"I'm anxious, anxious," Li Xin said with a smile as he looked at Makiko who had completely given up defense and was attacking him.

Li Xin suddenly raised his bamboo sword with his backhand, dodged at the critical moment after Makiko's sword slashed down, and then inserted his right hand holding the bamboo sword directly into the inside of Makiko's arm.

At this time, the confrontation on the field seemed to have been paused, and Makiko's self-sacrificing sword was once again dodged by Li Xin and slashed in the air.

Li Xin's hand was already against Makiko's chest, and the blade held in his backhand was also against Makiko's neck. At this time, the winner was decided.

""Pah~" Makiko's bamboo sword fell to the ground, and she looked at Li Xin with big, bright eyes and slightly red cheeks.

Just as Li Xin was still wondering why this girl had such an expression, he seemed to feel a soft touch on his hand. Li Xin, who didn't care, rubbed it.

"Oh! Sorry, Li Xin quickly pulled her hand out and apologized.

Makiko just stayed there quietly, looking at the bamboo sword on the ground. She was sure that she felt a hint of killing intent at that moment.

This was a kind of killing intent that was revealed inadvertently, but it made her feel like her neck was about to be cut off. Thinking about it now, she still felt a little scared!

""Wow! That's great! That's wonderful!"

As the competition on the field ended, there were loud cheers from the audience outside the field, and some sword lovers even made strange noises.

"Philip is so amazing, and Makiko is so strong too." Jenny was both entangled and excited at this time. Although she hoped that Li Xin would win, she didn't want Makiko to lose.

""My God, this is so wonderful," Teacher Julius was muttering while looking at the camera.

At this time, Iwata Makiko also came back to her senses, picked up the bamboo sword and prepared to leave. She was a cold person and didn't like crowded and lively scenes.

"Hey, since you have already lost, this will be the activity room of the Huaxia Wushu Club from now on."

Li Xin said as he took out a contract form from his pocket, on which was the signature of Principal Robert.

Makiko turned around and looked at the man who was smiling and pointing at the place where the principal signed. This laughing expression seemed to be completely different from the feeling she had just given him.

"I will arrange the follow-up matters, so don't worry about it, Li Xinjun." Zhen Xizi said and bowed slightly to Li Xin.

Li Xin was so scared that he quickly dodged, because in Li Xin's rural hometown in his previous life, this kind of bow usually only appeared in some funerals.

"Why are you bowing when you can just talk?" Li Xin said angrily;

Japanese people are like this, they like to bow and kneel at any time.

Seeing Li Xin evading, Zhen Xizi was a little stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said:

"I have been practicing swordsmanship since I was a child, but I was still defeated by you so easily. Li Xinjun, you shouldn't have used your full strength, right?"

"You are not bad. You have such strength at your age. I believe your kendo teacher will be proud of you.

Li Xin smiled and said to Makiko.

Makiko is probably only one or two years older than Li Xin. In addition to her talent, she must have put in a lot of hard work to have such a basic sword technique and a neat sword style.

Just as Li Xin finished speaking, some spectators came in impatiently.

""Philip, can I join your club? Can we be as good as you in the future?"

A young white man with blond hair said excitedly.

Suddenly, many people gathered around and clamored to join the Huaxia Martial Arts Club. Many of them were the presidents of some clubs.

What was exaggerated was that Teacher Julius also pointed at himself and mouthed,"And me."

Looking at the noisy people, Li Xin quickly pressed down with his hand to signal for silence, and then said to everyone;

"If you want to join our club, please wait until after the art festival, thank you."

As everyone left, Jenny and Catherine came over.

"Philip, my mother just called me and said that a very important guest came to our house today and asked us to go back quickly,"

Catherine said with a smile after she came over;

"Well, I don't have any club activities anyway," Li Xin shrugged and said;

In the United States, some leaders of many companies will visit your home, especially when you have a job change.

They will go to your home to ask your family for their opinions, and then judge whether you are suitable for this job change or promotion. Obviously, Catherine has had experience in this regard.

"Philip, can I come to your club next week?"Jenny asked excitedly;

"Of course," Li Xin said with a smile as she looked at Jenny;

"you.....Hmm?" Catherine looked at the two of them with a smile on her face.

"Oh, no," Jenny said with a blush on her cheeks, pulling Catherine; while Li Xin just took her coat and walked out


When Li Xin drove back to Kissena Garden Community, she saw a Rolls-Royce parked at the door of her house. Next to the Rolls-Royce was a tall and slightly fat figure smoking and patrolling the surroundings.

"Happy Hogan? It seems Tony already knows that I am the White Mask. After seeing this man's face, Li Xin had an answer in her mind about the guest inside.

However, Tony actually chose this way to meet, which means that only he knows that the White Mask is Li Xin. Although Li Xin already knew that the identity of the White Mask could not be hidden for long, Tony discovered it a little too quickly.

"Um, who are you?" When the two of them arrived at the door, Happy came over and asked with a smile on his face;

"Hey, Catherine, Philip, come and meet Mr. Tony Stark," John said loudly in the living room.

Catherine walked towards Tony with an unbelievable look on her face. Li Xin behind her felt it the moment she entered the door. Tony just took a quick look at him.

""Mr. Stark, this is my daughter, Katherine Jacob,"

John said to Tony with a smile, holding Katherine's hand; Darlene beside him hugged Matt, whose face was about to burst with laughter.

It turned out that Tony's home visit was because Katherine had excellent grades and good performance in school. Stark was going to recruit a group of outstanding high school interns to intern at Stark Industries for a period of time.

Li Xin returned to her room after greeting Tony. Then she habitually made herself a pot of tea. Not long after the tea was brewed, there was a knock on the door, and then it was opened directly.

This person was Tony Stark. After seeing Tony come in, Li Xin silently poured him a cup of tea.

"You are really amazing, aren't you? In fact, I never thought that you would be a 16-year-old high school student. How did you do it?"

Tony came in and observed Li Xin's room while saying in disbelief;

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