"Bang!" A huge force hammered on the floor of the carriage. In an instant, the entire subway carriage shook violently, and then a hole was hammered out of the floor!

Li Xin had already jumped onto the ceiling to avoid the blow of this strange hand when the opponent punched.

Then the chakra instantly condensed and absorbed on the Tingfeng Blade. With both feet pushing hard, the whole person rushed to Avery's neck at an extremely fast speed!

A flash of knife light flashed, and in an instant it rushed in front of Avery. Seeing that his head was about to be chopped off by the knife, Avery found that he couldn't avoid it!

""Evan!" Avery yelled, retreating quickly while waving his arms quickly, trying to intercept Li Xin.


Just as Li Xin was about to strike down with his knife, he suddenly felt something disturbing his head, and a burst of electric noise suddenly broke out in his head. In shock, Li Xin quickly switched from offense to defense, gathering chakra to block the knife in front of him.

Avery would naturally not give up this rare opportunity, and at the moment when Li Xin lost his mind, he threw another punch.

""Bang~" Li Xin was thrown out by a huge monster hand, but in the air, Li Xin quickly turned over and adjusted his body.

"Palm Thunder!"After landing, Li Xin made a gesture with his left hand, and a flash of lightning flashed towards Avery.

Seeing this, Avery hurriedly stretched his enlarged hand forward to block his vital points.

""Pah~" There was a burst of lightning, and the excavator seemed to be slightly burned by electricity, and several wounds were caused by the electricity on the body, but the other arcs were dissipated.

Avery was shocked a lot in the laboratory when his superpowers were awakened, and after learning about the mysterious man's ability, how could he not make any preparations?

Seeing that the other party easily resolved it, and the palm thunder was generally effective, Li Xin also began to observe carefully.

"Anti-static clothing, that strange hand, and the guy hiding behind who gave me a headache, as well as the fight in a small space, I can only fight head-on, and cooperate with those hostages to make me afraid to act rashly...."

Li Xin also realized that the other party was indeed well prepared. The two men seemed to know Li Xin's ability very well, and damn, they were wearing sunglasses, which prevented Li Xin from using illusion first.

As the fight broke out in carriage No. 2, agents from other carriages slid down from the helicopter one after another to dismantle the bomb. As soon as

Kaiya entered the carriage, the panicked crowd quickly led him to the bomb placement.

"Captain, I found the bomb, it's a C4 plastic bomb," said Afra in another car, looking at the bomb in front of her that was making a"beep, beep" sound;

"I'm doing the same thing, I'm going to dismantle the bomb right away!"

Kaia said as he took out the bomb disposal tools, but his back was already covered in sweat.

As the fight just now continued, the New York Times helicopter in mid-air was constantly approaching the window of the No. 2 carriage, trying to see the situation inside, and was enthusiastically broadcasting live to the general public.

In the temporary command post of the dilapidated warehouse, Nick Fury's one eye was staring at the screen seriously, which was broadcasting ultra-clear and uncensored live scenes, and some paid first-person perspectives of some agent players.

After observing for a while, Nick said into the headset;

"Agent Afei, the bomb on Kaia's side is not difficult to defuse. The key problem is that we are here. We cannot provide you with sniper support now."

"At the same time, I hope you can ensure the safety of the hostages in your carriage. Believe me, this will make your performance very good."

"Don't worry, sir. What I'm best at is knowing how to complete that damn performance."

As Li Xin finished speaking, Avery and him fought again in the second carriage.

Li Xin dodged the attack of the monster hand while moving, and then slashed at the monster hand with his sword dancing like the wind to fight back. Moreover, every time Li Xin slashed a sword, the next sword became faster and faster.

"Ding, ding, ding~" Ordinary slashes on Avery's strange hand could only leave a trace of light blood!

And when it hits the bone, it will make a sound like cutting on metal.

And every time Li Xin wants to break through and slash at Avery's vitals, a thin white man will appear from behind him, emitting a strange brain wave that makes Li Xin instantly have a headache. Then he can only continue to be forced back by Avery.

As the two sides fought for 2 minutes, many cracks and holes appeared on most of the exterior of the carriage, and some ceilings had been destroyed and torn apart.

And Li Xin also experienced the battle between the real genetic warriors and the superpowers, and also felt the cooperation between the two people, very tacit and very experienced in fighting.


As the distance between the two sides widened, Avery screamed as the entire muscle of his right hand rolled again, and the bones on it began to grow rapidly.

Then he swung his hand in the direction of Li Xin, and the dense bone spurs on it flew out like flying knives, shooting fiercely in the direction of Li Xin!

Li Xin lowered his center of gravity, and his pair of three-magatama blood-red eyes began to operate rapidly, and the bone spurs flying in the air were instantly slowed down in his eyes.

But at this time he found that he could not dodge and could only bear it. If Li Xin used the Shenwei Xuhua to dodge, there would be a group of hostages behind him, and they would be shot into sieves in an instant without being armed.

Suddenly, Li Xin supported his eyes with his left hand, and immediately his whole body condensed light blue chakra into rows of ribs that instantly surrounded Li Xin.

Then Li Xin rushed forward, he had to bear it and cut off these bone spurs.

"Ding Ding...Ding..."The flying bone spurs were instantly blocked or cut off by Li Xin.

On the other side of the carriage, Avery looked at the light blue ribs around Li Xin's body, which easily blocked the killing move he had prepared. At this time, the pressure from Li Xin had made it difficult for him to breathe.

"Such power...Can it really be possessed by humans?" Avery said with a wry smile;

"In the second round,"A bag of rice is carried on several floors" (feel the pain)

As the light blue ribs dissipated, Li Xin made a cold voice; suddenly, an extremely cold killing intent instantly filled the entire carriage.

And Avery, under the gaze of the pair of scarlet three-magatama Sharingan, felt a piercing cold wind filling his whole body.

""Evan!" Avery shouted again, and the thin man who had been hiding behind him immediately took out a syringe and stabbed Avery in the neck.

"Forehead...Ah!"After the injection, Avery roared in pain, and then the muscles in his right hand began to roll again and swelled twice, and then three ugly and sharp bone claws grew out!

Li Xin just stood there quietly, watching the other party, waiting for the other party to finish casting the spell.....

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