It was another early morning. There were no classes scheduled at Zhongcheng High School today. The school invited all teachers, students and their families to watch the stage performances of the art festival.

There would be singing, dancing, stage plays, bands, and parties today. It would be a great day for the teachers and students of the school.

Li Xin slept in at home today, which was rare.....After going downstairs, I had a simple breakfast and took my performance clothes to school.

The performance stage started at 4:30 in the afternoon, first singing and dancing to warm up the audience, and finally the main show such as stage play.

Li Xin's show was scheduled at 5 o'clock, so there was another opportunity for rehearsal today.

When I arrived at the school, Midtown High School had been decorated with a very festive atmosphere, and many classmates greeted Li Xin along the way.

Although everyone would greet Li Xin, a hot search figure, Li Xin knew that she was not the most popular top star in the school, because the real top star was rehearsing singing on the stage.

She is Ava Thornton Wells, who not only sings well and has talent, but also has a beautiful and charming appearance, a graceful figure, and a willow-like waist.

Coupled with her prominent family background, she was the top star of Midtown High School throughout the three years of high school, while Li Xin could only be regarded as an"Internet celebrity" who had been on the hot search several times.

Although Li Xin's school's fun news program is constantly being broadcast, he has privately given red envelopes to the news agency and the student union, so there is still a gap between him and top stars like Ava who have been popular in school for three years.

So Li Xin needs a high-quality work that hits people's hearts to make himself complete the leap from"Internet celebrity" to"star".

Li Xin watched Ava rehearsing silently in the audience. Today, she was just wearing a simple denim jacket, revealing her long white legs, and with her devilish figure, she was simply popular with both men and women.

However, Li Xin had never heard of the song she sang, because there are many songs in this world that did not exist in the previous life, and some very good songs in the previous life did not exist in this world, so this also gave Li Xin the opportunity to become a star.

The song that Ava was going to sing was called"Once Warm" and she wrote the lyrics and composed the music for two and a half years. This song is a youthful melancholy song about the green years of campus life. The song is more of a main melody, the lyrics and music are relatively simple, and the rhythm is not very fast. But her minty, refreshing and sweet voice, combined with the perfect arrangement, is indeed a top-tier talent on campus.

""Pa pa pa~" After the song was finished, some people in the audience applauded and screamed, and Li Xin naturally followed suit.

Ava smiled and waved to the audience and left, but before leaving she glanced in the direction of Li Xin.

As time passed, a man in a hat came over to remind Li Xin that it was his turn, and then Li Xin quickly went on stage.

Although Li Xin was not nervous after coming on stage, he had no stage experience after all. So after singing a song, he always felt that something was missing.

Music director Kevin also frowned slightly in the audience, and then asked,"Philip, your song is very good, but I feel there is still room for improvement, so we have to make it a little more perfect, okay?"

Li Xin naturally hoped that his stage performance could be better, otherwise a poor performance would be counterproductive.

"Can you play guitar?"Kevin said to Li Xin;

"Yes, I will.

After all, Li Xin has the talent of Wu Yiqian. In his previous life, Qian Ge debuted in the most popular group in Korea. After returning to China, he became the top of the top in the Chinese music scene with the title of captain. Whether it is guitar or hip-hop, it is no problem. As for whether he plays well, it can only be said that it is good enough for performance.

Then an assistant brought a guitar to Li Xin, and after Li Xin simply played a few chords, Kevin applauded.

"Yes, Philip, you have the potential to be a superstar. Since you can write songs, why don’t you come to my company in the future?"

Kevin said with a smile;

"Of course, Mr. Kevin, if I want to enter the entertainment industry in the future, I will look for you," Li Xin said naturally; but there is no need to be in the entertainment industry. In two years, New York will become a battlefield. How can Li Xin have the heart to sing any songs?

As time passed, the venue was set up, and then the school leaders and the families of teachers and students entered one after another.

Li Xin, who had changed into a fashionable ripped denim outfit, also hugged Darlene outside the venue.

"Bonnie will be proud of you, kid," Darlene said to Li Xin with moist eyes; Darlene had already regarded Li Xin as her own child.

After that, she couldn't help but greet some relatives and friends, and some familiar classmates would come to encourage Li Xin.

With a burst of fireworks, the art festival stage officially began, and Li Xin returned to the backstage lounge. The school leader, Principal Robert, began to speak on stage.

Of course, the school leaders here usually don't speak for too long.

"Hey, how are you all? I am Principal Robert of this school. Don't worry, I am looking forward to the performance of the children just like you, so let's start right away, okay?"

50-year-old Principal Robert waved his arms happily and then left the stage. Naturally, there was lively applause and cheers from the audience.

Then, with a burst of cheerful music, several girls in cool clothes began to perform dance on the stage.......

Backstage, Li Xin was watching the live broadcast on TV when Ava came over.

"Hey, I've heard of you," Ava said, smiling and greeting Li Xin;

"I've heard of you, too, Miss Wells," Li Xin said with a smile; and Ava's performance today happened to be after Li Xin's.

"That song of yours is very good. I heard you wrote it yourself?".....

After that, the two of them started chatting happily, but there were many envious eyes staring at Li Xin like wolves.

Ava likes music very much, so she hopes that Li Xin can help her write a song. Money is not a problem, and then they exchanged contact information.

"After the show, maybe we can go have a drink together," Ava said with a smile.

Li Xin looked at the beauty in front of him and had to admit that Ava did have a charming charm. Li Xin had no choice but to nod and agree. As for writing songs, that was even a small problem.

As the stage continued, the atmosphere of the entire scene became hot, with enthusiastic audiences and performers competing for beauty. In this joyful festival, people will forget their worries and enjoy themselves to their heart's content......

Soon after a black guy finished his classic rap about beautiful women, money and sports cars, it was Li Xin's turn to appear.

"Hey, buddy~Keep it up~"

The black guy who just got off the stage in the aisle greeted Li Xin in a classic hip-hop way. Although Li Xin had never greeted in this way before, Li Xin still instinctively and naturally completed the greeting ceremony with the black guy like a rapper.

"Yes, man, your rhythm is great," Li Xin said after the two shook hands and bumped shoulders;......

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