After a cigarette, the brothers had almost finished their robbing. A new brother even got a lot of cash at the front desk. He was walking towards Bruno with a crooked smile. Now he just wanted to say loudly:"I have never had such a wonderful experience."

Bruno made a gesture and everyone quickly walked towards the van outside the door. However, as soon as they went out, they heard the sound of the police car sirens.

""Get in the car!" Bruno roared, then raised his gun and started shooting at the police car.

When the surrounding civilians saw several people wearing masks and heard the sound of gunfire, they immediately began to panic and fled everywhere.

"Da da da...."The gunfight was about to break out. However, Bruno's gang was obviously skilled in their work. After firing and causing chaos, they immediately got in the car and drove to a crowded place.

The three police cars that came to support them quickly chased after them.

Just as the van was about to turn the corner and leave the police's pursuit, a black shadow quickly fell from the air onto the roof of the van.

"The movement on the roof of the car instantly caught Bruno's attention, and suddenly a very bad idea came into Bruno's mind.

"Shoot at the roof! Concentrate fire!" Bruno immediately pulled the trigger towards the roof.

"Palm thunder!"

Li Xin instantly jumped to the side and slapped the van with one palm. Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning, and the van was instantly damaged and turned over, rolling on the street.

The police car behind arrived and braked and stopped immediately. Officer Hank approached cautiously with a pistol in hand. As soon as he approached, he smelled the familiar smell of burning electricity.

""Sir, it's safe." A policeman looked at the miserable state of the van that began to smoke and the black men lying inside, whose lives were unknown. He didn't know whether they were blackened by electricity or were originally black.

Just as Li Xin returned to the attic of the Catholic Church, he saw a bald black man wearing a leather windbreaker and an eye mask downstairs of the church, as if he was waiting for him.

""Sir, are you interested in coming down to talk about something else?" Nick Fury shouted to the top of the church;

Li Xin could only sigh at Nick Fury's arrival, but he also knew that this was a matter of time. Even Tony could find out about his tricks, and it was impossible to hide them from the most powerful spy organization in the United States.

Li Xin didn't know how the superheroes in the movies of his previous life kept their identities secret, but in reality, no one had any secrets in front of the power of the country. As long as they were willing to spend enough time and energy, they could find out what pants you wore at night;

"I was wondering why the nuns and priests in the church were gone. Are you guys going to take over the church too?" Li Xin said to Nick after he jumped down.

Nick Fury, who was sitting on the chair, suddenly looked even darker when he heard this.

Not far away, a capable and graceful Agent Hill chuckled. He couldn't hold it back for a moment. He hadn't heard anyone talk to her boss like this for a long time.

"Sir, there is no need to make the scene so awkward. I thought my subordinate, Agent Coulson, had already greeted you."

Nick leaned back in his chair and said to Li Xin;

"How much do you know about me now" said the cold voice under the mask;

"How much I know about you is how much you want me to know. Should I say I am your fan?"

Nick Fury threw a folder on the table over.

"I've had a lot of experience with people like you, but in the end we all became very good friends because I'm a very easy person to get along with."

""I hope you can think it over sooner rather than later and don't make me wait too long. There is something wrong in the southwest area now. If I'm not mistaken, it will be a big problem again."

After Nick finished speaking, he and Agent Hill left here. Of course, many people around him also left together.

After Nick Fury left, Li Xin returned to the attic of the church and opened the folder. Inside was Li Xin's information and some of his ability assessments. And an invitation to join the Special Dangerous Response Team.

Li Xin sighed and put the information aside. Although S.H.I.E.L.D. looks like a behemoth, its interior has long been riddled with holes infiltrated by Hydra.

And Li Xin doesn't want to cause trouble, especially when the true identity of the White Mask is exposed, it may implicate his family.

But in addition to the task of assembling the Avengers, there are also matters of the Hand and the Society that require professionals to help him investigate. It is only a matter of time for Li Xin to join S.H.I.E.L.D.

It just so happens that the school is on summer vacation now, so try to work as a summer intern at S.H.I.E.L.D. If anyone dares to hurt Li Xin's family, then Li Xin doesn't mind making the world feel pain....

At night, Li Xin jumped aimlessly between the tall buildings. He would jump to any building that looked good, and occasionally deal with a few petty thieves, and occasionally use thunder magic to show his extraordinary power.

Free and unrestrained. Although there are no heroic tasks now, everyone has vanity, and Li Xin gradually enjoys this feeling. Even if the knife is not unsheathed all night, most of the troubles can be solved with bare hands.

This kind of freedom of action is not risky. There are people clapping and cheering next to him, and even some young and beautiful beauties shouting that they want to have a baby with them. It made Li Xin blush, but fortunately, she couldn't see it because of the mask.

But who doesn't like this feeling of being overwhelmed?

In a luxuriously decorated tavern in Brooklyn, Kevin Corea's face had long lost its former elegance.

Across the table, a tall black man was gnawing on a roasted leg of lamb.

This sturdy man with a fierce face and full of tattoos is Avery Tucker, the brother of the deceased Blood Gang leader BJ Tucker. Although Corea was afraid of him from behind, he felt that Avery was like a wild beast in front of him.

Corea also knew something about Avery. He knew that Avery had been helping some research organization to transport orphans. The Lucchese family naturally had these business relationships with Avery in the past, and they had maintained them for a long time.

But later, because a person in charge of this business always liked to play with the goods, the other party no longer had business dealings with the Lucchese family in this regard.

But Corea knew that this secret organization engaged in human trafficking was actually a huge monster that did not reveal its true colors.

"Ahem, Everly brothers, I've already told you about BJ. He's too strong. I've taken action before, and I've also spent a lot of money to hire a ghost-level killer from the Shouhe Society, but he's not an ordinary person."

At this time, the black man had finished gnawing on the leg of lamb. Suddenly, the muscles in his right hand rolled, and a strange hand full of scales and bones appeared on the table. With a light swing, he hammered the table into pieces.

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