to the lawn.

""Oh~" Matt shouted excitedly, and the others followed him out with great interest;

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