At 5 p.m., a subway car arrived at the station on the IRT Flushing Line. As the protective door opened, people rushed to get on and off the train. Some were carrying backpacks, some were pulling suitcases, and some were carrying briefcases....Elderly, children, white collar workers, workers...The spacious subway suddenly became crowded. People who got on the subway took a deep breath, while those who didn't could only complain and wait for the next one.

Although the subways in the United States are called subways, 40% of them are not underground, but on the ground or elevated. As the subway doors closed, people took out their mobile phones, newspapers, magazines, or chatted with friends to pass the boring time on the subway.

Today, Iwata Makiko went to the Stark Technology Expo with her good friend Okugawa Karika. After a day of sightseeing, they successfully boarded the subway and prepared to return.

"Phew~ I can finally sit down. Makiko is right. Why did you drag me to such a crowded place in this weather?"

She said casually with her cute round face and petite figure leaning on the shoulder of Makiko who was sitting quietly beside her; and Makiko seemed to have long been accustomed to her good friend. She just sat quietly looking at the bamboo Tang sword in her hand, and there seemed to be a trace of worry on her delicate oval face.

"Makiko, what do the three magatama on this mask represent?"

Rika said, holding up the three magatama white mask in her hand; as the traffic of the mysterious man's white mask increased, some businesses also quickly followed the popularity and made corresponding peripherals, such as the three magatama mask and his Tang sword toys, which are very popular and sought after by young fans.

"Maybe you can go ask him, haven't you been standing on the rooftop every day recently just to see your 'brother'?"

Makiko teased with a smile;

"Makiko:"Do you know that the president of the White Mask Fan Club on the forum said that according to internal information, the wanted order for the mysterious man White Mask was cancelled by the police yesterday. Now Brother is a free man. Let's let Brother return to the top of New York!"

Rika said happily while hugging Makiko's arm;

"And I saw someone in the group took a photo, saying that my brother was still helping someone catch a thief on 17th Street at 4 a.m. last night. My brother works so hard and is so talented. Zhen Xizi, you should also join our fan club. My brother really deserves it."

"Okay, okay, I really admire you, you obviously don't know what the other person looks like,"

Makiko said to her bestie speechlessly; but the mysterious man White Mask's swordsmanship is said to be quite good, so it's not without reason that she is his fan.

Then Rika happily took out her mobile phone and opened the forum, and Makiko and she admired some fan-taken pictures and hand-painted pictures on it, as well as fans sharing and discussing her brother's schedule, and how hard her brother worked last night.

"I am really pissed off by these New York police. My brother helped them fight so many criminals, but he was put on a wanted list and banned just because he killed a few more bad guys. I am speechless."

Rika skillfully commented on a post, and then started to argue with the Iron Man fans next door.

"Is it great to be rich? So what if he maintains world peace? Isn't that what his father left him? Has he helped people find kittens? Has he ever seen 4 a.m. in New York? Brainless steel fans, please don't come to touch my brother, okay?"

Makiko looked at her bestie who was so excited and turned her head away speechlessly.

But just when the two of them were happily chatting and arguing with people online, a few uninvited guests got on the subway.

After getting on the subway, Avery, who was 2 meters tall, said to the thin white man next to him;

"Evan, please control these people and act according to the plan. If this succeeds, I owe you a life."

Avery walked slowly towards the control room of the subway.

Evan sighed as he looked at Avery's back, then turned around and said to the seven brothers behind him;

"Each person is in one car. After loading the bomb, get off at the next stop."

After seeing the brothers leave, Evan put a hand on his forehead.


Suddenly, everyone in the carriage seemed to have a violent electric sound in their heads, and everyone in the carriage showed a painful expression. Some people even fell to the ground and rolled around with their heads covered.

"Go and hide over there, maybe you can still survive."

At this time, Evan just stood quietly in the middle of the carriage, looking down at the people who fell to the ground and pointed to the corner of the carriage;

""Oh, Fuck, who do you think you are? Want to taste my ruthless fist?"

A white man stood up and shook his head angrily.

Seeing Evan standing there stupidly and looking at him without saying anything, the man quickly rushed forward and punched him in the head.

Evan just dodged easily, and then gently placed his right hand on the white man's head.

""Bang~" Instantly, the white man's head exploded like a squeezed watermelon!

Everyone in the carriage looked at the red and white stuff flowing on the ground, and some people with low tolerance were already looking for places to vomit. As the panic spread, people immediately became obedient sheep and quickly lined up in the corner.

Rika and Makiko were also full of fear, trembling as they followed the crowd, but the others were too fast, leaving them only at the very outside......

Li Xin had no idea what was about to happen on the subway. He was talking to John at the door of his house about his newly bought motorcycle.

"You know, if I were 10 years younger, I would have chosen the same motorcycle as you and could easily beat you in the corners. But when you get to my age, you might think, oh, Harley is cooler,"

John said with a smile while touching the motorcycle;

"Maybe, everyone has different tastes, but I only like faster ones."

Just as the two were chatting happily, a news segment was urgently interrupted on the TV in the living room. In the picture, a female reporter on a helicopter was nervously reporting on the scene;

"I'm Kay from the New York Times. We're right here above the Flushing Line subway. Just 15 minutes ago, a terrorist sent a video saying he had hijacked the train."

"He installed more than 100 kilograms of C4 bombs on the subway, and his demand was to see the mysterious man in white mask who killed his brother BJ Tucker last month within half an hour."

"But we haven't found any White Mask yet. We are still praying that White Mask or Iron Man can save the people in this subway....."

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